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evening - (29 Parts)


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Part 15

Not an expert shuffler, Sara concentrated on dealing them each half the deck while looking at least not completely inept. She continued with the rules:

“Proper game etiquette requires that when placing a card you do so flipping away from yourself. If you slap and it’s not a double or sandwich you place your top card face down next to the pile. Whoever wins the next slap gets that card. Three false slaps and you’re out of the game.”

She looked up. Ben had the blanket around his shoulders and a tissue half clutched in the same hand holding the blanket.

“Are you sure you want to play this?” Sara asked, not wanting to push Ben into something he didn’t feel up to.

“What? Afraid you might lose? You talk a good game but what?” He teased her.

“Fine. At least put on a sweatshirt and get rid of the blanket. it’s completely inefficient.

Ben looked like he was going to argue but thought better of it and walked off to his room. As she finished dealing the deck she heard three muffled sneezes from the bedroom.

HH-Hft. AHP-Gnkxt. eish'Gkxt.”

“Bless you” she shouted.

Ben returned with a tissue over his nose. He had pulled on a grey sweatshirt but still had the blanket. He draped it against the back of the chair, put the tissue in his pocket and dutifully sanitized his hands with the instant alcohol stuff on the table.

“Ok. Let’s go. I’ll even let you start” he said.

“It’s on.”

Sara put down her first card -- a two of hearts -- and the game continued from there. It took Ben a few goes to pick up on the rules but he was catching on. If she were being totally honest Sara would admit she wasn’t playing her best, but she was still playing well. She won most of the slaps and when she lost, chances were good she had been distracted by Ben sniffling, yawning or wiping his nose.

By the time Sara had about 2/3 of the deck she noticed Ben had pulled the blanket back up over his shoulders. He was concentrating hard on the game but managed to look cold in his sweatshirt, under the blankets.

Sara put down a queen and stared at it, waiting for Ben to put down a card. After a few seconds she looked up to see what the hold up was. Ben had his deck in one hand and was clutching the blanket closed with the other. His eyes were closed and his nose wrinkled. He took a hitching breath then tried to tuck his face into his elbow to sneeze. He didn’t quite make it, the blanket was too tight to allow his arms to move much and he ended up just deflecting his sneezes to the floor.

HAHK'Chff. SZH-Gischue.”

He paused briefly and looked up bleary eyed before bending back over with a wrenching double.

Eah'Hischue. HH'Haschoo.”

He didn’t sit up right away but instead put his stack of cards on the table and reached out for the tissues. Sara pushed the box over until he found it. He pulled out a stack and covered his nose before sitting up. Still facing away from her he blew his nose and Sara could hear the congestion, loosened up briefly by sneezing. He tossed the tissues into the trashcan and picked up a few more, politely wiping his nose and tucking them into his pocket. By this point he realized the blanket had fallen down and half off the chair but he left it there. He squirted his hands with sanitizer and rubbed them together until they dried. Only then did he pick up his cards and look over at Sara.

“What are you waiting for?” He asked.

“You” Sara answered. “That’s my queen.”

Ben opened his mouth to protest then thought better of it. A queen meant he got two chances to put down another face card or the pile went to Sara.



Sara’s hands had slapped the pile as soon as Ben’s fingers were out of the way. A queen sandwich! Next to jack doubles it was one of her favorite slaps--it had taken a long time before she was focussed enough on the game to slap instead of being relieved to see a face card.

About 3 seconds later Ben’s hand landed on top of hers. There was no question as to who had won--Sara’s small hand covered the cards entirely while Ben’s hand laid on top of hers.

“Beat you” Sara said, looking up.

“Yeah, yeah you did” Ben answered, looking straight in her eyes. Neither had moved their hands and Sara could feel his on top of hers, fingers bending over her fingers, the warmth building between them. It lasted a moment before Sara couldn’t take it and smoothly extricated her hand and her cards.

“Told you I’m good.”

The game went pretty quickly after that, Ben seemed to be fading and Sara stopped holding back.

“That was fun,” Ben said as Sara took the last slap for the win.

Sara raised an eyebrow.

“Getting you ass kicked?” she asked.

“No, the game. It’s actually fun. I need some time to practice and maybe get my concentration back a little,” he was sniffling as he said this and stopped to wipe his nose on the tissues from heispocket, “but I think I can give you a better game than that.”

“Excuses, excuses,” she said but she was smiling.

As soon as the game had ended Ben had pulled the blanket back up over his shoulders and as she was putting the cards back in the box Sara saw him shiver and pull it tighter around himself.

“You cold?” she asked with what she hoped was an air of indifference.

“A little. This is a nice house but it’s really drafty sometimes.”

