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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneezy Imagination


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This maybe quite old as I have mentioned it on IMs quite a lot, but if you could imagine any scenario at all, what would be the sexiest sneeze you can think of?

Mine would be two lovers with allergies, making love in a bail of hay.

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I actually have a senario involving my boyfriend [i'm sorry I talk about him so much but his allergies are just delicious] He got a flat tire on his car the other day and I was texting him and he said he was going to change his tire, I have a thing for seeing men work on cars [especially my man] and he said oh really? He said maybe he would have to change a tire outside on a sunny day [he is a MAJOR photic sneezer, he just glances at the sun and sneezes at least twice] after driving it through a desert with alot of dust [his worst allergy other than cats which is dangerous for him] and the picture of him working on his car and sneezing on it..I picture him trying to work but he's sneezing so much he can't get much done *squeal!!!* [he is WAY too good to me] sorry, to me that is about the sexiest thing I can picture :razz:;)

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Ohoho, well, since you ask... ;)

The sexiest scenario I can imagine is a tall, dark-haired, deadly handsome male author with the hayfever from hell waking up to a lovely, sunny, windy spring day. There is frustration and anger and cursing as he tries to get some writing done despite being a watery-eyed, itchy, congested, drippy mess that explodes into partially stifled rapid-fire fits every two minutes or so. Hm... He'd be in his mid-thirties, talented and successful, but an extreme control freak, snobbish and arrogant, always well-dressed... deep, slightly husky voice, hands long and slender, nose aristocratically crooked... his sneezes would come in volleys of three and four, quick and ticklish-sounding... Eh. Yes. :razz:

Specific much? :D

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Ohoho, well, since you ask... ;)

The sexiest scenario I can imagine is a tall, dark-haired, deadly handsome male author with the hayfever from hell waking up to a lovely, sunny, windy spring day. There is frustration and anger and cursing as he tries to get some writing done despite being a watery-eyed, itchy, congested, drippy mess that explodes into partially stifled rapid-fire fits every two minutes or so. Hm... He'd be in his mid-thirties, talented and successful, but an extreme control freak, snobbish and arrogant, always well-dressed... deep, slightly husky voice, hands long and slender, nose aristocratically crooked... his sneezes would come in volleys of three and four, quick and ticklish-sounding... Eh. Yes. :)

Specific much? :)

Ahh, but it's the details that make for a great fantasy!

Not really sure what mine is, I tend to come up with them a lot.

Maybe somthing involving brothers... I love that kind of thing!!!

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Mine would be a sexy red-headed jazz musician (preferably a trumpeter) having an allergy attack in the middle of a rehearsal or performance when they're supposed to be improvising a solo. He would try desperately to get through the solo without sneezing, but he would fail and break off, sneezing at least three times in a row befor returning to playing; he would be adorably embarrassed, but charming and good-natured about it.

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Currently my favourite scenario takes place where I used to work nights. In explanation there were bedrooms where we could sleep when it was quiet.

My fantasy involves a nurse with a cold in the early stages with lots of nasal irritation and a virus-laden drippy nose. She is sitting near to the head of my bed and complaining that she desperately needs to sneeze but can't and to prove this she keeps having lots of false starts. Eventually I tentatively offer to help her to sneeze and sit in front of her with the intention of inducing her. And so I induce her and of course the sneezes are so fast and explosive that she is entirely unable to cover them and sneezes all over me and my pillow and bed. She is apologetic for sneezing all over me but also very grateful and of course, may continue to need me.

And ideally in this scenario the nurse wouldn't know about the fetish but there would also be an attractive male fetishist who knows exactly how much I am enjoying it, watching the entire episode......

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  • 2 weeks later...
Mine would be a sexy red-headed jazz musician (preferably a trumpeter) having an allergy attack in the middle of a rehearsal or performance when they're supposed to be improvising a solo. He would try desperately to get through the solo without sneezing, but he would fail and break off, sneezing at least three times in a row befor returning to playing; he would be adorably embarrassed, but charming and good-natured about it.

I agree, that sounds pretty melt-worthy.

Actually making someone sneeze would be nice too... I don't care about the situation, as long as they're male and others aren't watching us... That'd be awkward.

