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ST 2009: A Touch of Home


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Title: A Touch of Home

Fandom: Star Trek 2009

Author: Daylight Starr

Plot Bunny # 246: How does a Vulcan immune system react to the human rhinovirus?

A/N: In Star Trek, the Original Series, Spock and Sarek’s relationship was strained to the point of dislike for one another. I’m going by the assumption that this is still the case, and Amanda’s death was sort of the reason Spock and his father are close again. Because I don’t think that much would change from show to movie.

A/N part 2: Did anyone else notice how much of a momma's boy Spock was in this movie? I thought it was freakishly adorable, so this is basically self indulgent BS on my part to cheer myself up.


Amanda Grayson took a deep breath, relishing all the fresh, different smells of her home world she had almost forgotten. She turned to her husband, her brown eyes shining girlishly. “Sarek, come walking with me before you go to the Federation assembly. It’s such a perfect day for it.” She started to extend two fingers toward him, then paused, her thoughts going elsewhere. To the son who was so close by, yet, out of respect to her mate, she could not ask Sarek to join her when she went to visit him.

Sarek saved her the embarrassment of speaking her thoughts aloud. He grazed her fingers with his own. “I must decline, Wife, the various scents of this world make me feel rather drunk.” He told her; his voice teasing in its own serious way. “But I’m sure you can find something to do with yourself during these next few days while I attend to matters here.” He straightened a bit. “You might try the Academy grounds. I have it from a reliable source that you would find someone there you’d be interested to see.” He knew that Spock had told her about his teaching jobs at the Academy, but to say that he'd been listening to all their son had been doing since he left Vulcan, much to Sarek's initial protests, then demands that he stay and enroll in the Science Academy, would have been admitting to taking too much of an interest in the estranged son's life.

Amanda bowed her head at the suggestion. Whether it was from gratitude for the reminder or so Sarek wouldn’t see the disappointment on her face, he could never be sure. “Thank you, Husband, I will join you for dinner later this evening.”

“I will see you then, Wife.” He touched her fingers again before turning to leave.


It was impossible to stay downhearted for long, however. As she boarded the hover-bus that was destined for Starfleet Academy, she pulled out a PADD and reread Spock's last letter to find out what classes he taught and what times they were. If she hurried through the large campus, she might even be able to catch him between his linguistics class and his advanced Xenobiology course. Her spirits soared was the bus touched down with plenty of time to find and talk to her son, perhaps even to go to lunch with him, if she was very lucky. As Amanda looked for the nearest directory, she was acutely aware of how very out of place her Vulcan attire was in this sea of red uniforms. She stood a bit straighter and placed a hand on the directory’s screen. “Computer, location of Instructor Spock.” Her voice was just a bit more proud when she voiced her son’s name.

“Instructor Spock is in building G, room 406. Would you like a map?” The friendly voice answered promptly.

“Please.” Amanda studied the map and headed in the direction the building. She ignored the curious looks from the students. At least her clothes would make it so that her son would notice her more quickly.

As she stood outside the classroom, she tried to calm the butterflies that were fluttering in her stomach . The doors opened and she stood back, allowing the flood of students to walk passed her, talking excitedly. “I don’t know,” one girl was saying to another. “I always thought it was impossible for Vulcans to get sick.”

Amanda looked sharply at the disappearing group, then, almost timidly peered in the entryway. Her boy was sitting at his desk, his hands folded on top of a PADD. He was staring down a student with an intensity that made Amanda blush for the young woman. At least until she heard was he was saying. “Once again, you’ve proven yourself to be well beyond my realm of expertise. I’m going to recommend you to Instructor Lyncryp. He’s far more capable than I in teaching you, Cadet Uhura.” A willful hand twisted very slightly while caught in the other, and Spock’s nose twitched just a bit. “Now, if you will excuse me, I…” Amanda bit her lip. His voice was huskier than usual, and he was more pale than even a Vulcan should be. She sighed inwardly, wondering how long he'd been sick and how bad it was.

“Permission to speak.” The student said quickly.

Spock looked as if the last thing in the world he wanted to do was give her permission, but he nodded. “Of course.”

“I don’t feel that I’m ready for Instructor Lyncryp as of yet.”

