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flu from hell


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The last few days I have been suffering from the flu. Not only does that suck in and of itself, but I'm also pregnant which drastically limits what I can take. This is the first day, in a few, that I haven't had a fever (yet). Mostly I've had sore throat, congestion, runny nose. Of course, the genius that I am, did not pick up tissues before I got this even though there were only two left in the box. Thankfully, I had several pocket packs of tissues hoarded away, though if my nose doesn't let up soon those will be gone as well. I've been blowing my nose constantly for the past two days. They are very loud and gurgly. Yesterday I was filling tissues after tissue with yellow globs, but today it has been mostly clear and very sticky. It doesn't seem to matter how much I blow, it just keeps gurgling and not coming out. My nose is pink and chapped and I'm huddled under blankets surrounded by used tissues, empty water glasses and tea mugs. I'm really hoping to be better, at least suitable for public, by Friday since my husband and I are scheduled to go to a nice catered dinner and a movie.

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The last few days I have been suffering from the flu. Not only does that suck in and of itself, but I'm also pregnant which drastically limits what I can take. This is the first day, in a few, that I haven't had a fever (yet). Mostly I've had sore throat, congestion, runny nose. Of course, the genius that I am, did not pick up tissues before I got this even though there were only two left in the box. Thankfully, I had several pocket packs of tissues hoarded away, though if my nose doesn't let up soon those will be gone as well. I've been blowing my nose constantly for the past two days. They are very loud and gurgly. Yesterday I was filling tissues after tissue with yellow globs, but today it has been mostly clear and very sticky. It doesn't seem to matter how much I blow, it just keeps gurgling and not coming out. My nose is pink and chapped and I'm huddled under blankets surrounded by used tissues, empty water glasses and tea mugs. I'm really hoping to be better, at least suitable for public, by Friday since my husband and I are scheduled to go to a nice catered dinner and a movie.

oh god i hope you get better soon!...but those blows sound yummy though :) are there any honks involved with that?

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There have been a few honks, which completely caught me by surprise because I can't remember having ever honked before.

I was up all night last night coughing and blowing. Thankfully after work, my husband wanted to pick some stuff up so I had him bring me more tissues. Hallelujah, Puffs Plus with Lotion... I love him. I've already gone through half a box. How can a nose produce so much? My eyes are now watering too. And I have that burning sensation in the back of my nose. Thankfully I had a tissue ready and waiting. I just sneezed a messy double into it. It's a good thing these tissues are thick. My nose emptied out a ton of clear goo into it and probably would have obliterated the previous tissues I was using. Ugh, that burning sensation is still there. It's definitely making my eyes and nose run more. I've been blowing with both hands alternating nostrils and just went through another two tissues. At least the fever and general achy feeling are going away. Oh god, going to sneeze again. HE-MPSHHHHhhhhh. And one more tissue soaked through. Yup, think I'll be staying on the couch today.

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Thank you for all the well wishes. I've been doing a lot better today. My voice is really husky sounding and I'm permanently attached to a tissue box, but overall I'm feeling much better.

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