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Sneeze Fetish Forum

How irritating is it....


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When someone you know talks all the time about how bad thier allergies are and how they sneeze all the time, but never sneeze once around you!!!!

ARRGGGHHHH so frustrated! :wub:

My guy friend claims to have incredibly bad allergies and is 'allergic to everything and sneezes all the time--upwards of 30-40 times a day,' and HE LOVES telling me about it (he doesn't know), but we've been hanging out and talking on the phone a lot lately and I have yet to witness/experience these incredibly sneezy allergies he claims he has!!

Grrrr, if you got em, share em!!!!!!

Anyone else experience this???

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unfortunately no, this hasn't happened to me but i can see how it would drive you absolutely batty with frustration :wub: it's all well and good to have good chat about it, even a few times, but eventually action is required :) good luck to ya and hope you get to see evidence of these allergies soon :)

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Oh yes I have gone through it in the past. When me and my fiance had started on our friendship around 10 years back.

I had seen him sneeze occasionally and when we used to meet he always told me stories how sneezy he was since childhood and how he would be the sneeziest kid in his class sneezing all through the prayer service in the assembly line and many more stories. I used to get so hyper that why doesnt he get such attack in front of me. He dint know about my fetish then.

But as time passed, my luck favoured me and I got to witness his sneeze attacks.

So i guess its just a matter of time. So Dont get disappointed blndeangeloflve. :wub:

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omg yess, this has happened

my guy friend, always goes on and on how he has a cold (when hes sick)

and always always makes it clear, and keeps speaking on it.. example

the other night he kept coughing and im like.."You been smoking?" and hes like, "Nah i just have a really bad cold."

and he puts the phone down when he anounces he has to blow his nose

and i havent seen him sneeze, not once ever.

its soo ..gah

but anywayz, i hope you get to see the sneezes soooon.

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Spend a whole day with him if possible? :twisted: I know, you probably wish you could, sweetie. :P

I can't say I've had that exact problem, but...

I work with this guy who's 20, cute, and kind of looks like Zac Efron. Well, the kicker is, he knows about my fetish, we were texting one night and I admitted it. He's known for over a year now. And this one day, we were making fun of thie woman we work with, and I call her "The Obsessive Blesser," and was telling him the story about how I've seen her do that twice to people. (She blesses people and then gets mad if they don't say "thank you") I have yet to see this kid, Jason, sneeze. So, when I was telling him the story, he casually said, "Yeah, she's done that to me, too." I went :omg: , and at first I don't think he got it. But then I got all upset because the Obsessive Blesser has seen him sneeze and I haven't. :angry: I even told him he must like her better than me because he sneezed in front of her, and he got kind of irritated at my comment, because she really is a kook. But I was JEALOUS. Seriously. I've been wanting to see him sneeze since the first day I ever laid eyes on him. And he told me once that he dosn't sneeze regularly, and doesn't have any seasonal allergies or anything. And I was pretty miffed that some old lady who doesn't appreciate sneezing like I do, got to witness something I've been dying to see. In the end, he kind of joked around with me about it, but it still grates on my nerves. The kid sniffles and rubs his nose constantly. I even worked with him one day while he had a cold, and was using my tissues and stuff, and NO SNEEZING.

So, I sort of feel your pain, a little bit. It's frustrating. Especially in your case since he seems to love talking to you about it so much. Ugh, that would drive me insane, I think. :D But seriously, I would try to find ways of spending more time around him, or talking on the phone in the daytime. I think the chances of you hearing/seeing something good would be better. And I'll send you some sneeze-vibes while I'm at it, too. :P

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It is very frustrating when someone that you really want to see sneeze never does,i feel your pain :P

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I exactly know what you mean. My last girlfriend had allergies to cats and hayfever. But she never had a huge fit because of the allergy medicine. That was really frustrating. :P

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Aquadyne, it has been driving me crazy with frustration.

And, plzsneeze, waiting is just not fun! ;)

Cheech, seeing probably wont happen as quickly as hearing :) But thanks for the hopes :)

Sneesee, you're vibes must have worked! Got some great phone obs last night---BOUT DARN TIME!!! Def. worth waiting for!

Hanky and Guy, so good to know that we can and have all been frustrated together! Misery loves company!!


You all are the best! Thanks for replying!!!

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Blnde .. yeah it has happened to me a couple of times ..We even employed a secretary once who, in her interview, warned us that she had awful hayfever .. she got my vote immediately, and yet when summer came .. she had found these great new allergy tablets which did the trick ... And on another occasion a friend and I went out on a double (blind) date, the girls turned up, both very good-looking but one of then had a 'derrible dold in by dose' and a bag full of tissues and such-like .. the other was very healthy .. Guess which one I ended up chatting to ??


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Sneesee's sneeze vibes are always helpful - she's got magical powers like that! but damn that obsessive blesser - having her see your obs would be extremely annoying, not just frustrating, grrrr. glad you got a good phone obs though ;)

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Anyone else experience this???

Yes, I did too. And indeed, it's frustrating, like making a promise and not keeping it somehow. I know a girl who claims that she has bad hay fever but I see her sneezing very rarely only. Which is a pity as she's very pretty, and a nice character. I think she manages to ease the hay fever pain considerably by taking medicine.

Interestingly, I had one "opposite" experience a long time ago. There was a girl who claimed that her hay fever was not too bad, but I saw her sneezing quite often. That was nice. ;)

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Ah, I love the reverse allergies that you talk about sneezomania! Brilliant!!

Yes, sneezevibes were AMAZING. I think he sneezed about 15 times or so, really powerfully masculine semi-attempts at stifling. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! I need to get a hot minute to get that posted in the obs section!!! It was quite a deliciously arousing incident, and then, we talked about it....for at least an hour!

I promise, I will share about it in the obs. It will just have to wait until i can find more time in my day right now!

Hankman--doesnt it stink when allergy meds work! ;) At least from this side of the coin. As an allergy sufferer myself though, its great when they work! Such CONFLICT!!!!

Mod Note: Merged posts ~Mute

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