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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The Giveaway


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Do you have any giveaways, showing you enjoy others sneezes?

I know I always smile, if it's any sneeze that I find remotely attractive. I usually have to pretend I'm thinking of something funny, and hope they don't make the connection to the sneeze. Though I have certain sneezy friends who must suspect something at this point, given that I must appear to be constantly smiling mysteriously.

Does anything leave others to suspect you?

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Apart from looking at the person who has sneezed (which I am sure the majority of us do), I bless female sneezers but don't bless male sneezers. I'm always worried that this makes it TOTALLY obvious that I am a fetishist freak (lol) but probably most people don't even notice it - just paranoia on my part


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Yes. I do have a giveaway. However, it is best left for the adult board. :yuck: And also what Joel said. I enthusiastically bless females while totally ignoring the males.


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Look guys if someone has really noticed that you only bless females when they sneeze, they must have waaaaay too much time on their hands. :yuck:

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hmmm... good question. considering im pretty open with the fetish, i guess i do have one in some situations.

if im around family or people whose sneezes i dont like, i just act like it never happened, or bless them in a very uninterested tone.

if im around someone whose sneeze i like, especially if there is another fetishist around, ill grin, waggle my eyebrows, tell the person "bless you, that was HOT" (yes... ive said that to people before). or, if its reaaaaaally good, i might even stutter my speech.

i dont think i have a giveaway in situations im not worried about hiding it though.

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I really only react to my boyfriend's (he knows), and usually by smiling at him, kissing him, dragging him off to the other room :blush: Our friends have to know that something's up.

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If I hear someone sneezing I tend to automatically turn around and try to find the person. Even if someone is just talking about something sneeze-, allergy- or cold-related, I have to catch myself before I turn to look. Yesterday I was in the waiting room at the dentist's and I heard the receptionist say that her eyes were itchy. My head instantly swung around before I could even think about it.... Luckilly, I was the only one there and no one saw!

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I stare. Shamelessly. :) I think the phrase "devouring them with your eyes" would apply quite well to my reaction to a good sneeze.

Lol that's exactly what I do! Except I try and be subtle about it. ;)

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If I'm alone, I'll look around and watch the person who happens to be sneezing.

If I'm with my boyfriend - he knows about the fetish - I ignore it in every outward sense. But if it's him sneezing, I'll smile and crack some kind of silly joke about it.

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