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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Heard a sneeze on the phone

Joal 555

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I was on the phone to a female friend the other day when, without warning, she sneezed. Although I couldn't see her, the unexpected sound of a sneeze in my ear was a great feeling.

This made me wonder - given the choice, would you prefer: -

1. To hear a sneeze without seeing it or

2. To see a sneeze without hearing it.

I vote for number 1

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I'd say 1. I've seen a few from women in cars or the like... not as appealing as when I've heard the unknown sneezer in the room, or the random one over the phone.

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Number one as well. There are a couple of people I have only heard sneeze on the phone.

I find it more frustrating if I see someone sneeze, as through the glass of a restaurant window (that has happened to me several times), but can't hear what the sneeze sounds like.

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I prefer number 2, I'd rather see it than listen to it

Interesting, the first vote for number 2!

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Interesting question here, Joal :P.

I'll have to go with hearing the sneeze myself too, since I consider the vocal quality what makes each sneeze unique (and thus exciting). Atchoum's right, sneezes that are only seen are just frustrating :).

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For me it's No. 1 too. The sound is more important than the visual perception.

(Except for persons whose sneezes doesn't sound good, but that's a minority. :P )

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So the scores to date are.....

9 prefer to hear a sneeze without seeing it

1 prefers to see a sneeze without hearing it

Keep those votes coming in!

PS although I voted for hearing a sneeze, when it comes to celebrities on TV, I would prefer to see them sneeze without hearing it rather than hear them without seeing it (you can't always rationalise our fetish!)

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I'm visually-oriented in general. Plus I can make up my own sound in my head, and I won't have to risk hearing a stifle, something I definitely do not care for.

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i would definitely say #1

back when i was in college i had a long distance relationship and my girlfriend at the time would sneeze for me over the phone just about every night before bed!

very satisfying!! :)

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Number 1 for sure.

It is very frustrating to see a silent sneeze. And anyways I am used to hearing a lot of people sneezing than seeing them do so and still enjoy myself as the sound of the sneeze is what gets me going. Especially if they are more than one.. :)

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I'm gonna have to join the minority here and say #2. well actually i guess it depends. If it's a girl I know, and I know what her sneeze already sounds like anyway, and I see it from far away but don't hear it, then thats cool. If it's someone I don't really know, I guess I would rather hear it, cuz to be honest, there are precious few things in life more pleasing to the ear than a female sneeze :cry:

(I realize I just basically voted for both choices by the way. Kind of a fail on my part lol)

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Votes to date are....

14 would prefer to hear a sneeze but not see it

3 would prefer to see but not hear

Given that we have over 9,000 members I'm expecting at least one or two more votes........


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  • 3 weeks later...

deffintly deffintly hearing a sneeze.

i love sneezes, but even just hearing one usually does it for me. i find it equally as good.

as for watching it and no sound... nahh :P

i think i am more attracted to the sound more than watching it.

and i also adoore phone sneezes.

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