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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Read Between The Lines


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I posted this a while back on the other forum... It's not finished, but I figured I'd share what I had with you all, on the off chance you haven't seen it. And also to inspire me to get it done. After all, I still like it. Inspiration awaits. I hope. Enjoy ;)

Read Between the Lines

The sun shown brightly, its reflection glinting off the frozen lake. Autumn had long since departed, leaving the world in the beautifully cold clasp of winter. Despite the chill in the air, the park was filled with the bustle of people. After all, who wouldn't want to enjoy the sunshine after a long week of wind and snow?

I know one person who didn't. Sam. I had had to practically drag him out of the house, despite his claims yesterday that he wanted to go on a date, one of my choosing. Me, being the outdoorsy geek that I was, wanted to take advantage of the day and jog through the park. People watch. Get OUT of the stifling routine of racing from the house to the car, from the car to the office, the office to the car, and the car to the house. Monotonous. Stuck in the never-ending cycle, I wanted to escape.

Usually, Sam would be right there with me. Not a health nut, but not undisposed to a healthy lifestyle, Sam liked to get out and go as much as I did. Adventurous would be a good word to describe him. If he went hiking, he climbed an entire mountain. If there was a river, he was battling the rapids on a raft. A cliff? Don't even get me started. Reluctant is NOT a word that fits Sam. Not at all.

So. Imagine my surprise when he was reluctant to leave. Actually made an attempt to sway me from my plan. Nearly started an argument before he thought better of it. But I stuck it out in the end. And here we were, enjoying a jog through the park on a beautiful wintry day.

Well, I was enjoying the jog. Sam was stopped a few paces behind me, muffling a pair of sneezes into his elbow. I raised an eyebrow at him but he refused to meet my eyes. Silly boy, acting as if nothing had happened. As if I might not have noticed. Believe me, I noticed. I am nothing if not observant, particularily where sneezing is concerned.

TBC (with more sneezes in the next segment... I'm getting there, I promise)

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Part 2

"Bless you" I said cheerily as Sam caught back up, pretending not to notice as he wiped at his nose, sniffling between breaths as he matched my pace.

"Thanks" he muttered quietly, looking straight ahead.

Hmmm. A suspicion nagged in the back of my mind, demanding my attention. Was it possible that Sam was coming down with something?! I'd never seen him sick before, but I'd never known him to back out of a simple three mile run before either. And yes, it was just a couple of sneezes, and the runny nose and sniffles could be caused by the chill in the air, but my intuition was telling me otherwise. Added to the fact that he was running slowly enough that I could comfortably carry on a conversation.... well, two plus two clearly equaled five.

"Everything ok? You seem a little out of sorts today." There. Safety in asking. No pushing, no blatant questioning, but an opening for atmittance.

"I'm fine." Classic denial. Alrighty. I could up my game anytime. I picked up the pace, changed the conversation, and prepared to wait for opportunity to strike. Either he was sick or he wasn't. We lived together, he wouldn't be able to hide being sick for long.

Turns out, I didn't have long to wait.


Coming into the last leg of our run, Sam fell further and further behind. I slowed to a walk as the house came into sight, allowing Sam to come up beside me and catch his breath. He fell into step beside me, panting and pale.

"Babe, are you feeling ok?"

"Yeah, I'm just a lihhh a liiihhhh h'ptngshh! a little tired today." He shot me a crooked grin before his eyes fluttered halfway closed, nostrils twitching slightly, and breath hitching softly as he built towards another sneeze. "hhh hIhh ihh'TCHu! 'Scuse me."

"Bless you... I think you might be coming down with something." I tried to disguise my interest as concern as he straightened and scrubbed roughly at his nose.

"Nah sweetie, I'm fine, just didn't get a lot of sleep last night." He kissed me gently on the forehead before letting himself in the house and walking toward the shower, shucking his clothes as he went.

Still not convinced, I moved towards the kitchen, figuring I could at least have some hot chocolate ready by the time he reappeared. I may not be able to cook a grilled cheese sandwich without burning it half to death, but I sure could whip up a mean hot chocolate. I set the water to boiling and wandered into the living room in search of a movie. Perfect way to get Sam to own up to being sick. Snuggling, relaxing, listening to his every sneeze... Excellent plan. I set up the dvd player and laid out a selection of movies that sounded good before I remembered about the water. Skidding back into the kitchen, I nearly ran into Sam who, smirking, was putting the finishing touches on the hot chocolate.

"Figured you'd forgotten" he grinned. He knew me too well. Not only my longing for hot chocolate after each run, but also my overall ineptitude in terms of all things kitchen related. Good thing I'd found such an amazing guy. Sexy, smart, an excellent cook... God I loved this boy.

"Oops. My bad... Go pick out a movie from the coffee table while I shower. I'll be quick, I promise." I quipped. Quick for me, of course, was approximately twenty minutes. Shower time was me time. Whoever said cleanliness is next to godliness hit the nail on the head. Assuming they were picturing a steaming hot shower falling from a waterfall head screwed into the ceiling with just enough pressure to let the shampoo run through your hair quickly while still feeling like you were standing in a soft rain. Yeah, I like my showers.


