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::Hi everyone. Not only is this my first fic, but I've never written ANYTHING for fun before. I didn't even want to, but I thought it might be wrong to keep hoping for people to write more Star Trek fics without making an effort myself. So please don't judge too harshly. Just keep in mind, you AMAZING trek sick!fic writers out there, that more would be VERY much appreciated. (Here's hoping!) :D ::

McCoy stood in the transporter room waiting with a blanket. Jim was about to be beamed up---finally—after days trapped alone on what was virtually an ice world. They’d finally found him alive after a week-long search. McCoy was so relieved, but he was also worried about Jim’s health. Not even the seemingly invincible captain would be able to withstand an experience like this without falling ill.

Suddenly the glow from the transporter appeared, leaving a crouched over and extremely wet Kirk in its wake. McCoy rushed over, throwing the blanket over Jim’s shoulders, and clasping it to him in a hug so tight that it nearly squeezed out what little breath the captain had left.

“Oh Jim, thank god you’re ok!”

“I’m alright, I’m alright,” Kirk managed to whisper out over McCoy’s muffled hug, but he was barely audible; his voice came out as a mere rasp. He turned his head away from his friend’s embrace to cough, and McCoy cringed. It was a heavy, wet cough.

“We got to get you warmed up and out of these wet clothes before you catch your death,” McCoy said, rubbing Jim’s arms furiously.

Jim nodded weakly, but then his eyes gently closed as he sneezed into his shoulder. “Ehtshoo!”

“Aww, Jim…it looks like you’re already well on you way.” McCoy’s brow knit in concern.

Spock, who was standing nearby, watching the reunion in observant silence, joined in assessing the captain’s current condition. “Indeed, Captain. The fierce climate of this planet has most likely damaged your health considerably. As much as we’ve missed your presence aboard, you’re in no condition for duty.”

Despite his glassy eyes and ghastly pale complexion, Kirk pleaded to both of them. “But…the bridge…I have to….huh…huhchoo! Been gone for too…too…hutchoo.” McCoy rubbed the captain’s back soothingly and frowned.

“Jim,” Spock gritted his teeth in concern, “your primary duty to the ship is to recover fully so you can return to duty as soon as possible. I suggest that you allow Doctor McCoy to see to your health promptly, for you have been through quite an ordeal, and do need medical attention.”

Jim looked pleadingly at both of them, then finally sighed and gave in, sniffling, and resulting in another unexpected sneeze into the crook of his arm.

“Bless you, Jim,” McCoy said, and sighed as he reached into his back pocket, retrieving his handkerchief and handing it too his friend.

“Thag you, Bones,” Jim said stuffily and then blew his nose. McCoy reached around Kirk’s side and guided him out of the room past Spock’s watchful gaze.

“C’mon Jim. Let’s get you warmed up and into bed.”


It was during Beta shift, so the hallways of the enterprise weren’t as busy as usual. Most everyone was probably in the lounge, gym, or already in their rooms, so thankfully, Kirk was granted some privacy on the trek to his room. He was grateful for this, because a violently shivering captain was not really the image that he wanted out there, especially when he always tried to maintain authority no matter what.

“Oh Jim, your teeth are chattering,” McCoy said as he gently guided Kirk with a comforting hand on his back. The captain looked up at him with such a pathetic look that his heart melted. Even though they were in the public domain of the hall, McCoy leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to Kirk’s temple. “Darlin, we’re almost there, and first thing we’re doin’ is gettin’ you in a warm bath.” Kirk nodded in agreement, and then bent at the waist to sneeze into McCoy’s handkerchief again, just they entered the threshold to the captain’s quarters. McCoy rubbed Kirk’s back in soothing circles as he eased him down into a chair. “Once you’re warmed up, we’ll get some soup in you. God, how stupid of me! I forgot how starvin’ you must be after not eating for almost a week!”

Kirk shook his head and almost smiled, “Bones, I’m so…so….hutchoo…so cold that food’s the last thing on my mind.” He sniffled a bit then let out a little cough that had snuck up on him.

“Alright, outa these clothes,” Bones pulled a sweater up over Kirk’s shoulders that was so wet, it literally dripped a puddle onto the floor as it released its tight cling to his skin. Even though he’d been freezing before, the moment the open air hit Kirk’s skin, he convulsed with a shiver so strong he nearly fell off the chair. McCoy fiercely rubbed his arms, “I know, I know, but you still gotta get your pants off. You think you can do that while I run the bath quick?”

Kirk’s attempted nod was masked by his shaking, “S..Sh..sh..sure.” McCoy kissed the top of his head and ran off toward the bathroom.

After about minute of running the steaming hot water, McCoy was surprised to see Kirk in the doorway, clutching his arms around himself, dying to get in. “Good god, Jim I was about to come and get you!” He shook his head in dismay. “Alright, gently now.” He reached over to Kirk and gently guided him into the tub. The moment his torso was engulfed in the deep water, Kirk let out an epic sigh. McCoy chuckled. “That better?”

Jim finally closed his eyes in contentment. “Oh yes.”

McCoy gently began to stoke his fingers through Jim’s wet hair, as he slowly slipped deeper and deeper into the tub, until the water came up to his neck. They stayed like that for a few minutes, until Jim suddenly moved away from McCoy’s touch. The steam was loosening some of his congestion. He raised his fist in preparation to sneeze. “heshoo! Shooo. Hu..hu..HUtchoo….etchsooo!”

“Bless you, Jim. Here, lemme see if I can find you some tissues.” McCoy stepped into the bedroom, but was back in a flash, holding out the box for Kirk. He snatched a few out and immediately blew his nose. McCoy shook his head.

“Well, you’re definitely going to have at least a bad cold, Jim. I don’t want to see you even trying to head toward the bridge for at least a week after all this.”

Jim shook his head despite keeping the tissues over his nose. “Ill be fine, Bones. I’ve just got a bit of a chill.”

“A bit of a chill?” McCoy couldn’t help but raise his voice in disbelief. “You kiddin’ me? You’ll be lucky if you don’t get pneumonia after what you’ve been through!” Kirk, wiped his nose a final time, but the feeling he was left with confirmed for himself that he was defeated. McCoy knew Jim all too well. Never let anyone see him as weak. But after witnessing another series of tiny coughs that Jim just couldn’t suppress, he knew the captain was going to have to give into his condition. “Honestly, Jim, how do you feel?”

“I’m still so cold, Bones. I know I’m not really, but it feels like it’s coming from inside me, and it won’t…won’t stop…hu..hatchoo!”

“Alright, let’s get you outa here now before you really do get “just a chill” on top of whatever you laid in with now.”

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This is awesome. I love the Kirk/McCoy, and how McCoy loses his usual grumpiness in his concern for his captain. :D You are an amazing writer.

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Omg this is so great. I really hope that there is more to this story because I can't wait to read some more.

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Wow-- thank you so much for the comments, everyone! I guess now that I've broken the ice and actually posted a story, it won't be so scary to do so in the future. And I'll definitely add on an additional part, so thank you again. And please other trek fic writers, keep the sick fics alive! You have anxious fans waiting. :lol:

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