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Plane Talking


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Just a drabble, really. No plans to take it beyond a oneshot at the moment, but there may be more, you never know. I'm not sure why I chose JJ to be Hotch's companion, other than that I've just watched an episode where they talked like this at the end. It's certainly not supposed to be anything but gen. And the title is crappy but deliberate, in case anyone was thinking scathing things about my spelling. :D


Heh-NNGXST!” She watched him from across the aisle as his head bobbed forward with another painful sounding stifle, handkerchief clamped firmly over his nose and mouth.

“Bless you.”

He looked up, blinking. “Thank you. I apologise; I didn’t mean to wake you.”

JJ shook her head. “You didn’t. I was having trouble dropping off. Too much on my mind, I guess.” Her eyes flicked of their own accord to the file on the table in front of her. When she looked back, he was giving her a sympathetic look.

“You did exceptional work today, JJ.”

“Thank you sir.” He frowned slightly at the formality.

“We couldn’t do this without you. I mean that.” Her smile was a little less false this time. She opened her mouth to say something in return, but stopped as he jerked forward again, twisting as far away from her as possible. “Heh-NNGXST! Huh...Huh-NGGSHT!

She caught him wince slightly as he uncurled himself, and realised with a rush of sympathy that the congestion must be agony at this altitude. “Bless you, Hotch.”

“Thank you.” He swallowed with what looked like an effort. “I’m going to make tea; would you like some? It might help you to sleep.” She nodded.


Waiting until he had made his way to the front of the plane, JJ stood, fetching a blanket from the back and placing it folded on the seat beside Hotch’s. Her sharp ears caught the soft sounds of him blowing his nose from the little bathroom in the front, followed by muffled coughs.

He hadn’t said anything, but they’d all noticed that Hotch had been under the weather on this case. He’d muffled coughs and sneezes into his handkerchief with increasing frequency, and his voice had been hoarse with a trace of congestion. Respecting his reluctance to discuss his health, they hadn’t mentioned it, but JJ knew that she wasn’t the only one to have slipped a few files from his stack, or headed off an angry politician on the warpath. She was pretty sure he’d noticed – it wasn’t easy to put something past Hotch – but he hadn’t mentioned it either.

Another muffled cough announced Hotch’s return to the main compartment, and he set a cup down in front of her before sliding into his own seat. He raised an eyebrow at her when he saw the blanket, but she simply shrugged unapologetically.

“You look cold.”

She could tell that he was about to deny it, but his body chose that moment to shiver violently, and he shut his mouth without speaking. They drank their tea in a comfortable silence, only broken by the soft rustles of Hotch turning file pages and the occasional stifled sneeze. After a while, JJ felt her eyes drooping, and she yawned, setting down her empty cup.

“Thanks for the tea.” He smiled in acknowledgement. “It really worked; I’m going to try and get some sleep.” Hotch nodded.

“Sleep well.”

She watched him through slitted eyes for a few more minutes, frowning as he shivered again.

“You know, the blanket only works if it’s actually covering you.” She heard him chuff a soft laugh, and there was a rustle a few moments later that suggested he was taking her advice, but by that time, it was little more than background noise as she drifted off to sleep.

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I could not have loved this story any more!! :)

Hotch is such a stoic character--it's so interesting to see him ill.

You should definitely write more or perhaps we could trade. I've never written this fandom but I love the show.

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I just recently got into Criminal minds and I have to say Hotch is my favorite. :hug: I LOVED IT!! it was amazing! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sick Hotch! :lol: I love Hotch! and seeing him sick was :):P I hope you continue so that I can read more of sick Hotch. :hug: if you can't it's totally fine! :wacko:

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