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which is easier?


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Do you think it is easier to tell a girl or a guy about the fetish for the first time?

I think guys are easier to tell it to since most girls are repulsed by little things. Chances are that sneezing is not the grossest thing in a guy's mind.

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I think you're right, I think it's probably easier to tell a guy than a girl. However, it's not something I intend to try out anytime soon lol

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yeah cause ya know how girls can be...they freak out over the stupidest things sometimes, so definitely its easier to tell guys for me...but that may also be due to the fact that i socialize with guys more than girls..just get along with em better..most of the chicks out there today..just..ill never understand why theyre the way some of them are :bleh:

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I think it depends more on the person you tell, and how opened-minded they are, rather than on the gender. Now, I've only told one friend, a girl, about this fetish, and her reaction was more than awesome. But then again, she never was easily grossed-out.

I think it helps a lot if the person you tell has a fetish of some kind themselves. My friend has, so she could relate.

"Most girls are repulsed by little things" - ah-ah-ah, generalizations = BAD :bleh:

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I think it's easier to tell a person of the gender you're attracted to. So for me, that'd be girls. :bleh: And it isn't just about having someone of the gender you're attracted to know so they might just possibly tell you when they sneeze and you're not around :D:laugh: Perks are fun, but I think the reason is we generally think the same gender (or the gender you're not attracted to) is harsher and, therefore, less accepting and more likely to poke fun at you. The opposite gender (OR the gender you're attracted to! :D) seems gentler and/or more accepting. That's just my opinion, anyway.

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I think it depends more on the person you tell, and how opened-minded they are, rather than on the gender. Now, I've only told one friend, a girl, about this fetish, and her reaction was more than awesome. But then again, she never was easily grossed-out.

I think it helps a lot if the person you tell has a fetish of some kind themselves. My friend has, so she could relate.

"Most girls are repulsed by little things" - ah-ah-ah, generalizations = BAD :bleh:

Quoted for truth. :3 I spend waaaaaay more time with girls than guys (and happen to be attracted to girls as opposed to guys), and I'd tell a femme over a garcon any day.

I think it's kind of like telling someone you have a thing for them. Depends on who you're attracted to, how comfortable you are around him/her, etc.

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Definately easier to tell a guy. Guys WANT to know how to turn a girl on. Women already know how to turn a guy on. To us men.... you women are a mystery. :bleh:

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Amused that most of the girl-bashing is being done by girls LOL

well i consider myself to be a VERY atypical chick, so there ya go :bleh:

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yeah cause ya know how girls can be...they freak out over the stupidest things sometimes, so definitely its easier to tell guys for me...but that may also be due to the fact that i socialize with guys more than girls..just get along with em better..most of the chicks out there today..just..ill never understand why theyre the way some of them are :bleh:

I have to agree with you there. Guys are WAY more open about sexual things than (most) women. So I vote guys are easier to tell. Don't get me wrong, I know a couple guys who have just been weirded out by it, but I've also told alot more guys than girls about it. Most of the girls flipped.

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I feel indifferent. As a guy it is much harder to tell a guy compared to a girl telling a guy. But also telling a girl Is very hard too. I'm just screwed either way

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i think people who are generally judgmental will be judgmental no matter what. i know a lot of guys who are more judgmental than girls i know.

but you also need to consider the person's sexual awareness - does s/he watch a lot of porn? speak openly about sex? know about fetishes in general?

while it's not true for everyone, many guys have seen more porn, especially with freaky stuff in it. therefore, they might be more understanding about the fetish. they're used to weird things and probably know about a few fetishes.

and don't girl-bash please. i'm also closer to guys and get along with them better, but that doesn't mean that girls are bad. i'm awesome and you girls are, too! :whip:

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I don't think I could ever tell a man about it. I have told one girl who was great about it, although I only said I found her sneezes cute, I didn't admit to any sexual arousal.

Like some have already said, I suspect it depends more on the person's personality rather than their gender as to how they react.


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I have to agree with you there. Guys are WAY more open about sexual things than (most) women. So I vote guys are easier to tell. Don't get me wrong, I know a couple guys who have just been weirded out by it, but I've also told alot more guys than girls about it. Most of the girls flipped.

Yet girls are more fluid in their sexuality and definition of such. O:

Again, I think it's a case-by-case scenario. xD Depends on the person, relationship, situation, etc.

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Do you think it is easier to tell a girl or a guy about the fetish for the first time?

As the girls have been "bashed" so much in this thread, I'd like to defend them a bit. I had various experiences with girls whom I told about my other fetish, which is a glasses fetish. (Are such referrings to other fetishes considered being offtopic in threads like this? If yes, dear staff members, please let me know, and I'll stop doing subject changes like this.) I always feared that they would be shocked about that, but the vast majority of my experiences is positive. They accepted it, sometimes they found it interesting, some were even delighted that I liked them as glasses wearers. Yes, some of them didn't like it, but they were in the minority. And I don't know why it shouldn't be the same with the sneezing fetish.

Additionally, I had one wonderful experience with a woman who suffers very badly from hay fever. I admitted to her that I liked that fetish wise, and her reaction was positive throughout.

I cannot do useful comparisons to guys because I rarely talk about these fetish things with them, but I thought I should add something positive about the girls to this thread. :laugh:

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you know, the term "girl-bashing" was used tongue-in-cheek.... :D

Yes, and therefore I put it in quotation marks. ;)

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im just gonna say, that, so far- from my pesronal experience- my guy friends have been WAAY cooler about it and easier to tell. the girls always sort of...judge? (not in a mean sort of way just in a judgeful way...if that makes any sense) the guys all thought it was funny, interesting, and wanted clarification. :help:

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Again, I think it's a case-by-case scenario. xD Depends on the person, relationship, situation, etc.

I agree with this completely. I have met both guys and girls that I would and wouldn't tell.

It does depend on the situation, and the person's personality, i.e., you probably shouldn't tell a germophobic hypochondriac, you know? :bleh:

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This was an amusing thread to read through.

I'm on the case by case side of the fence to be honest. It's easier to imagine telling girls for me, but if I sit and think about it neither would be harder than the other in general terms.

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I started off by telling my husband first, but as far as friends went I started with my guy friends. Mostly because I did have one or two female friends, who even though they were friends, they seemed very judgmental. I felt the guys were easier to talk to about sexual quirks. Then I told one of my female friends, and it went really well. So, it mostly just depends, like several others have said, on the person and the relationship you have with them. :kisscheek:

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