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Sneeze Fetish Forum

How are sneezes covered up?

Joal 555

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Just wondered if people always covered sneezes in the same way. So do you: -

1. Always bring up your left hand

2. Always bring up your right hand

3. Always bring up both hands

4. Vary which hand you use

5. Cover with a tissue or hankie

6. Hold your nose (again which hand?)

7. Other

I think in general most people have a "routine" that they go through each time they sneeze but let's see what others think


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I try to always sneeze into a hankie, using both hands. If the sneeze comes on too fast (as is often the case), I'll cover the first sneeze into my still folded hankie in my right hand, or if there's no time for a hankie at all, I'll sneeze into my arm or elbow, on whichever side allows me to face away from anyone else who may be nearby. Since I usually sneeze in multiples, I'll then use my hankie for the subsequent sneezes. I know this sounds kind of complicated, but it all comes fairly naturally to me.

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I always take the left hand, because it would be disgusting to shake someone's hand, when he sneezed right into it, isn't it?

Of course. When I know I'm gonna meet someone and will shake his hand, I use the left hand for covering sneezes. Or I wash my hands before I meet him. However, when I'm alone in the evening, for example, and know that I won't meet someone the same day any more, I think it shouldn't matter. ;)

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I stifle. With no hands. Because I'm just that good.

I really like it when boys use both hands to cover, though. I don't even mind the whole germ factor. I think it's cute.

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I always take the left hand, because it would be disgusting to shake someone's hand, when he sneezed right into it, isn't it?

That depends. If it's a he, then yes. In fact, I'd rather he never sneeze at all. :vampire: If it's a she, well then, I'd rather she use both hands.

As for me, it's option 2 when I'm in public. If I'm alone, I don't cover usually.


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i think for the most part when i sneeze i always at least cover with one hand sometimes maybe two idk if i have ever sneezed without covering at all for some reason it just does not feel right

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I would have to say 2,3 and 4 because it all depends on where my hands are. I prefer covering my face with both hands but sometimes its difficult if you are holding something.

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either stifle into the back of my right wrist or just stifle handless like Sen - handless stiflers we should form a group :devil2::cryhappy: but if i'm alone, sneeze into the right hand, cupped and unstifled.

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either stifle into the back of my right wrist or just stifle handless like Sen - handless stiflers we should form a group :devil2::wub: but if i'm alone, sneeze into the right hand, cupped and unstifled.

"stifle into the back of my right wrist"

That sounds cute aquadyne!


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I stifle. With no hands.

I tried this yesterday - and to my own surprise, it worked. :o

I can also stifle with no hands!

In fact you don't need to use hands when you stifle as the germs are contained anyway by stifling. It's just an automatic reaction for some people as it is considered polite.


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