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Sneeze Fetish Forum

YUK!! How to ignore?


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Oh my god,

both of my parents got sick and sneeze repeatedly,

I could puke!!!

The worsest thing is, that our house has extremely thin walls,

than means I hear every sneeze even though I'm in my own room.

What can I do to ingnore it?

I tried listening to loud music with earphones,

but after a while you get dumb.

Holy f***, everytime they sneeze I cringe and want to be killed.

Ewww....that's so disgusting...

Help me :'-(

I could go crazy.

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I hate when my parents sneeze. It angers me bad. What I usually do when my mom gets sick is leave. I live in a trailer with my mom. I just get in my car and head to a friends house or the mall or something. Hope it helps some.

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Oh god, both of them at the same time? What bad luck, sweetie! :lol:

If you can't stand with earphones for a long time, I only can suggest you to go out as you can, even though I know it's a discomfort.

If they've very loud sneezes, maybe you could tell them that you have a headache and plead for stifling a bit. Sometimes I do this with my mom, when we're in the same room and I can't leave. :heart:

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@ Silent Sophie

Yeah...I could try...But I dunno if they would, or could.

I just try to go out...


It's no bad idea, but then I won't hear a phone or something else,

and if they would see me with that earphones they'll think I've gone mad.

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Omg, it's disgusting. Me? Well...I don't really have to deal with it too much anymore since I'm at college, but I feel your pain. Too many people on this forum do. :\ It's unfortunate. Maybe we should just kill off our parents.


Just in case anyone was like *gasp*

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I'm going with Trillium here -- ear plugs (the nice foam kind that come in orange, purple and teal!). + background noise, otherwise you'll still hear what you're trying to not listen for.

Additionally: perfect the 'smile and nod distractedly' technique when sneezing/cold/illness comes up in discussion. And while do it, actually thing of something quite different. I recommend the Wawa breakfast hoagie song:

"start your day, on a roll

with a Wawa breakfast hoagie

Built to order just for you

in the moooo-oooorning"

hopefully the discussion will be over once you have gone over the song a few times :)

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Those are all good suggestions. :]

If you can, sleep is also one. That is, if you aren't a light sleeper. That way, you'll be perfectly unaware of all the sounds that you hate.

Then again, going for walks for uh, fresh air, is also a plan. ;]

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Awwww poor girl!

I'd want to kill myself too.. B)

I'm sorry, i dont know how you could ignore. Maybe everytime they sneeze, picture in your head a really sexy sneezer sneezing instead :eyebrow:

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Ughh, that's annoying. I know how you feel there - you can't really get upset with them but at the same time your parents are totally torturing you. It's hard to ignore it, so if music isn't working and you can't get out of the house, guess all I can say is keep a stiff upper lip and hope it ends soon.

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i hate when parents sneeze cause its not really part of my fetish i mainly like people around my age to sneeze. I could never see myself looking at an older adult sneezing and actually like it.

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