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If you had a choice?


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If you had the choice between choosing the power to make someone sneeze or to make someone not sneeze (like family or people you don't like) which would you choose?

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Is there any doubt? It would be to make someone sneeze! And I already know who I'd strike first with my wonderful power. :) (Shh! don't tell anyone, but it's Sneesee!) I think the benefits of a power like that outweigh the momentary grossness of hearing family sneezes.

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If you had the choice between choosing the power to make someone sneeze or to make someone not sneeze (like family or people you don't like) which would you choose?

That's one of the easiest choices i've ever been given.

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LOL, making someone sneeze!!! There was absolutely NO question about that one.

I like this question though. :) Can you give me those powers? Pwwweeeeasssseeee? *bambi eyes*

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I'm going to go against the grain here and say that I'd want to power to make my family members NOT sneeze. I would gladly never see another "live" sneeze from a person for the rest of my life - not kidding - to just never see my family sneeze. EVER.

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I'm going to go against the grain here and say that I'd want to power to make my family members NOT sneeze. I would gladly never see another "live" sneeze from a person for the rest of my life - not kidding - to just never see my family sneeze. EVER.

lol I definitely Feel that sometimes way, Nicole ;) But I think I'd have to go with making other people sneeze.

Especially if I was at a fall out boy or Adam Lambert concert ... :drool:

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Is it always going to be the same person you make sneeze? In any case, I'd prefer the choice to make people sneeze.

I can easily ignore people's sneezes that I don't care for.

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I think it's easier for people to choose the first option (power to make someone sneeze) if they don't live at home with their family. I do, but I'm moving out in a year and my family barely sneezes or even acknowledges it anyway (I got lucky), so I'll have to choose the second option.

That would be -- so -- awesome.

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Eeeee! I like this question. :drool: I mean, you know, aside from the fact that wishing won't make this superpower real.

I'd take option #1, because I feel that the fun derived from making certain people sneeze would outweigh the discomfort I feel when my family members sneeze. I mean, those are still pretty bad and sometimes results in comments made that I wish I could un-hear, but still. In a way it seems that they don't sneeze all that often.

Aaaand I know the person who would be at the very top of my sneeze-list. I think that LovelyLinda knows who I mean. :)

;) <-- Pretend that that is a green wool hat.

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;) <-- Pretend that that is a green wool hat.

Kyle from South Park? Lmao.

I think I would choose to power to make people sneeze too. Though seriously there are times when I'd rather go for the second. I'm in a bit of a conflict over this too because one of the best elements of sneezing is the surprise.

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;) <-- Pretend that that is a green wool hat.

Kyle from South Park? Lmao.

I think I would choose to power to make people sneeze too. Though seriously there are times when I'd rather go for the second. I'm in a bit of a conflict over this too because one of the best elements of sneezing is the surprise.

Gaaaah no. Mike Nesmith from The Monkees. :)

I see what you mean about the element of surprise... hmm. Sometimes I'm so dying to hear a sneeze from someone that if I could will it out of them, I'd be perfectly okay with not being surprised. One way around predictability is to not use your sneeze-inducing powers until you hear a natural sneeze from someone that you like, then hit your mental "repeat button"... :drool:

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Most definitely the first option; being able to make other people sneeze harmlessly would be amazing :P Though I have to say that I'd feel bad about using it without consent, though since it doesn't involve having to use anything (ie. pepper, allergens) I guess there wouldn't be any harm in the occasional indulgence :yes: I do agree with the element of surprise though...that would be taken away. I guess we'd still get to see natural ones too though :huh:

The second one WOULD be a great power to have though...man...never to hear the horror of family sneezes again...*happy face* :rolleyes:

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Is there any doubt? It would be to make someone sneeze! And I already know who I'd strike first with my wonderful power. :innocent: (Shh! don't tell anyone, but it's Sneesee!) I think the benefits of a power like that outweigh the momentary grossness of hearing family sneezes.

:yes::P:huh::rolleyes: I'm with this lady on this one. :laugh:

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Well, if I can twist this around a little, I would choose the power to make ME sneeze, since I am not a very sneezy person, and Wishing hasn't heard me sneeze for nearly 4 weeks now. Still a bit of a mental block there I think :D

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The ability to make someone sneeze at will would be the realisation of a fantasy I have had since I can't even remember!! So yes, definitely the first option. :D

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I have always wanted the ability to make people sneeze. As someone else mentioned, I can easily ignore the sneezes of those I don't want to see/hear. Plus, I don't live with my family anymore, so yay for me!

And let's see, I also have a list of some people around here I'd like to use that power on, such as a lady whose initials are VFP, and one named DawnieMarie, oh and another one named Nicole, and there are several more! Plus, I would just use my power at work whenever a good looking person walked by, and that would be so AWESOME! :)

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And let's see, I also have a list of some people around here I'd like to use that power on, such as a lady whose initials are VFP, and one named DawnieMarie, oh and another one named Nicole, and there are several more! Plus, I would just use my power at work whenever a good looking person walked by, and that would be so AWESOME! :P

RAWR! :kiss::wub: And I'd want to be in the room when VFP made you sneeze. :innocent:

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And let's see, I also have a list of some people around here I'd like to use that power on, such as a lady whose initials are VFP, and one named DawnieMarie, oh and another one named Nicole

Like you'd need that power with Nicole. :innocent: We're her sexy biotches. We just gotta wait a few minutes for the magic to happen on its own. Ha ha! Sorry, Nicole! Just playin around. :P

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And let's see, I also have a list of some people around here I'd like to use that power on, such as a lady whose initials are VFP, and one named DawnieMarie, oh and another one named Nicole

Like you'd need that power with Nicole. :wub: We're her sexy biotches. We just gotta wait a few minutes for the magic to happen on its own. Ha ha! Sorry, Nicole! Just playin around. :P

:lol: Oh, but it's true! I'm a daily, multiple sneezer. We'd be having fun in no time.

Chicago soon??? :kiss: PLEASE???


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Uh, make someone sneeze :D As averse I am to my family's sneezing, I'm able to live with it. But given the power to make anyone sneeze? ;)

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Definitely the first option. :laugh: It would be so cool to be able to do that... :laugh:

/enter conscience

Or maybe the second, to stop my SO from suffering from hayfever...

/enter fetish side

But but but... :huh:


*conscience wins* :lol:

Okay, I choose the second option.... :laugh:

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Hard choice.

I choose neither. :)

Okay, so let me explain.

If I could make anyone sneeze, sure, that'd be fun, but people sneeze eventually at some point of their lives. So it'd be boring to make them! Ruins the pleasure if you get it whenever you want it.

I'd love to never hear some people sneeze again. If I could control that, however, it would make other sneezes less special.

Thus, I'm going to go on a limb and say neither.

Sue me. :punk:

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i would love to have the power to make people sneeze then u would like be in heaven listening to how all the different people sneeze

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