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Sharing the same suffering - m - (7 Parts)


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so here i start my second story. :D

it will be longer than my fullmetalpanic fic, maybe it will take some time till i translated everything in english :mad:

hope you all enjoy it :unsure:

Title: Sharing the same suffering

Author: Ciuty80

Fandom: D.N. Angel

Disclaimer: like always, I don´t own anything from this

Summary: daisuke is suffering from hay fever and dark had to share it with him. takeshi comes over and riku is taking care of daisuke.

The birds twittered and the sun slowly illuminated the room in which daisuke still slept completely peacefully. Slowly the light sunbeams drove the shadows out. the window was half opened and gentle breeze blew the light spring in there. the sunbeams cleared incessant way to sleepy daisuke. mizu had dipped already into the warming light and stretched himselve. those sunbeams reached daisukes right cheek and had walked slowly directly to his nose. his nose caught actually to crinkle, sun continues to kit tents incessant. daisukes breath became faster his mouth opened easily and then…

„Heh… HeeiShoo…?!“ awaked him with a loud more sneeze. he looked fuzzy, rubbed at his nose and now the easily watering eyes. Sniff.

good morning daisuke, are you ok?“ asked dark in his thoughts.

„ahh, morning dark. yes, I am well. oh you don´t know yet that I suffer from hayfever in springtime. I only hope that you don´t get it by our connection. a bad thing is genuine…!“

don´t worry about me, I don´t get something like that.“

meanwhile the whole room had dipped into sunlight. daisuke could see the yellow small poll flying in the air in his room. damnit he had forget to close the window last night.

he thought still „not already again… heh… “ his breath began uncontrollably to hitch and his eyes watered again. thus he sat there, waiting for more sneezes to come, which tormented him. his head leaned easily to the rear. in his nose it burned terribly. his half opened mouth aspirated some more poll-rich air. his eyes closed slowly. he inhaled deeply and snapped forward.

„Heeh… HeeTshuu… HeeTchaa… HeeiShoo… ahhh… HiiEshhh… sniff… ugh! “

Wow, bless you!

„Ah… sniff… thanks! “ daisuke reached for the tissues beside his pillow and blew his nose because it was tripping.

at the same time kosuke sneezed, while he prepared the breakfast.

„HuuRashuuu! … ugh. sigh. here i go again!“ he said sniffling.

“Bless you, dear!” said emiko, when she came into the kitchen.

„oh, I see, mother nature takes you again in possession!“ she smiled when she saw how her man rubbed nose and eyes. he smiled back.

„be kind to me, i´m suff... heh…suffer… heeh… HaaTchoo…suffering!“ he sneezed freely on the ground.

tbc? :blushing: for sure :bleh:

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AWWW! I love D.N. Angel!

Oh I can't wait for seeing Dark sneeze! :mad:

So cute daddy and son suffering from hayfever together. And Kosuke is the cutest daddy ever. :D

Really nice start, thanks for posting it. :unsure:

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Oh, Daisuke's so adorable! Please do continue, D.N.Angel is a good manga. I'll be back for more updates! Keep up the cutely good work!

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so here is part 2 hope you all enjoy it :hug:

have to be a little careful with writing^^ my husband is at home too and he doesn´t know about my fetish :)

„poor dear, bless you! “ he grabed a tissue and blew his nose.

„thanks… “

„ah, darling. you are evil!“

„uh-hu… why? what did I do?“ he asked astonished.

„you passed your allergy to your son!“ she sighed.

„oh… I'm sorry…!” he looked affected on the ground.

since he had returned from his travel not too much time elapsed and this was the first common spring with his family.

„don´t make yourself reproaches, dear! but you will see, wait until daisuke come down. oh that will be a day… sigh! now I have two uncontrollable sneezing men in the house…!“ she laughed.

kosuke felt bad, but what could he do? well, main thing the family was united again. at least he had some more together with his son. he looked at emiko and tried to smile. but his face expression changed suddenly and he sneezed without preliminary warning into its fast high-torn hands.