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oooh... my Sneezy Imagination (PG-13, since we're not on the Adult Board :P )


Since I do Judo, I think I would like a higher rank than me to be holding me down in a ground technique, doesn't matter which one, as long as I can't get away. Then of course, they need to sneeze, preferably with a nice, long build-up to where I can see the expression and feel the hitching; something not too wet, but enough that I get misted with a little spray. It would be even better if they knew about the fetish, and rubbed their nose against my shoulder or neck with a devious chuckle.

*thinks i might write a story out of this*

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So many scenarios... so little time.

Im a 'slave' to my Mistress. Leashed and kneeling at her feet. Naked, of course. Her in Stilettos, and little else.

She has just bought a new scented oil to massage my chisled body.... unaware of the effect it will have on her!

Soon... she is so helplessly sneezing.... the slave becomes the Master. :blush:

Fantasy one, only. Maybe more will follow.

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Holding a hanky over my lover's nose and mouth to catch the sneezes. :blush:

Been there, done that.

I'll settle for a night with a hayfever aflicted Kylie Minogue.

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Hmmm... well, my ideal scenario would be to know someone, not someone I was really close to, but someone who I would see a lot, who had really big, loud, embarrassing sneezes, but hated to let them out. And had really bad allergies. They'd be constantly trying to fight back a great big huge sneeze and always losing and making the embarrassed blushing face after each eruption. That would be very nice. And then one day I'd get in a conversation with the person (probably a guy, but maybe a girl), where he/she'd confide in me about how much the sneezing embarrassed him/her and how much it tickles and how hard it is to hold back, maybe even a situation where they had to hold back but couldn't and how people reacted to their loud sneezing and how they just can't control how loud they are, etc. That would be great.

My fantasy involves a nurse with a cold in the early stages with lots of nasal irritation and a virus-laden drippy nose. She is sitting near to the head of my bed and complaining that she desperately needs to sneeze but can't and to prove this she keeps having lots of false starts. Eventually I tentatively offer to help her to sneeze and sit in front of her with the intention of inducing her. And so I induce her and of course the sneezes are so fast and explosive that she is entirely unable to cover them and sneezes all over me and my pillow and bed. She is apologetic for sneezing all over me but also very grateful and of course, may continue to need me.

This one is :blush: too.

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Holding a hanky over my lover's nose and mouth to catch the sneezes. :D

Been there, done that.

How was it? :)

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Oh I have just tons and tons...

His allergies are much worse than usual...his nose is a mass of itchiness but he's having trouble sneezing...desperately he rubs his nose against my neck, trying to quell the itch, and against my hair trying to provoke it. This is setting my body on fire and my arousal is contagious so soon we're intimate and his sneezes strike suddenly...but he's too involved in what we're doing to want to stop and deal with his nose, so he simply sneezes and wipes his nose wherever he happens to be....

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Holding a hanky over my lover's nose and mouth to catch the sneezes. :D

Been there, done that.

How was it? :twisted:

It is one of the most heavenly parts of the fetish. And if there's no tissues/hankies available, I would just use my hand. :D

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Spending a day with a beautiful, elegantly arrogant man who is showing me around his (wintery) city as promised... and watching his rapidly worsening, nasty, eventually wretchedly wet headcold. Then, spending the night with him too. And every time I would kiss him, he would run out of breath. :D The rest should only be written on the adult board. :rolleyes:

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Spending a day with a beautiful, elegantly arrogant man who is showing me around his (wintery) city as promised... and watching his rapidly worsening, nasty, eventually wretchedly wet headcold. Then, spending the night with him too. And every time I would kiss him, he would run out of breath. :D

Are you trying to kill him because he's so arrogant? Remember: the deceased don't sneeze. :rolleyes:

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Are you trying to kill him because he's so arrogant? Remember: the deceased don't sneeze. B)
I like them best when they still fight back a little........


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My fantasy involves a nurse with a cold in the early stages with lots of nasal irritation and a virus-laden drippy nose. She is sitting near to the head of my bed and complaining that she desperately needs to sneeze but can't and to prove this she keeps having lots of false starts. Eventually I tentatively offer to help her to sneeze and sit in front of her with the intention of inducing her. And so I induce her and of course the sneezes are so fast and explosive that she is entirely unable to cover them and sneezes all over me and my pillow and bed. She is apologetic for sneezing all over me but also very grateful and of course, may continue to need me.

Sounds like a truly incredible story plot. *hint hint* :blink:

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