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I has a cold.


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I dislike* having a cold because I don't sneeze much or get a "tickly runny nose"; I just get very stuffed up and cough a lot :)

*notice I didn't say "hate" :yes:

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I love having colds. the feeling of having a tickly runny nose feels amazing to me.

I love that feeling, it's one of the things I enjoy most in the world. However, I have recently been getting a lot of colds like the ones Mayor has described and those are utterly frustrating because they seem to start the same way and I go through all the not very nice sore throat and feeling rough part, only to find there's no nice sneeziness after it. And I don't know why it's happening; my parents and sister still seem to get colds in the traditional style, I just don't very often any more. :yes:

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I've got no love for colds, but I am learning to enjoy my allergies a bit more. It's amazing how much pleasure you can derive from being in touch with every step of the process. :omg:

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I'm not a big fan of having colds myself. I especially hate it when people ask me/comment about it. Usually I just end up not singing well and sleeping a lot of the time and whining to my SO.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest triangle_eyes

I love it. Bundling up in warm clothes and staying indoors, the feeling you get knowing you're about to get a big wet sneeze... then people feel sorry for you and make you food.

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I love having colds. the feeling of having a tickly runny nose feels amazing to me.

share you thoughts?

I do love that too. I had a cold last week, but for me there is usually only one maybe two days tops

that I'm actually sneezy. Then the body aches, sinus pressure, sore throat, and inability to breath at

all kicks in. That is most surely not fun. :rolleyes:

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I like having a cold. I like how when I bring my cold to work (to show it off), people can see that I'm a dedicated worker, a real trouper who comes to work even though I'm feeling bad. And my co-workers bring me tea, too. And I like how when it gets bad enough, I get to take off time from work and lay about the house. I like the free pass I get on the chores around the house, and the attention and sympathy. I like the naps. I like the way my voice gets husky and sexy. I like the feeling of all those sneezes, and I love the mad crazy way that inducing when I have a cold yields much more spectacular results than normal. I like the soup. I can eat chicken soup for breakfast, lunch and supper.

I like the idea of catching a cold from someone I like, someone sexy or attractive. I like the idea that the same viruses that were cuddled up to their noses are now snuggled up to mine. I've even stolen a cold from someone by swiping their used tissues and wiping my nose with them.

I really really like colds!

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Hayfever is best. The trouble with colds is that you can't sneeze on anyone without passing on the infection. But with hayfever it is great because you can sneeze on others and cover them in slime and they don't catch anything. :)

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i love and hate having a cold because a lot of times my colds turn into these cough/sinus things...but usually theyre just runny nose, sniffling, and lots of sneezing!! :D haha and i get these kinds of colds a lot so i'm a happy girl. lol and i have hayfever too...so between allergies and colds i sneeze alot. lol

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You hayfever freaks just don't understand how very very sexy contagion can be for us cold lovers. The contagion is the whole point. It's something intimate that can be shared -- along with the exchange of bodily fluids -- between friends and lovers. Allergies, by comparison, are dead boring.

It's like the Hatfields and the McCoys; I don't think we'll ever see eye to eye.

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The trouble with colds is that you can't sneeze on anyone without passing on the infection.

I'm like Sneezster, this is not "The trouble" for me but the biggest turn on. I would enjoy listening to a hayfever sufferer sneezing but it's nowhere near as hot if I know I can't catch it.

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Guest triangle_eyes

YES YES YES I think I'm getting a cold. Got that tickly feeling in my throat. Woke up feeling unusually cold and had to wrap up in a turtleneck sweater and scarf and since then have been going hot to cold. No nose symptoms yet though...

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I hate the kind of colds I get, because the only symptoms I get are a terrible sore throat, a migrane, a really stuffy nose, and someties a cough. However if I had the runny nose/sneezing kind of cold I believe I would enjoy that :(

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