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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Exercise induced sneezing.


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I was curious if anybody else in this communtiy has had a similar reaction, like I've been having, or if it's just another oddball trait of mine :(. Whenever I do any type of vigorous exercise, it always makes me sneeze a lot afterwards. Sometimes it starts even during the exercise. Is this something that's common, or is it just me? I'm very sorry if this has already been brought up before and feel free to delete this post if it has.

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When i used to do aerobics I would always sneeze pretty reliably between the aerobic part and the floor work part. I used to think it was talcum powder from the stretch bands we used, but maybe it was the work out?

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This is an interesting phenomenon. Many people complain of itching after exercise, and perhaps this is related. When you exercise, your body produces histamine (we think of it as the "allergy chemical," but it has other uses in the body, such as being a neurotransmitter, etc.). Some people are very sensitive to histamine and react to it by itching or, in your case, sneezing. You could try taking an antihistamine like Claritin or Zyrtec before you exercise to see if that helps, in case you want to prevent it.

On You Tube there is a video of "Nekomimi Lisa" sneezing after running, and I've always assumed that the exercise caused her to sneeze for this reason (although I suppose it could be due to pollen allergies as well).

Before I was diagnosed as allergic I would itch a lot after vigorous exercise, and I always wondered why -- I think this was the reason. It might be more common than you think, especially among allergic people.

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This always happens to me after I've been running. But only running...doesn't happen after surfing, hiking, swimming, or anything else. Interesting...I never gave it much thought!

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Thanks for the replies everyone! It's an odd relief to hear that I'm not the only one that this happens to. Trillium, thanks for the info! I have horrible seasonal allergies, so this would definitely explain why I sneeze after exercising. I've had some unbearable itching after exercising on occasion as well, but this one didn't register as a weird phenomenon for me, like the sneezing did. :)

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Never heard of that before. That's interesting, I wonder what causes that too. But if it's common, I wish more people in my gym class would get it or something. x]

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yeah that happens to me too :P its usually after ive been running hard during practice or something and then we stop to stretch. if i was running hard enough, ill almost always sneeze once or twice while im stretching.

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