“Um hm.” Sara agreed although she was comfortable in her long sleeved T-shirt. It was only 2 hours after he had taken his Nyquil and Sara suspected his fever was heading in the wrong direction. He looked too tired for another game of cards.

“Why don’t you go sit on the couch and I’ll make tea?” Sara offered. It was a ruse to get Ben back on the couch but he took it dutifully. Sara warmed the water quickly and came back over to the couch, handing Ben one of the steaming mugs.

“Thank-you,” he said, staring down into the mug.

“You’re welcome?” Sara asked, her voice rising on the last note. Ben had sounded sad when he thanked her and she was worried she had done something wrong.

“No, thank-you for real” he said looking up. “I just wish I felt better and could enjoy this more. I mean, I am enjoying this, I wish I was more fun, I just...” he trailed off.

Sara put her mug down on the table next to the couch and moved closer to Ben.

“I wish you felt better too. But only so you would feel better. It may be selfish, but I’m glad you’re stupid-” Ben looked over at her -- “and went hiking in the dark. I’m glad I met you.”

Ben half-smiled. Sara reached over, her fingers grazing his forehead and sliding through his hair. Ben seemed to push into her hand without realizing it and she found herself slowly running her fingers through his hair, tracing wide spirals across his head.

They sat that way for a few minutes. Ben’s eyes had started to close and Sara could feel as his head grew heavier in her hands.

“Hey, how bought you go to bed now and get a good night’s sleep and I’m sure you’ll be all better tomorrow.”

“Ok.” Ben agreed more easily than Sara would have liked, although she was happy he was following her instructions. She had expected more protestations of wellness and when none were forthcoming she got a little worried.

“Are you ok here alone?” She asked. He was running what felt like a low fever but that was with Nyquil in his system.

“I’m fine. I think you’re right. Sleep will fix me right up.”

Sara got up and began tidying up Ben’s apartment -- mugs in the sink, cards on the shelf.

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I know. I never clean though. This is something new for me” she said, smiling. Walking to the bathroom she filled up a glass of water and put it on Ben’s bedside table along with two nyquil and a handful of cough drops.

“Eleven o’clock” she said, meeting Ben’s eyes. His look of confusion meant he had not followed her thinking.

“Whenever you wake up, as long as it’s after eleven, take the nyquil and go back to sleep.”

Ben nodded and sat down on the edge of the bed, seeming ready to melt into his quilt.

“I’ll go then. I’ll give you a call tomorrow or just come over?”

“Yeah, just come over, I never hear my phone anyway. Around eleven or so?” He asked, looking over at her.

“Sounds good. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Sara got up and started to walk toward the door. Ben jumped up and followed her.

He answered her questioning look. “I’m going to see you out at least, since it’s the only chivalrous thing I’ve been able to do today,” he was smiling, half teasing, half wistful.

“Well, thank-you then. Go to sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow sick-boy.”

Sara rushed down the steps as Ben closed the door, the last 24 hours had been so surreal she felt like she needed to get back to her dorm room where things made sense and try to get her wits about her. She was already looking forward to brunch as she started the walk back up the hill to her room.

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Oh! And your writing style has improved brilliantly over time as well. :]

The way the character develops is marveelous, and Ben is quite adorable. :P

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:P omggggggg omg omg omg! I haven't been so hooked in ages!! oh please tell me there is more! Ben is just... sofrikkinhotiwanttoeathimaliveyesverymuchyes!

Now if you'll excuse my I'll get a broom and dustpan and sweep up the remains of my pants and chair...

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Oh, this is so adorable! I read the whole thing today, and I can't wait for the next part. Your writing has really improved over time, and it wasn't bad to start with. Now it's just so compelling! :)

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Awwww this is just adorable, I am practially melting just reading this :heart:...please keep more updates coming when you can!

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Part 16

The air was cool and by 6 pm in November evening had raced through dusk and now teetered between twilight and night. Sara walked up the street on the sidewalk. It was a saturday evening and there were people around -- not a ton, this wasn’t the main drag -- but enough. She was quiet.


In her dorm room Sara changed into sweats and settled in to study. Physiology lab write-up. At least it was an easy one and as she typed Sara’s mind drifted away from basal metabolic rate and back to a dark haired boy who was, hopefully, asleep.

The lab write up didn’t take nearly long enough and Sara turned on the TV and picked up a book to read at the same time. She couldn’t focus but she couldn’t think either. Whenever she tried too hard at something she ended up ruining it. So she was trying, really trying, to relax and enjoy whatever it was that was happening with Ben. It was hard though. Sara was an expert analyzer. She had a bunch of problems she was anticipating already: Ben was a senior meaning that if they were to have a relationship he would still be graduating that spring. Additionally, he wasn’t a science person and might get sick of Sara only talking about biochemistry. Third. well, she hadn’t come up with words for the third worry. It just sat there, the question she didn’t want to ask.