„HeeIshoo… heeh… HaaTchooo… sniff!“

„bless you, dear! and don´t look like that, I know that you can´t help it! I love you nevertheless!“ she kissed him on the forehead.

meanwhile daisuke was to be dressed thereby under many sneezes. his ground was fast paved with tissues.

„… heh… heeh… HeeTshoo…damnit… HeeTchch… HaaCheew… HeeaaaTchuuu… ugh!“

that sounded really bad, you sure you´re ok? bless you!“ said dark

„thanks… sniff… I am meanwhile accustomed, thus its no large thing. only the continuous sneeze finishes me often, because I have hardly time to the breathing-in“ he sighed and he blew his itching nose.

is there anything I can do for you? “asked dark from pure politeness. but it was already conscious to him that he couldn´t help daisuke. connected in thoughts, but to face each other in person is only possible with very strong magic. and such a separation would be very painful for both.

„thanks for your sympathy dark, I appreciate it… sniff, but you know that you can do unfortunately nothing for me! “

dark was silent, when daisuke was on his way downstairs. on the stairs daisuke stopped. his nose announced itself again, but more badly than before, it kit tents and burned, his breath went hastily and his eyes watered, while they closed slowly.

„Heh… heeh… hiih…“

it took still some seconds and then he exploded in an enormous sneezing accumulation.

„HeeeTchooo… HeeKtchh… heeh… HeeIchh…!“ he cramped with the right hand to the stair railing, in order not to fall down the last stairs.

„HaaaTchuuu… HeeKtchaaa… HuuhaaaTchoo….!“ his body snapped forward, uncontrollably and helplessly he sneezed now.

„HeekTchiii… HeeKch… HaaaKchooo… HeeIshhh…!“ his legs gave way and fell on the stairs, still sneezing.

„Heeh… HeeeTchuuu… HeeTchiii… HaaaKtchaaa…!“ it won´t take an end.

hey, daisuke, what can I do… I want to help… damnit…somebody must stop it…!“ dark looked on the small miserablly sneezing thing, which squatted there on the stairs. he saw, how each individual sneeze made this small body even weaker.

„HeeKtchh… HeeekTchaaa… HaaaTchooo…! “

emiko came from the kitchen with a damp towel running.

„oh, my daisuke, it just started for you too?!“ he nodded only weakly. she put the towel over his face and wiped away the poll. the sneezes became more less.

„HeeeKtchuuu… sniff…!“

„ahhh, bless you!“

„HeeTchooo… ugh! “

she went briefly into the bathroom and got the box with tissues. struggling heavily for air daisuke sat there, the face buried in the towel.

„here, daisuke…blow yourself!“ she gave him a few tissues. he took them with a thanking weak smile. his eyes poured and red, his nose glowed. he blew his nose with very small success, but he didn´t have to sneeze any longer.

„you ok?“ his mother asked fully ensures.

“thanks mom!“

„did you forget to close your window? “she asked with a strict view.

„sniff… I believe… sniff! “he sighed heavily.

gaaaahhhh, finally it stopped, bless you for A thousand times daisuke, it´s so bad that I can´t do anything for you I feel so helpless …!” said dark in his thoughts.

tbc? :P and maybe some comments^^

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part 3 is nearly translated :laugh:

and here it is, please enjoy :D

its a little short, ´cause i had not much time :(

but there will be more next week :winkkiss:

„dark, I thank you for how you feel.“

emiko sat down behind his son and let him rest a while in her arms.

„you like to have breakfast and to see from whom you owned this allergy?“ she asked. daisuke looked at her with large eyes.

„first for sure, second? I don´t understand how you mean it. “

„like I just said!“ she smiled.

„ok, then second also.“ daisuke said confused.

they went together into the kitchen. there they saw daisukes dad, whose view curved into the far, his eyes closed slowly, his mouth half opened. he snatched forward and sneezed into his cupped hands.

„HaaTchooo… HeeIshooo! sigh.“

„there you have him, daisuke! bless you, dear!“ she smiled. he looked astonishes at his father.

„bless you, dad! “ he could only say.

