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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I cannot stand my mom sneezing...


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Dont know what all the fuss is about! I used to ... *ahem*... pleasure myself to my mom's intense, loud, lengthy sneezing fits. ;)

You'd be in the minority, i guess, but I feel for some, the idea of hating their mother's sneeze is a conceptual thing.

If you were say.....25...and you encountered a nicely-put-together lady in her early fifties with an attractive sneeze, would your reaction be different because you weren't related.

I always use this as an example because one of the BEST sneezers I ever met came into my life when she was 53 and I was 30.

Food for thought, I feel.

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If you were say.....25...and you encountered a nicely-put-together lady in her early fifties with an attractive sneeze, would your reaction be different because you weren't related.

:wub: Ahem... guhhh... :blushing:


Back on topic:

My mom has been complaining over maybe-allergies for a few weeks now, and I'm so fed up with it I could slap her! I told her there is an EASY remedy to try, just buy some over-the-counter-meds. Then she said she couldn't afford it. F***! I said she could have a bottle of mine, that I got for sleeping problems (antihistamines are often used as sleeping pills for those of you who didn't know, which I guess most of you did, but still :unsure: ) Has she used them? No. She hasn't even tried them for one night, despite complaining that she has trouble sleeping as well. WTF?! Just try the damn PILLS or stop being so WHINY!

One note: I don't even think she has allergies. Sure, she has been sort of sneezy (ughh) now and then, but there are a lot of colds going around as well, plus one of her eyes have been reddish and swollen. But she wears contacts, so it could be ANYTHING that got inside the lens to irritate the eye. There aren't just pollen grains in the air right now. Her grandmother (my great-grandmother) was allergic to one specific flower; cow parsley. Mom is convinced she is too. I mean convinced. Funny that she wasn't when great-grandma was still alive, then? I think somehow it's her way of remembering her grandmother. Either that, or cow parsley-allergy runs in family every second generation. Because my grandmother wasn't allergic to anything her whole life.

It just pisses me off so much that she can't just understand that I HATE it when she talks about it! I've actually said to her once that loud and/or repeated sounds annoys me horribly, which is why I can't stand it when my cats are on the litterbox and scratches. I have to put on my mp3 then. I've also said that sounds related to sickness (ie sneezing, sniffling, nose-blowing or most of all coughing) sets my anxiety off, because to me that are sounds of impending death.

(which is true when it comes to coughing).

She said she understood that. Then WHY does she do this still?! :bounce:

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I understand how all of you guys feel ^_^...my mum doesn't sneeze that often but when she does, it makes me shudder :lmfao:

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If only my mom sneeze as frecuently as yours. She has an incredibly powerful sneeze (I live in a house with 3 floors an when she sneezes the explosion can be heard at any place of the house) and a huge nose too. I really like her sneezes but she use to sneeze only 2 times each day or so and only have fits when she has a cold or when she wakes up. Its a piti that you who hate your moms sneeziness have to suffer it each day, and me, who loves it, cant see it very often :drool:

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My mom doesn't sneeze that much at all. I usually don't pay attention to her sneezes anyway, when I actually do pay attention her sneezes are only mildly annoying.

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I feel for you! I absolutely HATE hearing my mom sneeze too, but luckily for me, she rarely does. When she does, it's also very exaggerated, though :\

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Aww! I hear your pain on the exaggerated sneezes. I geuss I should be lucky my mom doesn't sneeze that much. Unless it's allergy season, then she sneezes 24/7 and I just wanna crawl in a hole until it's all over.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to kill myself when my mom sneezes.

She doesn't have loud or obnoxious ones, but ones that are almost like she's trying to be cute in a way? She does the SAME. EXACT. SNEEZE. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. It'll be a really loud, annoying high pitched "eh-CHOO" and she usually comments after it. For example, "ugh, that felt so good," or "allergies are bad today." I want to kill her, then myself. :|

She's also obsessed with saying bless you. I have no problem saying it to anyone else, especially if a cute guy sneezes, :D but with her and the rest of my family..ew. If they sneeze and I don't say bless you, they'll say "oh, thanks hun" to remind me I didn't say it. Or "what do you say?," "why didn't you say bless you?"




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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh omg this is the most disgusting thing ever. I can't STAND when family members sneeze! It's so GROSS... Comparable to if your grandma were suddenly dirty-dancing naked in front of you at random moments and there's nothing you can do about it, and then people decide to extend your trauma by awkwardly discussing it... *shudder* I especially hate how my dad has these obnoxious loud sneezes, and I'm like, really?? Can't you go do that in a soundproof booth somewhere very far away from me, and never EVER let me know that it happened?? You're not supposed to see your parents in other "adult" acts, so you shouldn't have to observe their sneezing either. Also, my nephew has allergies and automatically stifles in this weird way... and my mom makes it even grosser by TALKING about it all the friggin time, telling him to "let his sneezes out"... ughhhhhh this whole thing was nasty just to type. We deserve the privilege to go through life pretending that family members do NOT sneeze, just like they don't do anything you see on the discovery channel. :P:):D :D :):bleh::lmfao::yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :yuck:

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I can't stand when my parents ... Fortunately they don't sneeze much, but when they do it's they're so freakin' loud :angry: I hate it :D The next years I'll work my ass off and save up enough money to move out, lol.

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