Does he like me (not that I know if I like him) or is this just some weekend dalliance that’ll run its course as quickly as his cold?

One of Sara’s suitemates knocked and popped her head in Sara’s room.

“We need one more for flip cup.”

Beer. Beer was the answer. Beer took the shard edges off questions.

“Sure, I’ll play.”

Sara played flip cup and hung out in the common area until about nine. She found a familiarity in the smell of spilled beer, the plink of plastic cups on the long table, the air of friendly competitions.

She played until she was nice and tipsy, not so drunk as to be loose-lipped and sloppy but just enough to reach that happy, buzzed place. Nine o’clock wasn’t late but it was close to being late and almost a reasonable time for bed so she said goodnight and snuck back to her room to rehydrate before bed.

Sara turned the TV back on, volume low, lights dim. Her alarm was set for 10 am although she suspected she’d be up before then. She climbed under her covers and opened up the murder-mystery she was reading. It took her nearly an hour to really settle down but eventually she turned the TV off, lights off and fell asleep quickly.


Sara woke up bluntly. The sky outside her window has swirls of purple and orange, the sun just skimming over the trees. She looked at her clock. 6:15 am. Maybe someone dropped someone someone where she thought. As she tried to settle back to sleep her phone beeped.

Sara picked it up and saw she had a missed call. At 6:13 am. No one calls at 6:13 am and Sara looked at the number. Seeing Ben’s her heart did a quick flip flop and she managed to be both worried and anxious at the same time. Is he ok, does he need something? Or is he calling to cancel on me because he realized he doesn’t want to have brunch with me?

OK, the second choice was a bit ridiculous given the hour, surely canceling brunch could at least wait until daybreak. Still Sara fiddled nervously with her blanket, waiting for her voicemail to load.

“Hey.” Ben’s voice croaked out of her phone. “I .....” he paused and Sara could hear muffled coughing in the background. “I don’t know why I called. I just started to feel really bad. So I thought I should tell you I might not be able to make it to brunch. Just so you know” he stopped again and Sara could hear two stifled sneezes in the background “just so you didn’t think I stood you up or anything.”

By the last sentence Ben’s voice was barely a wheeze. He sounded terrible. He even admitted he felt terrible. He had called her at 6:13 in the morning. The only thing he hadn’t done was explicitly ask her to come over. Which is exactly what she wanted to do, but couldn’t decide if it was the right thing.

Sara called Ben back, figuring that was better than showing up unannounced on his doorstep before sunrise. Her call rang a few times before reaching his voice mail.

“Hey, this is Ben. Leave a message. Beep.” followed by a beep. Sara smiled. Then started her awkward voicemail ramble.

“Hi, this is, uh, Sara, from the mountain you know and I just, well, you called and I didn’t know if you were confused or needed something or misdialed and i was just worried and well....” She trailed off, not sure what to say.

She took a deep breath and tried to get a little of her confidence back. “Well, you woke me up at 6:13 so it better be for a good reason. Since I can see no good reason in my bedroom I can only assume this wake up call was a summons of some sort and my presence is required. Or something to that effect. Either way, you woke me up so I’m going to come wake you up, since apparently you can sleep through the phone ring.”

Sara hung up, heart beating quickly. She pulled on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt and pulled her hair back in a pony tail. She was nervous. Really, really nervous and felt if she didn’t just get dressed and go she’d talk herself into going back to bed. Bed was a good, safe, warm place to be.

Instead she finished tying her shoes and slipped out of her room, closing the door quietly behind her. She half-sprinted down the stairs and tried to walk normally down to the road toward Ben’s apartment but she found herself taking bigger and bigger strides until she looked ridiculous. She took a deep breath, put her hands in her pockets and walked quickly but in control the rest of the way.

Reaching Ben’s apartment she realized she was just as stumped as before. Ring the doorbell? Call again? And say what? Hey, you called and then didn’t answer so I walked over in the middle of the night?

She stood outside, feeling the blood in her fingertips start to go cold, her nose running in the cold. She hadn’t called him, she hadn’t rung the doorbell, she hadn’t even knocked.

This is silly, she decided. I came here so I already crossed that creepy-line, if I just stand outside his door that’s probably weirder than if I at least ring the doorbell and go in. Yes. That’s what I’ll do.

Sara reached out to ring the doorbell then took a chance and turned the doorknob.