„ahhh… sniff,… I'm sorry daisuke that I … heh…pass-… heeh… Heeeaachooo…passed it to you… sniff…!“ he blew his nose.

„bless you… hmm… you don´t have to apologize for this it´s not your fault! “daisuke said.

„nevertheless, I know how much you suffer…!“ he sighed deeply.

„oh geez, that will be a very sneezy day today!“ said dark.

„I bet , dark!“ daisuke also sighed, while he rubbed the itching eyes and the red nose. they tried to bring the breakfast without further sneezing attacks behind themselves. only occasionally either daisuke or its father particular sneezed a „HeeTchuu! “. after they had cleared the table together, daisuke made himself way back to his room.

„if takeshi rings, send him simply upward, mom.“ he called.

„I will.“ recalled emiko.

during daisuke was eating, mizu were busy in his room and rushed around, in order to remove as much as possible of the poll. the window was closed. only some isolated yellow points still flew by the area, but that might not let daisuke sneeze as extremely as on the stairs.

are you better again? “asked dark.

„I am well. my eyes itch a little and my nose kit tent, but not so wildly, that I would have to sneeze.“ he entered his room, one hour until takeshi would come. daisuke considered, what it could do in the meantime. he decided to read an old book over old estimates. he armed himself with a new box tissues and sat down on the couch. mizu made himself comfortable beside him.

tbc like always :P

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iam glad you like it :)

i only know his name written like this: daisuke

daisoku i never read anywhere :D

nevertheless, my husband is still sleeping :drool:

so here is part 4, everbody ENJOY :laugh:

„thanks for cleaning up, mizu!“ he stroked it, until it fell asleep purring. daisuke opened the book. he leafed and read, if something interested him. now and then dark announced himself, if he recognized something and could give information. few polls floated past at dasiukes nose, his eyes filled with tears and his nose began to run. he rubbed and reached for a few tissues and blew his nose. unfortunately it made the tickle only worse, his breath hitched. fast he reached out for more tissues and held them before his nose.

„Heh…heeh…! “

there he goes again!“ said dark.

“hiih…si-sile…HeeaaTchooo…HeeIshhh…HuuRaashuuu…ugh…silence!” a small space to breathe some air and then he continued to sneeze.

„HeeChiii…HaaTchoo…heeh…sniff…HeeKtchaaa…HaaIshhh…heeeh…HaaarrShooo!“ he sank sighing back on the couch. he blew his nose strongly.

bless you, everything ok, daisuke?“ asked dark.

“yeah…sniff… sniff…, thanks…” he wiped his tears away.

daisuke took the book again. he read the visual signatures here and there some. A few minutes later he heard the door bell.

"ahhh, I think takeshi is here..."

he heard someone running up the stairs. The door flew open.

"yooo daisuke, how are you?" Takeshi was rushed in and brought a small cloud filled with pollen with him. daisukes eyes widened.

"hey takeshi until 5 minutes before i was fi-...heh...fine..heeh...heeeh..." he snapped.

"Ohhh, that's not entirely good...oh dear..." said dark when he saw the pollen cloud enveloped daisuke.

Daisuke's nose tickled mercilessly, his breath hitched terrible. He hurried back to the couch and plucked several tissues from the box, he knew it would be a sneezing fit.

"Heh...heeh..." he stood there, both hands with tissues slowly lifting to his face. his eyes fixed on a point addressed before, he slowly closed them and he surged forward.




"Ready...?" asked takeshi.

daisuke lifted a finger, one more to come.

"Heeeh…HeeeaaaCHoooo..." he tried to keep the balance, but his legs had given way and he sank to his knees slightly and sighed heavily.

"Ahhh...I'm so so sorry! bless you," cried takeshi. He made a move to help him up, but daisuke held a hand high.

"STOP, don´t come closer, please...! go into the garden and get rid of the polls...sniff...! "

takeshi looked sadly on the ground.

"...I'm really sorry, had forgotten that it is spring..."

"It's all right, just go down I wait for you here." Takeshi walked off. daisuke tried to blew his nose.

"Damnit, that sucks," he grumbled.