“That is the trouble, Cadet, you are going by your feelings, rather than what you know to be true about yourself. I know you are ready for Instructor Lyncryp. Faith in one’s self is necessary if you are to realize your full potential. I ask that you at least consider it. Think about how it will help you in the long run, and report to me after the school break.”

The girl nodded and turned to leave. She gave Amanda a respectful smile and nod before heading for the stairs. Spock relaxed and reached for a tissue. “Heh-ep-CHUU! Heh-ish-CHUU! Her-Eh-CHOO!” He blew his nose and tossed the tissue into his waste basket.

The soft tap on the door wouldn’t have drawn the attention of anyone else, but Spock’s ears were still sharp, in spite of the fact that the cold he was obviously suffering from must be blocking them in some way. “Come.” He tried to gain control of himself as he turned toward the sound. Rising, his eyes grew slightly larger, but that was the only indication of surprise he allowed himself. “Mother? You did not tell me you were to accompany the Ambassador on his mission.”

“Your father made it a last minute request.” She drew near to him and lightly caressed his smooth cheek. “You have a fever. I thought Vulcans were immune to the human rhinovirus.”

Spock’s eyes met hers squarely. There was no irritation or resentment in his tone, just acceptance. “Vulcans are. As I am half human, I am not afforded the luxury of being immune, to either human or Vulcan illness.” He moved her hand gently. “Neither are you immune to human illness. You should not be here.”

“I shouldn’t see the son I haven’t seen for three years? I’d like to see that son stop me.” She laced her arm through his, pleased at the fact that he was wearing the sweater she’d sent him for his birthday. A day that she, and she alone, celebrated.

“Mother, I have no intention of stopping you, I was merely pointing out that you could fall ill if you were to stay with me, and I would not wish for that to happen.”

A gentle smile graced her lips. "That's sweet of you, but I'll be fine. You should be in bed, though."

"Mother, I'm fit for my duties." Spock sighed quietly and collected the work his students had turned in. "Would you care for lunch? I was about to return to my quarters."

"I would like that very much." She rested her small hand on his forearm.

His other hand responded to the touch by enclosing hers. They walked to the staff's living building and into the lift. "Fifth floor."

"Do you like your teaching career, Spock?"

"Like is not a part of my vocabulary, Mother."

"Of course it's not Dear, forgive me. Do you find it acceptable?"

"Yes, I do. It's very fulfilling."

The lift stopped and he led her to his quarters. He opened the door to his immaculate lodging and Amanda took breath. "Just like your room back home."

"It would have been illogical to purchase furnishings for Earth when I still had my furnishings from Vulcan."

Amanda felt the comforter. "I'll make you a new one when I get home. This one's threadbare."

"It' still very serviceable. I have no... Heh-ishh-SHOO! Ha-CHOO! Heh-eh-CHOO! Eh-CHUU!" Spock fumbled in his pocket and cleared his nose, turning away from Amanda.

Her eyes were concerned. "I'll make you a new one all the same. It's time you threw this one out." She had long since given up on trying to impress on him the need for keeping things simply for sentimental value. In fact, she'd given up on sentiment for herself. She found that by holding on to fewer things from her past, she was much less homesick.

Spock looked at the blanket with something akin to regret. "It is still warm, and is no long stiff, as new comforters are wont to be. Perhaps I will put in a request for one for Christmas." Again, something that Amanda alone celebrated on Vulcan; although Spock had come to appreciate while he was on Earth. He brought a tissue to his nose and wiped it again, wincing at the pain.

Amanda grimaced in sympathy. "You should get softer ones. These ones are damaging your nose." Her hand brushed his cheek again. "I want to take care of you while we're here."

"That would be unwise. The Ambas... my father might wish for you to be at his side."

"He'll understand when I tell him that our son is sick. Now, get into bed and I'll order you some soup."

"Mother, I told you, I am fit for duty. Besides which, I cannot cancel a class at this short of notice. I will, however, be back here, provided you don't mind waiting. After this class, the Academy is on break for a week. I can rest then."

"You can, but you, being every bit your father's son; though you refuse to admit it, won't. I always thought humans were the most suborn race I'd come in contact with, until I met and lived with Vulcans."

"Stubbornness in the face of illness is illogical. I'm simply not that ill."

"Neither was Sarek when he came down with that fever than very nearly killed him." She grumbled to herself.