One of the perks of small town life was leaving your door unlocked. Which Ben’s was. Sara opened the door and stepped inside, enjoying the warmer air already. She took the stairs up to Ben’s apartment and started to stop again, caught herself and knocked on his door before she had a chance to over think it.


She knocked again. This time she thought she heard mumbling. Well, mumbling is going to be good enough. Sara opened the door.

In dim light she could see a figure on the couch, immobile under a mound of blankets. She flipped on the light and caught her breath.

Ben was passed out on the couch, his clothes drenched in sweat and he was still shivering under the blankets piled on top of him. It looked like he hadn’t made it to his bed. In fact, it looked like he hadn’t moved since she’d left him yesterday evening. While she was staring he opened one eye then cringed, the light irritating him.

“You came.” he said, closing his eyes again, a smile just forming on his lips as he passed out again.

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Holy crap. I was afraid this story was over and then you add this amazing chapter! I love it, can't wait to read more!

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Oh my god! Ben! O.o I hope he's okay... Awesome chapter, Jezebel! I always get so excited when you post a new one. :yes:

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Part 17.

Sara dropped her bag in the doorway, pulling it shut behind her as she raced over to the couch.

“Oh my god? What’s wrong with you? Are you ok?” she blurted out before she could think of a more polite phrasing.

She was kneeling at the side of the couch, Ben’s face in front of her (if barely visible under the blankets). He opened his eyes again.

“I...” it came out more like a croak than a word. Ben cleared his throat and tried again.

“I didn’t mean to wake you up” he said.

“Seriously?” Sara raised an eyebrow. She was worried and a bit smitten, but she wasn’t stupid. “What time do you normally get up Hot Stuff cause I sure as heck don’t get up at 6am.”

“No” Ben mumbled. “i didn’t mean. I ... I don’t know. I feel asleep and when I woke up and tried to go to bed everything got all spinny so I sat back down on the couch. and then I woke up again and everything was worse and I just thought....” he trailed off, waiting a moment, then looking over to catch her eyes.

Sara gave him another raised eyebrow. She had come this far. He had to do some of the soul searching.

“I just thought, well, if you didn’t think I was disgusting yesterday, that maybe, I don’t know, you wouldn’t think I was disgusting now. I just didn’t want -- “ he stopped abruptly, catching himself.

“You didn’t want--” Sara let the question hang in the air.

“I didn’t want to be alone” Ben said, then shut his eyes and draped his arm over them, hunching under the blanket and half turning to face the cushions, his back to Sara.

“I’m glad you called,” Sara answered.

Ben turned back, lifted his arm and opened one eye.

“Really? Cause I feel kind of like a weenie now that you’re here and I’m glad you’re here -- really glad -- but I feel like a wuss for calling you but I just felt so disoriented and alone...”

Again he trailed off. It seemed sometimes it was easier to let silence finish his sentences. Words, with their precision, revealed a bit more than he was ready to say.

“Weenie? Maybe. But you look like shit, no offense” she said as he frowned at her. “And we said brunch but maybe what we really meant was ‘breakfast at daybreak.’ I’ve been meaning to be more of a morning person. Turns out 6am is lovely, it just feels terrible to see it.”

“Sorry” Ben answered reflexively.

“Stop it. Don’t say you’re sorry. You called. I came. You want me here--” she stopped, looking to his eyes for confirmation and taking the slight nod of his head as acceptable “and I want to be here. So no more sorry. I may still give you crap for waking me up at 6 am though.”

“that’s not fair,” Ben’s voice cracked on the last word, giving his complaint a delightfully middle-school ring to it.

“Yeah, well, I’m not always fair,” Sara said but she was smiling. She was also tidying up Ben’s piles of used tissues, throwing them out, looking to see what was left in his glasses and mugs and just generally appraising the situation.

“You don’t have to do --” Sara’s glare stopped Ben.

“Until you can get off the couch, run around the block and come back inside with a smile on your face, Sick Boy, I’m going to be nice to you. So take advantage of it. Right now, I’m taking care of you, whether you like it or not.”

Ben smiled, not just on his face. He felt it start there but then sink lower, through his sweat-drenched t-shirt and aching muscles, under all of it was a warm glow. “Take care of me” he mumbled.

Sara looked over. She might have put on a tough front but the truth was she was really worried about Ben. She hadn’t checked his temperature but she had a feeling it was much too high and despite his reservations she was really glad he had called. He wasn’t dying of course, but no one should have to lie on the couch by themselves when they feel that bad. Other people are important. Being cared for is important. Having someone to care for? That might be the best thing of all.