I hurried through my routine, sighing as I turned off the luxurious warmth of the shower and shivering as I toweled off and got dressed. As I walked into the living room I was greeted by a set of desperate sneezes followed by a few light coughs. Foregoing the blessing this time, I simply swung down beside him and cuddled against him, silently noting the blanket and flushed cheeks.

"What'd you decide?" I questioned. He held up the box of the only chick flick I'd placed on the table. I'd been meaning to watch it since it came through netflicks, but was genuinely surprised that would be his choice. Noticing my expression, he said "What? It's your date today. I know it's the one you'd choose."

I smiled, started to speak, but was interrupted when he held up a finger and turned slightly away from me.

I held my breath as his face fell, lip curling slightly as he slipped into a look of utter sneeziness. "Hiih Ih huHhh" He paused, poised at the brink.

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Part 3

He gasped once more, watering eyes flicking to the lamp to coax out the teasing sneeze.


Sam caught the sneeze in his elbow, holding back as best he could. "M'sorry" he apologized breathily. "I tried to hold it in but I cou...hiiHhh couldn't stop ihihhh'ngxtsh! it."

I felt his body shake against mine with each sneeze. Glancing up, I saw him gearing up for another sneeze, pink nose twitching slightly, eyelids fluttering as he fought the growing itch. As his face fell, he pushed away from me, bringing both hands to his face to catch a desperate-sounding "hp'tCHu! hegh'ntchoo!"

"Bless." Concern was creeping it's way into my voice. Sam never sneezed this much. Seriously. Four times in thirty seconds? Try once or twice a day during allergy season. He had to be ill.

"Ugh, thags" He exhaled, sniffling when he heard the congestion in his voice.

"So, let's start this thing." Sam said, quickly getting up and putting in the dvd. He busied himself with the controls before again joining me on the couch. He shivered slightly, and I adjusted the blanket so it lay across the two of us.

Five minutes later, he was asleep and snoring lightly.

Finally. Detangling myself from both boy and blanket, I walked quietly to the bathroom. Opening the cabinet, I took out sudafed, tylenol, a thermometer, and a box of tissues. Hopefully I'd be able to convince him to use all of them when he woke up. I deposited my items on the coffee table and returned to bathroom to grab a trash can so he would have somewhere to toss his used tissues. Provided he consented to use them. I expected a short struggle, followed by compliance. Boys were so predictable when sick.

Returning to the couch, I gave Sam a quick once-over. Flushed cheeks, snoring, shivering but sweaty... and overall uncomfortable-looking. Pursing my lips, I cocked my head, sighed, and went to the bedroom for a pillow and another blanket.

Raising his head slightly, I slipped the pillow underneath, cocooned the second blanket around him and took the opportunity to feel his forehead. Maybe not as accurate as the thermometer, but I didn't want to wake him just yet. Satisfied that he was only a little warmer than usual, I curled up so I was lying half on top of him, facing the tv.

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Part 4

There was only one problem with my plan. About two minutes after cuddling up to Sam on the couch, I was asleep. Blissfully unaware of the real world.

Until I woke up, disoriented, unable to figure out where I was and why I was awake. I hate waking up. It's the worst. Unless you're waking me up to have a sexy time, forget about it. God help you if you dare to wake me up for anything else. The crabby pants were officially on.

I staggered up from the couch, searching for the remote. When it did not magically appear in my hand within three seconds, I stumbled over to the tv and turned it off the hard way, cursing under my breath when I stubbed my toe against the coffee table.

I fumbled my way back to the couch, finally awake enough to survey the situation. Tangled in the blanket, Sam was shifting uncomfortably, breathing heavily and muttering as he slept. I watch as he flinched slightly and kicked at the air. Hmmm. That could explain what had woken me up. Still grumpy.

And then as I watched his breath caught and he sneezed lightly into the air.


My heart melted a little as I watched him roll over scrunching and rubbing at his nose. He sighed stuffily and sat up, groping for the tissues.

"Annie? Can I get some- Never mind" He called as his eyes lit on the glass of water next to the tissue box. He sat up shakily and muttered under his breath "This is one heck of a cold."

I pounced. "Aha! You have a cold."

"Shit Annie, you scared me! I had no idea you were there."

"You have a cold" I repeated. Not my finest conversational work, I'll admit.

"Yes, I have a cold" Sam said, rolling his eyes. "And it's not a big deal. Just some sniffles and sneezes."

"Well, if it's just the sniffles, you probably don't want any tylenol. Or tea. And you wouldn't have a fever if it was just a small cold with a few sneezes, would you? We should probably find out."

"Oh Annie." Sam sighed, resigning himself to the attention. "I love you."

"And I love you. Now open up."

"hHuhh...ihhh...h'ngtsh! Ngxt! 'TSCHoo!"

"Bless you sweetie." I slipped the thermometer into Sam's mouth as he blinked blearily, wiping at his nose.

