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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The prolonged results of not sneezing?


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Looking around on this forum I've noticed that quite a few people are shy to sneeze in public. This leads to a "mental block" of sorts and even a lack of sneezing. What I was wondering is what are the long-term effects of not sneezing. That is to say, if an individual went, say, several years without sneezing would it have any repercutions?

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I've never gone for several years without sneezing and I don't know anyone who has, but I'm one of those people with a mental block. I absolutely refuse to sneeze in front of anyone or in anyone's hearing. If I even think that someone might POSSIBLY hear me, I won't. All it takes is a thought to prevent it. One time a couple years ago I decided to try not sneezing for as long as possible; I lasted about three months before I got bored of it (and yet I still haven't managed to finish Sneezeless March ;)) I didn't find it had any negative - or positive :hug: - effects at all.

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I think this wouldn't happen actually.

I myself hardly ever sneeze in public, unless I am sick (aka. my Target experience of yesterday), or I let myself relax enough to, like if the sun hits my eyes a certain way and nobody's around. Then I'll sneeze.

But when I'm alone, I sneeze freely and love it.

I think if someone was majorly extreme and just developed such an intense mental block that they never had to sneeze EVER, alone or otherwise, well...nothing much would happen. They MAY get sick more often because their nose would have a lack of defence mechanism in the form of sneezing that others have. Meaning, dust particles, irritants and germs wouldn't be propelled out of the nose by a sneeze, you know? They'd just sit there, gathering, unless the person blew their nose a lot of course.

But then, even if they did get sick, if they still never sneezed, even when sick with a cold, well...I don't know. They may not notice they're sick as much as they might otherwise.

Basically though, I think the body balances itself and the person would sneeze occasionally at some point.

Blah, blah!!!! lol Ramble post.

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I find that you can probably do it alone, if you have a block. I've never gone years without, though in March, I went without, and it didn't do much.

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the mental block has always been pretty interesting to me - don't know how you guys do it! the closest i can get is a silent sneeze ;)

my bet would be with stevie sloth's train of thought - you'd only maybe get sick slightly more often. good question though :)

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