Sara carried the dirty mugs and glasses to the kitchen and set them in the sink. Ben seemed to have fallen asleep again and that was fine by her, it gave her time to construct her plan of attack.

First off: thermometer. She didn’t have one but with a little searching in the bathroom she found one (under a bar of soap that looked like it had seen the 1980’s...) and washed it off, bringing it back with her to the living room. Checking his bedside table Sara could see that her dose of nyquil was still sitting there, along with the undrunk glass of water.

Sighing she picked them both up and brought them to the living room. She filled the glass with cool water and went over to Ben, eager to get the medicine in him and give it a chance to work. Kneeling down next to Ben she reached out, lightly grabbing his forearm and shaking it slightly.

He woke up, looking around bleary eyed and confused, perhaps even slightly wild.

“Take these” she said and handed him the pills and water before he had a chance to ask any questions.

If nothing else, Ben was a pleasing obedient patient. Of course, that spoke poorly as to how he felt but for the time being it was nice not having to wrestle every decision into the ground.

Ben was back asleep on the couch. Sara had cleaned out the living room and brought fresh tissues, cough drops and water to the coffee table, within arms reach. She wanted Ben to end up in bed somehow (although she also blushed when she had that thought) but she’d settle for getting him into dry clothes for the time being.

Sara washed the dishes in the sink, rinsing each cup deliberately and taking time to dry them until they were shining. This was both her fantasy and a little scary--so perfect she didn’t want to mess it up and at the same time, so real she didn’t want to mess it up. Also, she thought, I think I like him. Like, like him like him. Maybe it’s the cold but he seems... fun. Maybe even chill enough to handle me being high-strung. Maybe--

The sound of Ben coughing broke her concentration and she shoved the last mug into the drying tray. His cough sounded much worse, wet and productive with a wheeze at the end she didn’t like. He sat up on the couch, all of his focus on coughing, his mouth tucked into his elbow. It took him a moment to catch his breath and when he did he sat back on the couch and sighed. Again, Sara didn’t like the wet echo as he took a deep breath.

“Here,” she said, handing him a cough drop and water. He took a few sips then put the cup down, unwrapped the lozenge and hesitantly placed it in his mouth.

“It’s eucalyptus and menthol, silly” she said. “Try to take slow deep breaths. Let the cool methol-iness sort of soak into you.”

Sara stopped herself, feeling like she was in a cough drop commercial and might at any moment break out a giant horn and sing “RICCOLLA” to the mountains. Ben didn’t seem to mind. His eyes were closed and with his head on the couch cushion he was taking slow, not quite deep enough breaths.

“Thanks” he said. “It helps.”


“So you can breath now?” Sara asked, her tone light but her face dead serious.

“Yeah, I’m ok.”

Sara frowned at Ben. “It’s going to be easier for me if you at least tell me what hurts so I don’t have to use my psychic divining powers.”

“Ok. My throat hurts, my head hurts, my muscles ache, I think my head is filled with cement and I can’t take a deep breath without couching my lungs out.”

Ben spat out his symptoms with a bit of annoyance and tried to make a derogatory huff as he sat back down. Instead he found himself bent over, coughing again. He could feel Sara’s hand on his back making slow circles and he caught his breath, sat up and looked sheepish.

Sara looked over at Ben, her face even. She reached out her hand again and this time placed it confidently on his forehead.

“I think you’re also running a fever and you’ve sweated through your clothes-” Ben looked like he was going to deny it then looked down at his damp t-shirt and ringlets of hair and shut up.

“I want to take your temperature and get you into some dry clothes and into bed. If you feel up to it, a short shower will help loosen up the mucus in your chest and maybe make you feel a little better. But if you still feel dizzy we can stick to dry PJ’s and bed.”

Ben wanted to argue. He wanted to come up with some reason, some way he was in control of the situation. He wanted to get up off the couch and suddenly feel all better and take Sara out to brunch and romance her properly (Romance her? where had that thought come from.) Instead he nodded and opened his mouth.

Sara stuck the quick digital thermometer in. It took about thirty seconds, by the end of which Ben’s face had started to look twitchy, his nose scrunching up in weird ways while he tried to keep the thermometer under his tongue.

“102.7” Sara said then looked up.

Ben was staring at the ceiling, his mouth hanging open, his eyes glazed over. He took a quick breath then plunged his head back into his elbow with three wrenching sneezes.

HAHK'Chff. Ihf-Hapt'choo. hhh-hush'Etsch

His last sneeze sounded unfinished and he could feel the tickle already building back up in his nose. He started to unbury his head then gave up, grabbed a handful of tissues and covered his nose.

“AHP-Gnkxt. Ihf-Hapt'choo. WRUH'Fisschue.”

