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Do you like to sneeze on the phone ...


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In opposite to Joal's "Heard a sneeze on the phone" thread, this is about whether you like to sneeze on the phone yourself. (I'm talking about "usual" phone conversations, with non-sneeze fetishists. B))

I know from several people that they don't like to sneeze on the phone, and myself I don't like it too. You know, for the person at the other end of the phone line it often comes suddenly, unexpected (as he / she cannot see the build-up, the pre-sneeze facial expressions and all that), and sometimes it interrupts the conversation quite abruptly. And as I don't sneeze often, nobody expects me to sneeze on the phone. Sometimes, when I feel a sneeze coming up, I try to stifle or I say "wait a moment please, I have to sneeze" to make the other person know that I won't be able to listen to him / her for a few seconds.

What do you think about this? Do you like to sneeze on the phone, do you dislike it, or is it a case of "just don't care"? And how do you deal with it? Just sneeze, or stifle, or "announce" it?

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I rarely sneeze in front of others so its not usually a problem for me.

But for those that are embarrassed, the best thing to do is hold the phone away from you as you sneeze or put your hand over the mouthpiece so it doesn't shock the other person too much.

But please don't do this if you are a girl on the phone to me!


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As somone with a fairly loud sneeze, I try my best to ensure that if I am going to sneeze whilst talking on the phone that I excuse myself from the conversation and turn away from the speaker. However, I can't count the number of times during allergy season that I will be talking to someone on the phone and a sneeze just sneaks up on me...

The worst example I think was this one time when I had been having a sneezing fit and I had thought that it was over, the phone rang, I answered it and before I could say hello I sneezed three times in quick succession... luckily for me it was only the SO and not some complete stranger!!!

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I can't remember if I've ever sneezed while I was on the phone. I think if I needed to, I would excuse myself and cover the receiver. If i'm on the 'receiving end', then I bless the other person.


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I know I have sneezed on the phone before. It's not something I pay all that much attention too, but if I am having an allergy attack, I will tend to apologize and get off the phone because it can be pretty hard to hold a conversation with me. In fact, it happened to me the other day. I was on the phone with a friend driving home from the tanning salon (only 2 minutes away from where I live) and just started sneezing. After about 5 or 6 on my way home in the car, I told him I was so sorry and that I would call him later but he told me he didn't mind and that he didn't want to get off the phone with me. It was a crazy phone call. We talked for like two hours and I pretty much sneezed the first 45 minutes of it....He blessed me everytime and we actually started laughing about it because it was really distracting, but like I said, he was cool with it.

And, I am not much of a stifler, so its just normal sneezing, just with the phone away from my face.

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it's not a big deal to me; I don't sneeze a ton, but usually at least a few times every day, and I hate to stifle, so if I feel like I'm gonna sneeze when I'm on the phone I just sneeze, and of course hold the phone away. I don't really think about it. but when I was in high school, sometimes I used to make myself sneeze when I was on the phone w/ my gf, just cause I liked to hear her bless me and coo over me! :)

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I love to do it. I enjoy being blessed when I sneeze, so sometimes if I'm talking to somebody and I want to know if they are somebody who blesses I will induce a sneeze while on the phone with them. It can be pretty fun!

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I have induced a sneeze once on the phone when I was talking with my best friend, to hear what she would say. She just laughed, and so did I :whip:

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I like to sneeze on the phone/induce because I like to be blessed. ;) I usually sneeze away from the phone. Sometimes I say hold on, but they generally sneak up.

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i'm a big chicken/hide type sneezer so i'd have to say i'd move the receiver from my face and stifle, as silently as possible. this would be easier i guess than those of you who sneeze in fits or multiples, but as a single sneezer, it's usually something i can get away with. unless i'm chatting with someone who likes that i'm sneezing, in which case i'll induce ;)

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I don't mind it when I'm talking to a few select people (forum people whom I've grown close to IRL), but I hate it when I'm on the phone with anyone else. Thank goodness for the mute switch at work! (I work in a call centre).

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I'm also a single sneezer (generally) so the few times I've been in this situation stifling has worked pretty well for me.

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Guest hayleyp

i guess it depends on who it is. with my husband, sometimes i'll induce while we're talking just so he can bless me. but if i'm having a sneezing fit, it's a little hard to hold conversation w/ me. in that case, i just excuse myself from the convo and call them back later.

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I've never really liked sneezing in front of people to begin with, so no, I don't like to sneeze while I'm on the phone either. It just feels awkward to me, I suppose. That, and my reaction time's too slow to move the phone away, or mute my microphone when I'm in a Skype conversation with someone.

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Not really, no.

Because the person on the other end is never quite sure what that noise is if they haven't heard it before, or if it's muffled or something. I think what's more embarrassing than sneezing in front of people in the first place is if they are confused as to whether they should say "bless you" or not because they're not quite sure if what they heard was a sneeze.

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