"that it was a violent attack, you're ok," asked concerned dark.

"I used to it, dark. I must accept it ! sniff... "daisuke tried more to get the liquid out but that only made the tickle come back. He sighed deep.


"Bless you!"

"Ahhh ... sniff ... thanks!"

tbc? :blushing:

of course :drool: more more to come :drool:

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here comes part 5 :P

Meanwhile mizu was so hastily employed to carry the yellow pollen cloud out through the balcony door. It locked the door.

"Thanks mizu, my life saver," he cuddled the small, white, soft thing. there was a knock at the door.


"It's me takeshi, may I come back in?"

"Yeah, sure." said Daisuke.

The door opened, takeshi came in and took a seat at daisukes desk, he looked still affected on the ground.

"don´t look like that, takeshi, I'm ok. I know it wasn´t your intention. But watch out soon for the better, otherwise I will use you as a tissue." he laughed and takeshi laughed too.

the two guys spent the hours with joking, theses on dark (those who don´t know d.n. angel: takeshis father is the police officer who is chasing after dark, because he steals old artifacts. so daisuke never told him, that he and dark are the same person), watching tv and of course talking about the girls. half past twelve takeshi had to go home. half an hour later the bell rang again at the front door. daisuke stood up from the couch in the living room and went to the door. He opened it and saw riku, his girlfriend, whom he had invited to dinner last night. he thought "a very bad time for my allergy to kick in right now," she hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. daisuke noticed that riku also had pollen at her clothes. slightly he pressed her away from him and she looked at him quizzically. But his facial expression had changed immediately and she had already recognized the incoming sneezing attack.

“oh. daisuke, i´m so sorry, I ha…” but she was interrupted.

daisuke's eyes were watering, his breath hitched, fuzzy-looking, his mouth slightly open, half a second later.

"Heh...Heeh...HeeTchuuu...sniff...HeeeIshhh...heeh...HeeKtshaa...HuaTchooo... sniff...ugh! ahhh

...I'm sorry!" he had turned away from her and caught the sneezes in his elbow.

it was so embarrassing to sneeze in front of his girlfriend, but what should he do?

"Bless you, no, I'm sorry, I had forgotten it, wait I will get rid off the polls outside."

daisuke blew his nose of being able to breathe better. his mother came to the door.

"Are you ok, sweetheart?" He looked at her with eyes swollen, his nose was now as red as his hair.

"Sniff, everything ok. riku has also forgotten my allergies, but it is not so bad. "

" well then. lunch will be ready in one hour. "

"ok, mom." Riku came back through the door,

"ahhh, hello mrs. niwa! "

"riku hey, how are you?"

"i´m fine!"

"good, so you two can go into the living room.”

hand in hand they went into the living room. they both flashed together in amazement when kosuke was too busy sneezing his head of his shoulders.

"HeeaaaShuu...HeeTchooo...HeeKtchuuu...heeh..." he blinked, dazed.

"Heeh?...HuuuaTchaaa...gaahhh" he grumbled slightly.

"bless you!" said both.

"I think I know now from whom you have the allergy" said riku.

"thanks, you two." he blows his nose is copiously while the two shared the couch and watched a little tv. after a few minutes daiki came into the living room.

"ah, hello grandfather!" daisuke welcome him.

"hi daiki," said riku.

"hey you lovebirds. emiko your house is pretty loud today, the sneezes has been heard even in the vaulted cellar," he grinned, first at his son and then at daisuke.

"don´t make fun of us, daiki. I can´t help it and neither daisuke! sniff..."

hope you all like it, because i love to write this :P

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thanks for your comments obsessed :) ,

i really hope you will continue your fanfics :) ,

i also love to read your stories :blushing:

so here is part six


what will happen after they changed ??!!!??? :laugh:

kosuke rubbed his eyes. daisuke blew his dripping nose. dark talked to daisuke.

"may I welcome riku personally?? please ??!!"

"hey riku, dark would like to welcome you personally, that's ok?"

"yeah, sure" she smiled.

daisuke turned into dark and there he was now sitting next to her. big, strong, long black hair, but...