I sat next to him, conveniently on the remote, which I then used to flip the tv back on. Setting the channel to comedy central, I laid my hand on Sam's knee, squeezing it reassuringly. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sam wrinkle his nose, eyes unfocused, trying to keep his mouth closed while clearly feeling another tickle worm its way through his sensitive nose.

As I watched, his eyes closed and nostrils twitched. He scrunched up his face and ran a finger under his nose, pushing up on the delicate septum in an attempt to alleviate the itch. He managed to hold it back until the thermometer beeped, immediately dissolving into a flurry of sneezes as he passed it to me.


Ok, that's all I have. I'll try to post more within the week.

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Ohh, I haven't seen this. I like it very much. I really like Annie's personality for some reason. She makes me laugh! Keep going, girl! You can do it! I want to read more.

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sprinkles - I'll chime in. I just found this story.. I'm really enjoying it. It's sweet. Annie is a fun character..I like her matter-of-factness about Sam getting sick, and poor Sam with that cold. :lol: Please continue. :lol:

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Aw, she's so sweet to him. :lol:

"Yeah, I'm just a lihhh a liiihhhh h'ptngshh! a little tired today." He shot me a crooked grin before his eyes fluttered halfway closed, nostrils twitching slightly, and breath hitching softly as he built towards another sneeze. "hhh hIhh ihh'TCHu! 'Scuse me."

I really liked that part. It's just really cute.

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  • 5 months later...

Well I hope you all have an abundance of patience, because apparently I update about one every 6 months. My bad :drool: Anyways: More Sam and Annie, coming on up.

Part 5

Squinting at the tiny numbers, I smiled in triumph. 99.9. Not bad enough to require a doctor, but he had a fever and could no longer be Mr. Denial-pants. Time to get my game face on.

"Well, you definitely have a fever babe. Good news is it's not too bad yet, but you should probably take it easy the rest of the day."

"Only if you let me pick the next movie. And if you make me something nice for dinner. Actually, you can buy me something nice for dinner. It's safer that way."

I stuck out my tongue at him and he laughed, coughing a little at the end. Puppy-dog eyes in full effect, he gazed up at me through his eyelashes, fluttering them in a way that would put a 13 year old girl to shame.


Pretending I wasn't melting inside, I rolled my eyes at his antics. I stretched, slapped my hand on his thigh and used it to push myself into a standing position.

"Oh all right. But you'll owe me a date when you're feeling better. What do you want to eat tonight? Soup? There's a Panera down the road and -"

I cut myself off. The boy was clearly not listening. His hazel eyes were narrowed and unfocused, nose twitching, upper lip quivering ever so slightly. Sam's chest moved up and down as his breathing became erratic. I don't know which of us was more enthralled. I couldn't take my eyes off him as he battled the sneeze, trying to bring it on or cut it off, I'm not sure, but whatever he was trying wasn't working.

Almost unaware of my actions, I inched closer. My hand reached out of its own accord, and I lightly tapped him on the nose.

Immediately, Sam took a huge inhale and doubled over, hands raising to his face a split second too late.

"AeH'pTSchoo! Hehn'GSHoo" Apologetically, he glanced at me between sneezes. "I HiIhh I didn't mean HeH ihh to sneeze hihhH on y'Heh'ngxtsh!" Unable to continue speaking, he ducked his head into his hands once more and sneezed twice before grabbing a handful of tissues and wiping at his nose.

My face flushed as I realized what I had done. "B-bless you" I managed to stammer out. "Pretty sure that's my bad. Sorry, love, but you looked like you needed a bit of help."

"Hp'Tschoo" He sneezed once more, then tossed the tissues into the trash, sighing. "Still, I'm sorry. Do we have any hand sanitizer or anything? I don't want you to catch this."

"I don't get sick. You know that."

"Humor me, babe. This isn't going to be a fun one."

Well, it looked pretty fun to me. But I was a strange one, that's for sure. I shook my head to clear it, then said "I'll pick some up on my way to get dinner. Speaking of, did you want Panera?"

"I'd rather have Thai. Massaman with tofu, medium spicy?"

"Whatever you want. I'm gonna stop by the pharmacy and pick up some tissues and stuff. Anything in particular you want me to get? Throat drops, cough medicine? I don't think we have anything but painkillers and decongestants."

"Just get.. whatever.." Sam's voice faded as he yawned hugely and proceeded to lay down again, dragging the blanket up to his chin.

"Ok. Be back soon." I bent over and kissed his gently on the forehead, pulling on my sweatshirt as I headed out the door.

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I do have incredible patience. I haven't updated my story in like 3 months. Still this is great. I. Love. SAMs. Sneezes!!!!!!!!!!!! Geeeeehhhh!!!!!!! So cute. Please continue!

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Awwwww this is so sweet! :lol: I remember reading this ages back, not sure why I never commented then :S I looove this anyway...so cute! <3

Looking forward to another update in a few more months ;P

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:) How the hell did I miss this the first time around? I think this is probably one of my favourite stories in a long time and now that I've read it I'm so glad you've decided to continue it!
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