He stopped, his nose complacent for the moment. He blew his nose, at first trying to be polite then realizing politeness would get him nowhere with his sinuses.

“Bless you” Sara said. “How about a shower and dry PJ’s?”

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:) SO HAPPY. I love their teasing! The menthol-iness! And the romancing! I want to meet a boy like Ben.
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I love this story so much! you've developed and Sara (and Ben's cold) so impressively well!

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Holy crap, this story is unfreakingbelievably good. Seriously.

I absolutely love the way you write, and these characters, and everything about this story.

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Part 18

Ben seemed content to sit on the sofa, still wrapped in blankets, while Sara hurried about his apartment. She wanted to make sure he had a towel and warm, dry pajamas to change into. She also didn’t want to inadvertently cross the line into total invasion of privacy. Popping her head around the corner she asked

“Is it ok if I grab you some PJ’s?”

Ben nodded.

“Ok. then. where do you keep your pajamas?”

Ben half-laughed which turned into a cough. When he caught his breath he said “Bureau, bottom right drawer.”

Sara went into his bedroom, cautious but feeling as if she had permission. The pajamas were where he said they would be and she picked out a pair of fleece bottoms, a t-shirt and warm sweatshirt. Pausing for a moment to steel herself, she also grabbed a pair of clean boxers. She’d just tuck them in the PJ’s and Ben would be none the wiser... she hoped.

She found a dry towel draped over the back of the computer desk chair and assumed that was the standard bath towel. When she got back to the living room Ben was still mostly upright but had begun to tilt sideways, his head nearly resting on the arm of the couch.

“Do you feel like you can take a shower?” Sara asked. She didn’t really want to rush in on a naked Ben in the shower with a head laceration after he got wobbly and fell in the bathtub.

Ben, on the other hand, felt totally defeated. “I think so. I mean, yeah, yeah I can. Of course I can take a shower” he answered, hoping it was true. Sara had laid out his pajamas on his bed, the towel folded on the bathroom seat and next to the shower she had placed the menthol-shower fizzy tablets. It was supposed to help open up your sinuses. She figured Ben wouldn’t mind.

Ben half stumbled off the couch and Sara grabbed his arm but he quickly regained his footing and while he didn’t shake her arm off, the touch became more intimate, less supportive.

“You’re sure you’re ok?” Sara asked. Ben looked like a dreamy mess -- flushed cheeks, sweaty bed head, eyes still glazed over, nose red and chapped. “I mean, like, if you think you’re gonna pass out, sit down. Head between the knees, you know?”

Sara stopped herself. She was getting better at that, at putting the brakes on her own rambling. Ben nodded, a bemused smile on his face.

“What?” Sara asked.

“Nothing!” he declared innocently. “It’s just-- it’s just nice. Having someone care enough to boss me around.”

At that Sara blushed and went back to pulling the dirty blankets off the couch and packing them in the laundry hamper.

Ben walked into the bathroom on his own two legs and Sara could hear the shower begin to stream down. She finished putting away the Ben’s ‘sick bed’ and luckily found fresh sheets and blankets in the hallway closet. She made the couch up as a bed (she planned to put Ben to sleep in his own bed but she also wanted to go back to sleep as soon as possible).

Steam had begun to slip under the closed bathroom door but there were no signs of an impending exit. In the shower Ben looked up into the warm spray, eyes closed, feeling the water course through his hair and down his body. It felt good, sinfully good. He dropped one of the menthol fizzy things in the shower and although it took a moment, soon the bathroom was filled with calming steam. He could feel his head and chest start to loosen up and he cautiously took a deeper breath. When that didn’t start a coughing fit he relaxed a little.

He stood facing away from the water, the warm spray coursing down from the crown of his head, down his neck and onto the rest of his body. He took another breath and this time noticed some air passage in his nose. Encouraged, he took a deeper breath and for the first time actually smelled the menthol instead of just feeling the coolness. It tickled. Of course, everything tickled. Ben was surprised he had made it this far into the shower without sneezing. It felt like all at once the steam had unclogged him and where his head had been filled with cotton, it was now leaking at an unattractive rate.


He sneezed unstifled in the shower and was surprised at how good it felt. For a moment at least, until he had to sneeze again.

“Ihf-Hapt'choo. Heh--” his breath caught and and he could feel the sneeze building. The warm, moist air from the shower was helping his chest but the feeling in his nose was almost unbearable.

Sara continued to putter around Ben’s living room--tucking in the sheets on the couch, putting on fresh pillow cases--things she had perhaps done once before in her life. Busy hands, silent mind.

“hhh-hush'Etsch. Hgh'Etschu.”