"hey dark, how are...you..?" She tilted her head and looked at him with huge eyes questioningly.

dark was as always, only that he had now watery eyes and suddenly the red and itchy nose.

"...ehm, hi riku, actually I should be fine...sniff," he rubbed his itchy eyes.



"I think you were right with the share of your allergy ... sniff!"

"damnit..." daisuke sighed "I'm sorry!"

also emiko, kosuke and Daiki were quite astonished when they saw dark sitting on the couch - sniffling.

" I see this for the first time," said daiki. "and I can´t recall any recording of that time, where dark have to share everything with his host," he wrinkled his brow. his thoughts were interrupted when dark had to sneeze for the first time after such a long time.

"HeeaaShooo...HeeIshhh...HeeTchooo...! ugh, wow, it's been a whole time ago now that I sneezed." he rubbed his nose in amazement. "Uh..oh...it tickles quite...HeeeChuuu...sniff!"

"bless you" said riku, handing him a tissue.

"bless you, dark," said daisuke in his thoughts.

"ahhh, thank you." He blew his nose, but the itch remained.

"you look funny," laughed riku.

"don´t make fun of me, your boyfriend is responsible for that," he stretched out the tongue.

"sorry, but we don´t know you like this, its a very unusual situation, "she smiled at him sympathetically.

:blushing: !tbc! maybe some comments, good or bad neither will fit ;)

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ohhhh noooo...last part :)

i just got time to finish the translation

because my husband had work today :laugh:

its very long, because i don´t want to make 2 parts :blink:

hope you all enjoyed my second story! :P

daiki, emiko and kosuke stood helpless in the kitchen and wondered how dark had come to his current situation.

“dark, had you a host suffering from an allergy or having a cold, " asked daiki.

"hm...let me think...sniff..." his thoughts wandered around, but they were irritated by a slowly tickle rising in the back part of his nose. his gaze lifted to the ceiling, he fixed one point, his breath hitched. his eyes were narrow and then he jumped forward.



"bless you" all said in a mouth.

"gahhh, sneezeing is annoying!" noted dark.

"bless you! now you can imagine how it is when I have a sneezing attack, "said daisuke affected.

"ahhh, thank you. don´t blame yourself daisuke, I know that it is not your fault... sniff! but what is surprising, you have the allergy symptoms not now, right? "

"no, they're gone, that is strange ... but it feels good," he laughed.

"don´t think I ever sit here and suffer! it's enough already, that I must share this with you here," he grinned.

"this was not meant that way ... but it feels good not to rub my eyes or having to sneezing constantly " daisuke said with a slight undertone in the voice.

"oh man, daisuke. take me but not so serious," he laughed," we probably still need some work on our communication, you know that i´m a littlebit sarcastic," he laughed.

"yeah, ok..." no one could see that daisuke's head now has the color of his hair.

fascinating to all who observed in the conversation between dark and daisuke. some would call it soliloquy.

"so ... sniff ... I thought to an end, daiki. so it happened already, that my hosts had earlier caught a cold, but in this time I haven´t even once transformed.

“ahhh...heeh...damnit...heeh...HeeTchuuu…HeeeIshhh ...... sorry! sniff. I think this is a new experience, especially for me. "

"bless you" riku gave him another tissue. He took it gratefully and blew his nose copiously.

"thanks riku!”

she was the only one who sat there quietly during the entire time and watched everything closely. the whole thing was kind of weird for her. she loved daisuke, but would she accepted it in time that there was still another man? she looked at the floor. dark recognised it of course.

"hey everything ok with you? he asked cautiously. she looked him straight in the eyes, but said instead.

"yes, yes, everything ok, it's nothing." He raised an eyebrow, because he didn´t believe her. but he didn´t asked again.

"well if that´s so, then we now know that dark shares colds and allergies with his hosts and whatever but only when his host transform himself." explained daiki.

"HeeeKtchuuu...sniff..." kosuke answered. "yes, I am suffering with you, too," he reached for a tissue and blew his nose loudly.

"bless you," they said.

