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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Have you ever suspected that others were aware of your Fetish?


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I have recently experienced two rather uncomfortable situations at work, in which I have had reason to fear that a couple of work colleagues might have been on to the fetishist within me. I certainly don't think that I have overtly given any reason for my colleagues to suspect anything, unless either (a) they browse the obs section of the Forum as visitors, or are (b.) members of the Forum themselves, both of which are statistically unlikely.

Anyway. I was wondering if anyone has any words of advice or experienced anything similar themselves? This is what happened - please note that certain details have been changed to protect the "innocent", i.e. - me! :innocent:

(i) In the office the other day, I was working away on my computer :lamo: , when one of my female colleagues sneezed twice. She's a little older than myself, and I get on with her pretty well. She's married with children, and also one of the bosses, so there is absolutely no attraction. I therefore considered it good manners and appropriate to bless her (plus her sneezes are adorably girly!), whereupon she thanked me most cheerfully, enthusiastically and profusely! In other words, just a little over the top! What monster have I unleashed here?

(ii) I was sorting through some paperwork one morning, when an older guy I work with marched straight up to my table and faked an appaulling girly sneeze right in front of me! Before I could express my annoyance at him using words I cannot type here, I was somewhat relieved when he exclaimed "That would spoil things for you if someone sneezed over your paperwork - you'd have to start all over again!" :clown2: Inside I had been - to put it politely - "soiling myself" :pooh: whilst maintaining a cool exterior.

So, over to you guys - have I done the right things, or am I getting paranoid?

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I know what you mean about the feeling of being sussed out - I've felt that way a few times myself - but in my case at least, I think it was probably just paranoia.

Being sexually aroused by sneezing would be seem so bizarre and unlikely to most people, that it would take a quantum leap in their imaginations to contemplate that such a thing even exists.

One obvious question to ask would be, have you ever used the computer at work to browse this forum? because if you havn't got a thorough knowledge of how the system is being monitored, perhaps someone has noticed your activity.

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One obvious question to ask would be, have you ever used the computer at work to browse this forum? because if you havn't got a thorough knowledge of how the system is being monitored, perhaps someone has noticed your activity.

That's a good thought Haymaker, but I'm far too busy to use the work computers to browse the Forum. Besides, it's more rewarding to go out stalking, I mean serving sneezy customers on the shop floor! *LOL* :clown2:

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Nope. Never. I've only shared it with a couple of people in my real life and before finding this place I thought I was the only one in the world. But I'll tell ya, now if I'm out somewhere and I sneeze or someone else does. I do pay allot closer attention to their reactions because you never know, they may be one of us. :clown2:

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