She could hear Ben in the shower. He sounded a little better but at the same time this was like a reverse silent movie. She could hear everything -- the water drowned out very little -- but could see nothing.

Ben caught his breath, looking around for something to blow his nose into. As his hand snaked out of the shower curtain and around for the hand towel he felt a new tickle blossom in his nose. He grabbed the towel, pulled it into the shower, and smothered the next onslaught of sneezes.

HH-Hft. NHX-Gusch. Heh.. eh.. Iht'Eksh”

“Bless you” Sara called and Ben realized somewhat belatedly that he wasn’t alone in the apartment. The water was still hot but the fizzy thing was all gone. The bathroom air felt wonderful and he shut off the shower but lingered in the room. Comfortably ensconced in his towel he really didn’t want to open the door into the cold, dry air of the apartment. Eventually the air in the bathroom cooled and he started to feel chilled.

Ben walked (stumbled really) out of the shower and toward his bedroom, looking around for Sara.

“You were right,” he said, finding her down the hallway. “I feel a lot bedder.”

He frowned at his words. A second ago his nasal passages had been clear. Now he was back to sounding like an angry duck. He sniffed and immediately regretted his decision. He had one tower wrapped around his shoulders, a second slung around his hips. He pulled his shoulder towel over his face and directed the next volley of sneezes onto his shoulder.

hck'Gishoo. Iht'Eksh.”

“Better?” Sara asked, smiling. Ben looked brighter at least and sounded marginally better, the congestion in his head and chest looser. “Come on, let’s get you some dry clothes and into bed.”

She stopped after that and made sure she wasn’t looking at Ben as her cheeks flushed. She hoped he was too dopey to notice but, sneaking a glance over her shoulder, she found Ben staring right back at her.

“Into bed?” He said, managing to smirk while standing wet and mostly naked in the hallway.

“Yeah Romeo. Into bed. In pajamas. With juice. To sleep.” Sara spat out her orders to cover the quaver in her voice and to quell the small, giggling thing in her chest that had risen up unbidden at Ben’s innuendo.

“Romeo?” He asked. Sara couldn’t hide her blush that time.

“Come on Macbeth then. Go rule your bedroom.” Lord, had she just said that? Her knowledge of Shakespearean protagonists was limited but ‘rule your bedroom’? Really?

Ben laughed, then shivered, finding his warm shower bubble had dissipated and he could now feel the cold air raising goosebumps down his arms.

“Romeo.” He said again, smiling and wal

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This is like my two fetishes in ONE! I've been wanting to post and tell you what I thought of this sneeze fic for a long time, but I only recently remembered my username. :laugh:

This is the best new story I've read in a while. Ben= yummy!!!

We all want Ben to feel better....just not until we're done having our fun with him. Which could be a while... :P

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I miscopied and couldn't edit--

the last line should read:

“Romeo.” He said again, smiling and walking into his bedroom.

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Part 19

By the time he was in his bedroom Ben had gone from chilled to actively shivering and right as he pulled open his closet, hoping to find pajamas he heard Sara call from the hallway.

“I don’t know if they’re ok, but I put dry clothes on your bed for you.”

Ben shook his head with disbelief. She was some kind of mindreader. Or maybe he was some kind of obvious. Ben slid into his pajamas and scrubbed his hair dry with the towel. He laid it back over his chair, shoved his feet into Mocassin slippers (had he left them sitting out there?) and trudged out into the living room.

The warm fog from the shower had faded and in its wake Ben felt his whole body in revolt. The memory of hot water running down his back seemed to anger the muscles themselves and they retaliated with a general achy feeling Ben was becoming too familiar with.

Sara could see his walk change, not quite a stumble, more of a slump, if you could do that -- slump -- while walking.

“Did you--”

“I made--”

They both stopped talking and Ben walked over, sat down on the couch. He didn’t notice (though Sara did) that he walked straight over, no hesitation, and sat down right next to her, not a cushion away. Finally Ben noticed something.

“This room looks all better” he stammered out. “It looks like it would even smell good.”

Sara laughed. “I just tossed your blankets in the laundry and put down fresh sheets. But seriously, why are you out here? The whole point was for you to get off the couch, shower, put on warm, dry clothes and go to bed.”

Ben looked confused. “I can go to bed here,” he said, gesturing to the couch.

“No, no you can’t.” Sara said. There was a tartness in her voice that she hoped would throw Ben for a loop. He looked up puzzled.

“Why not? I always sleep on the couch when I’m sick?”

“Well, it’s now 7:30 am. If you sleep on the couch, where will I sleep? If you want the couch, you can have it. But then I’m taking your bed because I’m tired.”