"so, my lovely ones it´nearly time to eat! dark? Please change again with daisuke." said Emiko.

"yeah, ok, no problem, then I'm released from the sneezing at last," he grinned.

"hm...actually I'm not really hungry...if you want you can have my food, dark!"

said daisuke, and began to laugh. dark facial expression changed suddenly.

"you dare not ... never ... daisuke that´s not you ...!"

"what´s the matter, dark?" riku asked anxiously.

"ah, your friend won´t change, so I just suffer more ..." said dark.

"oh ... hm ..." riku looked away sadly.

"Now don´t be so rude to riku, it was just a joke ... you are really mean! thus make yourself ready, I will transform now." said daisuke.

"Ok, see you, I'm gone now and sorry riku," he still gave her a smile and then daisuke sat next to her again.

"ahhh, I'm sorry riku, the joke was actually meant otherwise." he took her in the arm and she snuggled up to him quite firmly.

"So my lovely ones everything is ready to eat," said Emiko.

daiuske and riku stood up from the couch and sat at the kitchen table. They ate together and chatted comfortably over the next orders which dark had to do, about the school, about darks opponent, etc. as they were interrupted like at breakfast by occasional sneezing attacks from kosuke and daisuke. later they evacuated together from the table and sat still all together in the living room. after an hour daisuke and riku apologized and went upstairs to his room. the sun lit up only one corner of his room. daisuke turned on the tv, while riku made herself comfortably on the couch. he sat down nexther, on his left a new box with tissues and on right riku snuggled at him. her head was lying half on his shoulder with his left arm he pressed her gently to himself. daisuke zaps through the program and remained stuck on the news, after that they watched a vampire movie. riku was lost completely in the film, as she felt how daisuke's chest surges rose and fell in short breaths. she relieved his chest and looked at him. his eyes broke away from the TV set and closed slowly. with his right hand he tried to rub his nose in order to suppress the sneezing attack. but the feeling became more intense.

"heh...Heeh…ehh..." riku looked at him anxiously.

"heeh...i´m…heeh...ok..." he said. with his right hand he plucked out a couple of tissues from box. his mouth opened slightly and then he gave after the sneeze. He jerked forward.

"HeeTchooo...ehh...HuuaTchuuu...sniff...HeeIshhh...heeh...HeeaaShooo..." so it goes 2 minutes. riku stroke his back for comfort.

"ahhh, my poor darling ..." she said gently.

after the last "HeeaaTchooo" daiuske fell back on the couch exhausted. He blew his nose badly and the consumption of tissues increased rapidly. the box was nearly empty except for five tissues.

"bless you, sweetheart! breathe quietly," whispered riku and kissed him on the cheek.

"ugh ... sniff ... thank you, riku," her left hand made circular movements on his chest.

he relaxed slowly. he enjoyed Rikus support with red eyes closed and smiling weakly. his nose burned strong and his eyes itched miserably, he rubbed them.

"wait, darling, I'll get a damp cloth."

"ok, thank you ..." riku disappeared into the bathroom and took a wet towel. from daisuke's room she heard him sneeze once again.

"HeekTchooo...HaaTchuuu...sniff...HeeaaaTchaaa...ugh!" but that was all for now.

"bless you, dai," she called.

"thank you... sniff," he blew his nose and massaged his nose wings.

riku grabbed a new box with tissues and went back into daisuke's room. she handed him the new box, he accepted them with a thankful smile. she sat down again next to him and symbolized him, to lay his head on her lap. he moved on his back, his head on rikus lap. he looked at her in love. she smiled back, stroking his red hair from his forehead. she laid the cloth carefully over Daisuke's eyes and nose, but so that he even got air.

"hmmm...thanks riku...that feels good," he muttered.

"not worth mentioning, darling. the main thing you're feeling better! "

her right hand resting on Daisuke's chest (his left hand on hers) and with her left hand she stroked through his hair. Daisuke's breath was quiet again.

"I love you!" whispered riku.

"hmm ... I love you too .. sniff! thank you that you're by my side,” replied daisuke.

she kissed him on his forehead and then he drifted away into a peaceful sleep.


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