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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Inversion of the fetish


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Bit of a survey here. Perhaps it's been done before, but I can't search the forums.

Anyhoo, I have noticed (understatement of the century) that certain sneezes make me feel uncomfortable. I assume it is related to the fetish, but it is more of an inversion of the fetish than anything. Let me explain - Generally, a sneeze brightens my day (or better :wub:) especially if it is someone who I am attracted to. However, certain sneezes or sneezers can be a bad thing. My family, for instance. If my mother or sister sneezes or sniffles, I am likely to feel annoyed, and often angry, even. To them, I'm sure it is irrational, but occasionally I even snap at them to stop their infuriating sound effects, slam doors, and get in a rotten mood. :blink: Anyone else would be fine, and even desirable, but with them, I'm seeing red. Maybe it's the fact that I subconsciously always associate sneezes with attraction or sex and the thought of that related to my family just repulses me at a profound level. Or maybe I am deeply and secretly OCD and the sound really does annoy me, but the fetish masks it in most cases. Other examples of this phenomenon, for me at least, include seeing other females sneeze, or people I find unattractive. In any case, I figured my best bet would be to ask you guys if you have experienced anything similar. Have you found yourself the opposite of turned on when a family member or person of same sex (if you are hetero) or ugly person et cetera sneezes?

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Yep - family members, women, and positively unattractive men (although for what concerns me a sneeze does add to one's atractiveness if one's just kind of nothing special). I guess this is quite common, especially the bit about family members and people of the sex you are not attracted to.

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I hate it when someone in my family sneezes, but i hate it even more if youre having a conversation with someone who isnt particularly attractive whom are having a sneezing fit :S This has unfortunatly happened to me many times :blink: Welcome to the forum btw, im new myself!

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Yes, this is very common. I remember there has been a couple of individuals around who have said they didn't feel this way about the dreaded family sneezes, but it's rare.

Every time my mother complains about her colds or allergies to me on the phone, I feel like going van Gogh afterwards. :blink:

And welcome to the forum, Blush! :wub:

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welcome, blush!

*is another one who dislikes family sneezes* i also don't generally like sneezes from people who arent close to my age bracket (20-60).

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Ick. Family sneezes. *shudder* As you can see, you're far from alone in this. I always get very aggressive when my parents are sick or allergic, sometimes to the point where it's almost impossible to hide my desire to claw their eyes out. ;)

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My mother is obsessed with colds and when she has one she honestly can't talk about anything else. It is easier now that I don't have to live with her but even if I have to talk to her on the phone it makes me cringe. In fact, so obsessed is she that recently when I spoke to my Aunt she was able to tell me all about my mother's latest cold. I used obsessively to hide any cold symptoms, so much did I revile the way she acted.

No wonder my reaction to colds is abnormal! For that I thank her though because I do so love it now when it's anyone else.

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I actually get nauseous when family members sneeze. It is absolutely the most horrible thing I can imagine. Female sneezing doesn't usually bother me, although it doesn't turn me on at all, but occasionally it will annoy me.

And for some reason, I HATE to listen me close guy friends sneeze. Especially my one friend, E., who was my best friend for years. Every time he sneezes I want to kill myself (not literally). Even though he's a pretty attractive guy, I just absolutely cannot see him as a sexual being (I laughed for like a week when he got his first girlfriend), and for me the fetish if a very sexual thing, so it kind of makes my brain implode to witnes E. sneezing.

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I don't like to hear men sneezing. To see family members and unatractive people sneezing is horrible too.

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Ugh...family sneezes are so, SO disgusting. And when they talk about it? God, please...I'd welcome a rusty fork in my eardrum.

You are definitely not alone! And welcome. ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Family members sneezing... Sooo awkward. Can't say I've ever had as dramatic a reaction as yelling at them, but I do my best to move on. :drool: Also, one friend's I don't like. I have one friend that sneezes really awkwardly, so it doesn't even sound like a sneeze. I don't know why, but I really don't like it. I think it's probably the only non-family member sneeze that I hate.

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Family members sneezing... Sooo awkward. Can't say I've ever had as dramatic a reaction as yelling at them, but I do my best to move on. :dead: Also, one friend's I don't like. I have one friend that sneezes really awkwardly, so it doesn't even sound like a sneeze. I don't know why, but I really don't like it. I think it's probably the only non-family member sneeze that I hate.

Family sneezes are the worst, especially if they talk about it. I have a few certian friends that I don't enjoy, and sometimes men kinda bother me.

I really hate when I sneeze in front of my family and they talk about that, I want to just melt through the cracks in the floor, which is why I never sneeze in front of them. Ever.

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Oh gosh, I hate it when people talk about it after you sneeze, especially family; such a fate worse than death. My math teacher is the most awkward, for some reason he always tries to make handing out tissues a big spectacle when someone sneezes. It's so awkward, even for my classmates who probably don't have the fetish. Needless to say I do not sneeze in his class ever.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know what you mean here! In the wrong context, sneezing can really freak me out. When I was younger, if someone at school starting having an allergy attack, I would get really uncomfortable and wish I could leave. It's like somebody trying to be sexual with you in front of a bunch of people! I'm still like that for the most part... Any public sneezing fit scares me whitless, but private ones turn me on. I have a close friend who has allergies and whenever she has a reaction I get uncomfortable no matter if it's in public or private, I guess because she's one of my best friends and I don't think of her romantically.

I think the context matters a lot in fetishes. For example, my ex-boyfriend had a humiliation fetish, and when I found this out I started trying to humiliate him in normal situations because I thought he would like it. Once we were drinking milkshakes in the kitchen and I spilled a bit on the table, so I ordered him to lick it off. He got annoyed with me and told me that it he didn't like it in real life, only when we were fooling around, and if I ever did that in front of other people he would get really mad. For me it's the same thing with the sneeze fetish. In real life I don't like it, but when I'm in the mood, BRING IT ON!

(On the plus side, now that he and I are broken up, I have some fantastic blackmail on him. :) I didn't know about my sneeze fetish until recently, so he never knew about it! Although he did know about my other fetish, so I guess we've both got blackmail on each other. But his is still worse :).)

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Be careful about crossing the line between what is appropriate for the general areas of the forum and what is not :) Incidentally, using his fetish against him as blackmail material? Totally not cool.

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