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Sneeze Fetish Forum

LOTS of news.....


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Hi guys...wasn't really sure where I should post this, as it's a bit of a mixture of things....I didn't get a chance to post on the Comings and Goings board that I would be away for a while due to the Easter Holidays (partner off work, kids off school and no privacy, etc). However, a lot has happened in the last couple of weeks...to save boring everyone with too many details though, I will save the Obs for that section of the forum and focus on the two most important things:

First of all, my partner proposed to me last Sunday evening...and I said yes! So we are now engaged, and very happy (second time around for us both, and we both have kids from the first time but they are all very happy about it too). A big step forward for us....and probably what is just as big is the next piece of news...

I finally plucked up the courage to tell him about the fetish. Yeah I know, I said I never thought I could ever do that, and that felt true at the time. But it turns out he has always known there was something I wasn't telling him, and two nights ago it came out. And he was amazingly understanding and didn't treat it like a big deal at all. In fact he even divulged some pretty personal stuff to me in return (nothing sneeze fetish related obviously but still pretty big stuff), and it was all fine. Admittedly he hasn't asked me that many questions, just seemed to accept the fact that I have an unusual fetish, and that's about it. Also, he hasn't sneezed in front of me since I told him (not that he does often anyway, but just recently I had been treated to at least one a day up until now). I know that it's not uncommon for that to happen once a partner knows about the fetish, and I'm sure it will pass in time. Probably what's worse for me is that I now feel a bit embarrassed to sneeze in front of him, as he knows I get off on my own sneezes as well as his, and he has teased me a couple of times...which has caused my mental block to kick in again, and I want to get rid of it (I have sneezed about 4 or 5 times today, just not in front of him, and that never used to be an issue until he knew about it). I guess I can only hope that this too will pass in time....but in spite of it, I'm glad I told him, especially as we're planning to marry. He now honestly knows everything there is to know about me, that was the only thing I had been holding back on, and it was such a relief to get it out, even if things feel a little awkward right now....

Anyway that's my news, hope everyone else is ok....might not be around much until Tuesday now, but it's great to be back on here, even if only for a little while :)

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First, congratulations to your engagement! Wow, that sounds like quite some news you've got there.

And second, well done telling your partner about the fetish. He certainly seems to understand, and it's good you got it out there!


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Aw, I'm so happy for you, wishing!

Congrats for your engagement, first! :)

Second, I'm really glad to read you found the courage to tell him about you, and it's wonderful to see you so happy about it!

Look, you're right, you don't have to worry about the thing he hasn't sneezed in front of you yet, it's absolutely common. I saw it with my partner too, you just have to have a bit of patience. :razz:

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Congratulations on both big events! Aww this is a very nice story. I'm glad things are going so well for you! :)

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Wow, congratulations both for the engagement and cor coming out about your fetish! Communication and trust are vital in marriage, I'm thrilled that you guys have such a good relationship :) I hope everything goes well for you; all the best for the wedding and everything! :lol:

Also, welcome back to the forum :D

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Congrats to you both on your engagement - that's wonderful !!! :laugh::D

I had a similar experience with telling my SO recently too. He handled it really well but i've been paranoid he's been avoiding sneezing around me too :laugh: glad it went smoothly for you though :wub:

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A huge double congrats, wishing! I only just recently got engaged as well, and there's nothing like that sort of shiny "new level of the relationship" feeling.

Definitely awesome news, and glad to see you back around. :D

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A huge double congrats, wishing! I only just recently got engaged as well, and there's nothing like that sort of shiny "new level of the relationship" feeling.

Definitely awesome news, and glad to see you back around. :winkkiss:

Awww thanks everyone, and congrats to you too, Mute Poet...that's great news :drool:

And I think I'm finally back online now after a pretty hectic Easter break! Not much going on in my fiance's sneezing department yet...since I told him, I witnessed one sneeze 3 days later (but it was from a distance, we were out for the day with family. I didn't hear anything or really see much as he was walking a little way in front of me, but I saw him raise his hand and his head jerk forward, so I'm pretty sure he did and that he wasn't aware I saw it). Then last Friday he finally sneezed in front of me for the first time since I told him (which was nearly two weeks ago). He was doing stuff on the computer and was quite absorbed in that when a sudden random single caught him off his guard I think, lol :drool: . Neither of us said anything, but later on he mentioned that he was aware that he sneezed and did it do anything for me? So of course I told him yes...and ironically enough he hasn't done it again since, but oh well...just gotta be patient. I'm sure it won't be that long with hayfever season starting in a few weeks, hehe!!

Thanks again for all your congrats....will be around more now the holidays are over. Off to read some more of the boards now and catch up on what I've missed....

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