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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I Told My Twin

a red nine

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...Or rather she caught me on this website chatting and I was cornered into it.

Twin: What are you doing?

Me: !

Twin: Are you on your 'secret chat'?

Me: Uh...

Twin: Well?

Me: ...I like sneezing. :D

Twin: What?

Me: I have a sneeze fetish... Yeah.

Twin: ...Okay.

Then she gave me a thumbs up and left.

And yeah, that's all it was. I was expecting more than that, or for her to at least freak out a little more since she can be rather spazzy, but we haven't said anything about the topic since then. In a way, I'm almost disappointed. How anti-climactic, sis! XD Well, she seems to have accepted it, so I guess that's a good thing. I'm not sure if I should bring it up again though.

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Well, I think you did handle it well; no panic, minimum embarrassment.

Didn't you say you suspected she shares our interest? There have been several pairs of twins here who have discovered that they did. It strikes me, though obviously I can't tell, that her anticlimactic response and the fact that she immediately left may well mean that she didn't want to be pressed on the matter herself...

But what do I know of twins.....?

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That would be kinda cool if she had the fetish too, being twins and all. But ya pretty anti climatic, but at lease she didn't freak.

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Thats really interesting. Personaly, I'm absolutely positive that this fetish is genetic. I suspect several of my family members... :D

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Firstly, well done Dead End for handling it so well and staying cool. The fact that your twin didn't freak out or ask any questions suggests she either has some knowledge of the fetish or is that way inclined herself - either way, it seems it's a non-issue for her, which has got to be good news.

Anyway, you know you can always talk to me and your other friends here if you need to discuss your feelings about it.

Take care

x x


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  • 3 weeks later...

Your pretty brave! I remember when I told my sisters... My little one teased me about it all the time ( Privately, of course!)

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That is sooo brave of you! I approve! This is a good step towards equality and acceptance of our lifestyle. If only the rest of humanity were so caring.

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Oh my gosh you're so brave! I remember when my friend found my sneeze notebook (Don't judge me.) and she was like'whats this?' And I remember saying it was my sister's and throwing it away the next day, which I regret now.

That must take a load off your shoulders telling someone. I look up to you.

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Oh my gosh you're so brave! I remember when my friend found my sneeze notebook (Don't judge me.) and she was like'whats this?' And I remember saying it was my sister's and throwing it away the next day, which I regret now.

That must take a load off your shoulders telling someone. I look up to you.

How could we possibly judge a sneeze notebook? Sorry that you were forced into throwing it away though. ;A; Thanks everyone for the nice comments, too. My sister has continued to be really accepting of this website, and I believe has even talked to some of you on here. I made no mistake in telling her. (Even if I was left little choice otherwise..)

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