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Well it completely slipped my mind I wanted to make this when the VN came out, which btw, can be found here.

I don't think you'll be able to realize all the hard work unless you were with him all the time, and since I wasn't yet I still knew about how difficult it was, I want to give him Kudos! [Like you guys couldn't have guessed. :) ]

So thanks for all the hard work you put in to the VN, and for accepting the complaints though I sure have none!

And for being awesome overall. :punk:

*gives you oranges*

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*seconds obsessed's kudos* :D

*refrains from giving oranges, because of the Pink Elephant-syndrome. :D *

*zend in plaats daarvan sinaasappels* :innocent:

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*thirds that there Kudos*

Having seen the thing of beauty that the VN is I can imagine the huge amount of work that must have gone into putting it together, yet I realise that probably there was twice as much work as that actually involved!

Also thanks for being a really fun, friendly and often downright hilarious person to talk to in the chat room! :angry:

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Awwww thank you gals and guys! It was hard work indeed, but please do not forget to also thank the other team members:

Obsessed was always helping to look for the right people to get some things done, and she provided constant moral support

when things got hard (like when the laptop broke AGAIN :cryhappy: )

Blah-San had lots of practical tips, wrote a story that was immediately useable in the context of a VN,

and he pointed me in the direction of Spoider, our superb artist.

Spoider went through hell to finish all the artwork, giving it a very high quality consistent look and feel (if you compare to many of the other VNs out there, you wil realise what I mean).

Silent Sophie broke the silence. While she found it extremely awkward to have to listen to herself (especially because Silent Sophie usually sneezes rather...ahm...silently :) ) she did a wonderful job of recording a large variety of sneezes, some of which are amongst the most sexy i have ever heard.

High On Lullabies managed to record a powerful and convincing sneezing fit, and while male sneezing is not really my thing, I could hear the passion splat out his nose :blushing:

And someone who prefers to remain anonymous also agreed to letting us use his recordings for using in this VN - awesome! Thanks a million!

I'm still amazed that everyone was prepared to create new material, and to let me have it without real guarantee that there would ever be real result.

And of course I'm also thankful for the audience, who decides to download it and look at it.

After all, we created it for you, and your appreciation is our greatest reward.

So thank you all.

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  • 5 weeks later...

... because I think haeeshoo needs more kudos.

*hugs haeeshoo*

*sends more kudos*

*and more oranges*

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  • 2 months later...


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