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Sneeze Fetish Forum

"I'll live." (Man on Man)


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...and then I threw myself at the opportunity to draw men touching each other. :D

Ahem. I guess this started with Nova mentioning something about her character Nicolas, and her and me having the same fetish, and Nico having a nice body, and him not being a prude, and her character Jona not minding...stuff. I realize this isn't exactly the recipe for what actually came out in the end, but at least Nico and Jona are there. And I think that's all that really matters?

I adore these two...

*happy sigh*

(Frenchman be whimpering: "My God... What have I done?" ...I hope. *laugh*)

Edited by VoOs
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You know, even if it was really embarrassing back then, I am really glad I mentioned those things. I swear, my toes are still living their own twinkling, happy life. Aaah... *happy sigh* They're so right. And häääir. Both of them's (eheehe.. I wrote them's). His nose is just right too. Both of them's (*giggle*). Nicolas' kissy face (gayse) is fantastic, as is Jona's "Gee" face. Mimimimi. Funny story. I can imagine it happening. Tru dat. Deep stuff. Great minds. And you drew me a whole page too. That's insane. Gn. Gn is good.

And Jona will probably get out of it totally unharmed and as fit as a fiddle. The jerk. Moar kisses.

I'll post this little silly picture again, just to show you how happy I am.


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This is *shiiver* LOVELY!!! Both of them look so BEAUTIFUL <3~! This is such a great little moment you've captured! :) Thank you for this! :)

and Nicolas has a sneeze fetish too?? :zippy:

*imagines this and dies a little*

Huhuhu. No. No, he hasn't. I think he would have some difficulties working where he does, and for whom, if he did. "Her and me having the same fetish" as in "Nova and me", sorry for the confusion. :>

Thank you both. <3 *pile of love*

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Gah... :heart: Meloves. :) *goes back and looks at Jona in second to last picture more...* :laugh: Very prettyful. :bleh:

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This is *shiiver* LOVELY!!! Both of them look so BEAUTIFUL <3~! This is such a great little moment you've captured! :) Thank you for this! :heart:

and Nicolas has a sneeze fetish too?? :bleh:

*imagines this and dies a little*

Huhuhu. No. No, he hasn't. I think he would have some difficulties working where he does, and for whom, if he did. "Her and me having the same fetish" as in "Nova and me", sorry for the confusion. :>

Thank you both. <3 *pile of love*





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:woot2: <-- that's me after reading/ looking at this for the first time.

:rolleyes: <--- that's me, looking at it for a second time.

:yay: <-- and that's me, looking at it a third time and starting to imagine things... :heart::innocent:

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Drooooooooooool. I like this. Very much.

Which one is the French guy with the ponytail? >:D I wanna eat him up. Aww, his embarrassed french-speakings were so cute.

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