"Mother, a head cold is hardly lethal. Heh-ep-IChhoo! Hep-ChOO! Heh-Isshh-oo!" He closed his eyes and reached for his tissue box. "They are, however, something a little more than an annoyance."

Amanda pursed her lips and felt Spock's forehead with the back of her hand. "Is it too much to wish that you'd take a better care of the head cold, though?"

"If I promise you that I will not be opposed to you 'fussing' over me, would you be more satisfied?" He gently pulled her hand away from his head and held it in a loving way that he would not normally be comfortable with.

Her thumb stroked his hand and she nodded. "That sounds like a good trade, I suppose. You do need to eat, though." She disentangled her hand from his and ordered the soup from the food processor.

"Thank you, Mother." He breathed in the aroma the best that he could through his blocked nose, and took a bite. "It's perfect, just like the soup you make on Vulcan. I programed the computer to make your recipe."

"Well, I'm flattered." Amanda smiled and touched her son's shoulder. "When do you need to go to your next class?"

"I always leave my quarters at 14:40 hours. My class starts at 15:00 sharp."

"I'm sure you're never late." A faint smile played at her lips. "Would I be imposing if I stay here, in your quarters while you're in your class?"

"Mother, you know you have never been an imposition. You would not start today."


It was later in the afternoon than Amanda had expected when Spock returned. "Forgive me Mother, I failed to inform you of the group I tutor after class. They are having trouble with..." He turned away and started to cough violently. When he'd finished, he made his way wearily back to his bed, not bothering to get undressed before lying down.

"It's alright Spock, I've already told your father that I wasn't going to be able to join him for dinner." She rested a slim, warm hand on Spock's flushed cheek. "Would you like some tea?"

"No thank you. I require sleep. It is not necessary for you to stay with me while I retire. If my father wishes you to be near him... Heh-Chhuu! Heh-eh-CHUU! Heh-ishh-SSHHOO! Thank you." He took the handkerchief she pressed into his hand.

"Darling, I missed you. Maybe you aren't completely comfortable with having someone look after you after seven years of looking after yourself, but I missed you so much. Please let me. I haven't been anyone's mother in..." Her soft voice broke very faintly, but she kept in command of her emotions, as befit a Vulcan mother who's offspring had grown into a fine, self-reliant individual.

Spock turned over on his back and took her hand in his. "You haven't ceased to be my parent, simply because my path led away from my home world and caused my father shame. I have never..." He paused, looking for the correct, logical words, "been made aware of any similar feelings toward me on your part. Even if, perhaps, you were disappointed in my choices as well."

Amanda sniffed quietly and sat up straight, her pretty, still unlined face as emotionless as any other inhabitant of her adopted planet. "Understand this, my son, I have never felt anything but great pride in anything you chose for your life, nor will I ever. When my Vulcan counterparts were telling tales of there children in the Science Academy, I was able to tell them that my son was doing great things as Starfleet's first Vulcan." Not that that had impressed anyone. Spock's decision to decline entrance to the Academy was thought of as a foolish and emotional act; not one to be bragged about among friends. But then, what did one expect from someone as emotional as a human? Amanda stopped talking when she noticed her son's eyes starting to droop closed. "Forgive me. You should rest now. You can have tea when you wake up." She caressed Spock's cheek again and smiled warmly at him.

"Thank you, Mother." His voice was slow, almost slurred. "I believe that would be a most acceptable action." His voice trailed off as he allowed his aching body to relax somewhat. Having his mother with him during an attack of a very human virus felt good; as illogical as feeling good while one is decidedly uncomfortable might be.

A/N part 3: May or may not be continued. I'm not totally happy with this right now. I'm drugged down on pain killers, so it's not my best work. :cryhappy:

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Hey, painkillers or not, it's AWESOME. Spock's sneezes make me happy. :( I just want to hug him...but he already has his mom for that! :)

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DaylightStarr, you have just MADE my day! Thank you, this is beautiful! I adored how much Spock loved his mother too, it was just adorable and this really brings out a sweet side in him. And you slipped Uhura in too, that was clever and awesome. Spock as an instructor is just one of my favorite things and to have him sneezing all over the place makes it perfection. The whole thing was fantastic and it seriously improved my life a little bit. :)

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