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Aggravated by all the sniffers about?


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Hi all

it's been soooo cold in London. Everytime I get on the train I feel my nose get stuffy and runny so I always pull out my hanky (usually white or white with a coloured border or occasionally a light blue one) and give my nose a good blow. Always end with a couple of 2 nostril honks. Then I'm ok can breathe and all is well! Why do so few other guys do this? It seems to be mainly guys who are the worst. They get on the train and sniff, really wet "I gotta stop the snot running down my face" sorta sniffs. Dont they ever carry a hanky or tissues? Surely if you've been out in cold weather before and your nose has run you'd expect it to do it again. The only guys I've seen blowing in the cold weather have been old guys and most used hankies.

What do you do? Anyone else noticed sooo many sniffers.

Guess we can't even hope they'll get hankies for Christmas!



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Good topic hankyhonk. Well you know what I do. I always carry around a stock of hankies with me and a couple of boxes of tissues when i'm out working so i'm well prepared. Always have a hankie in my pocket and never sniff.

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I made that mistake, but learned quickly. I was walking across campus back to my dorm and it was cold and making my nose run. I managed to sniffle until I got back to my room and could blow my nose because I had tissues but they were in my backpack and I was with a friend and didn't want to stop. Thinking about it now, she was struggling with the same problem (she even mentioned it) and I probably should have stopped and gotten tissues out for us both. That should have taught me, but it didn't. Later I ended up getting a cold and then I really made sure I had tissues in my coat pockets! Now I am keeping tissues in my pockets, but I blow my nose before I leave my room and then when I get to the building where my class is I go straight to the bathroom and blow my nose again so I don't have to in front of people. Maybe people just don't want to take the time to stop to blow their noses? Or like you said they don't have a hanky or tissue on them? I think I have only seen a young person use a hanky once, and I don't think I have seen anyone on my campus walking outside with either out.

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