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Those who wipe but don't blow


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Has anyone noticed those people who refuse to blow their noses, but will settle for using a tissue for a wipe, or to pick their noses with a tissue, so as not to make it seem as bad just using their finger?

I was in town earlier and saw this lad with a tissue doing just that, he was sniffly, but was just putting the tissue up one nostril, moving it around his nose and that was that, and he was still sniffly afterwards.

I would have thought a good noseblow would have sorted that out.

I know one or two people who resolutely won't blow their noese, but they will wipe. Does this make sense?

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Some people find it embarassing to blow in public - it's as simple as that

As one of those people, I second that.

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Yup, I'm another who finds blowing in public embarrassing because of the sound it makes. Sometimes wiping becomes unavoidable though.

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I noticed this behaviour especially at Asian people - I think the reason is the same, they dont want disturb their environment.

But als Turks do sometime so, if there is no other chance- I could imagine, they think blowing is unmanly (and wiping discret enough).

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So, I'm another one of those people who does not like to blow my nose in public. I'll use a tissue to wipe, but will not blow.

Until very recently (like, the past month) if there was anyone around me who could hear me blow my nose, I'd sniffle and wait until I was alone.

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I see what you all mean, about not being confident noseblowers, and finding it embarrasing. I think sometimes though it's just how a person has learned to deal with their nasal cleanliness. I suppose some don't think a blow is necessary, but then again, a boy a saw I wiping his nose last week was sniffling terribly, and a blow would have helped there.

I do get your points though. Thanks for your answers.

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Yeah, I am too embarrassed to blow my nose in public too. If its running a lot I just wipe and wait until I'm alone to blow. I've gone to the bathroom a lot of times just to blow my nose. I'm trying to work on it though because blowing does make me feel a little better.

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