Ben laughed. “You could have just asked for the bed, it’s a queen. It’s big enough to share”

Sara blushed. This wasn’t playing out as she had planned. Her bold move was making up a bed for herself on Ben’s couch. No where in her scheming had she thought Ben would invite her to share his bed.

Share his bed.


Sara’s mind started to drift while the blush on her face grew. It was a really nice bed, she had noticed it when she was picking out dry clothes. He said it was a queen but Sara had a hunch it was a king. Big, fluffy pillows and a thick comforter... No!

Rational Sara was back in control.

“The couch is fine. I think you should get a good-” she paused here, wanting to say night but knowing that was wrong -- “a good days rest there. You’ll probably be all better by this afternoon.” As she spoke she puttered around the living room, picking up glasses, tissues, small pieces of invisible lint. Anything to avoid looking into Ben’s eyes and hearing his voice in her head, gravelly and inviting “it’s big enough to share.”

Ben watched her. He was starting to feel funny again --that fuzzy, blurry feeling that had scared him enough to call her. She seemed sort of glowy to him, the early morning sunlight coming through the window splayed out across her face and caught her hair, making him think of spun straw. All of her sparkled. Sara was sparkling...

“You sparkle.” Ben announced. That snapped Sara out of her stupor. She came and sat down next to Ben, examining him closely.

“You’re all glowy. and you sparkle.”

Ben was still sitting on the couch but Sara could feel as his postural muscles gave way and he slid down against the side. “Glowy.”

Sara got up off the couch and stepped a few feet away to check out the situation.

“Ah, Ben-- how do you feel? Did I lose you there?”

“Lose me? No, I’m right here.” Ben tapped the couch next to him. “And you’re right there,” he said, pointing to were Sara had gotten up and was standing, appraising him critically.

“Yes, yes I am,” Sara mumbled as she knelt forward. Ben’s cheeks looked like they had been branded and his forehead was hot and dry to the touch.

Ben closed his eyes while she felt his forehead. “Your hands are soft and cold. Like little cloud pillows...”

“Ok. Cloud pillows and all, I think it’s time for bed.” Sara said, standing and pulling Ben with her. She was glad she had taken a firm stance for though he stood easily it was the stopping he was having a problem with. She got him on his feet but from there he seemed unable to stay straight, wobbling from side to side.

“Geez Ben. You look like shit all of a sudden.” She blurted out.

“Yeah. like shit. not sparkly at all....” he trailed off. They were almost down the hallway and Sara pushed/shoved Ben down onto the bed. It his him at the backs of his knees and he sat reflexively, still wobbling from the waist up.

Sara sat down next to Ben. She had this all worked out -- meds, shower, dry clothes, sleep = all better. And it had seemed to be going well until clean dry silly Ben turned into goofy Zombie Ben who, while entertaining, was also rather worrisome.

Sara pulled back the comforter and patted the bed.

“Here, come on. I’ll tuck you in.”

“Bed all by myself,” he said, a note of lucid pity in his voice.

“All by your bad self, hot stuff.

Ben scoot/crawled over to the spot, snuggling deep under the covers.

She watched him for a moment, waited until his eyes closed and he seemed to be sleeping. She couldn’t decide what to do--the bed was waiting for her on the couch but she wasn’t sure if Ben was just rambling or delirious. She decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and go get a few hours rest of her own. Ben seemed to be going no where fast.

As she walked toward the door she heard him mummble



Sara lay down on the couch. Her mind was racing. she was pretty sure she was thinking so quickly that she was generating excess heat and may actually be steaming. Ben had a fever. She thought it had broken before she got here but the dry heat she felt earlier showed those earlier hopes had been presumptive. She was a little worried about his rambling but he was still communicating with some degree of sense. And she was tired. Really tired too all of a sudden. She had only gotten a few hours of sleep before Ben’s call woke her up and pretty much from that moment on her stress level had been at high alert.

She got up off the couch and peeked in at Ben. He hadn’t moved. She could hear his breathing, heavy through his mouth, nose hopelessly congested. He didn’t sound too wheezy (now at least) and he looked comfortable.

And she was so tired. Sara pulled a pair of sweats and a t-shirt out of the bag she brought over and changed into them quickly. She climbed on the couch, pulled the fresh blankets over her and tried to quiet her mind. She liked counting up and down, one to five to one to five.....

Sara slept.

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:P:laugh::P *sigh*

your reply is the highlight of my day.

it wasn't competing with much (10 hours of neuroscience studying)

but thank-you. I love getting reviews.


edelric01: I'm so glad you like it. I'm kind of just writing my fantasy story and seeing where it goes.

<sleep time for me>

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