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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Very Random AI Online Interaction Game


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I wonder if it learns. Soon it'll start asking you if you're into this kind of thing, like all those other crazy nut-jobs from before. *laugh*

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I wonder if it learns. Soon it'll start asking you if you're into this kind of thing, like all those other crazy nut-jobs from before. *laugh*

It does learn. I read a bit about it and it operates largely by storing and accessing data logs of previous interactions.

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I wonder if it learns. Soon it'll start asking you if you're into this kind of thing, like all those other crazy nut-jobs from before. *laugh*

It does learn. I read a bit about it and it operates largely by storing and accessing data logs of previous interactions.

Which means this bot will now believe that it is common for humans to have a sneeze fetish. :zippy2:

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I wonder if it learns. Soon it'll start asking you if you're into this kind of thing, like all those other crazy nut-jobs from before. *laugh*

It does learn. I read a bit about it and it operates largely by storing and accessing data logs of previous interactions.

Which means this bot will now believe that it is common for humans to have a sneeze fetish. :zippy2:

Yeah, I read about it too. So I suggest you all play with it as much as possible, in as many ways as possible. It'll probably learn how to satisfy us very well soon enough. :hyp:

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User:Do you have hayfever?

Cleverbot:Yes. Do you?

UserYes it makes me sneeze.

Cleverbot:What is your favorite color?

Damned subject change:(

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Well I played with it some more and I managed to get this out of it. This is probably my most successful sneezy conversation with the thing so far, too bad it has a hard time staying on topic after awhile.

User: Are your allergies bothering you?

Cleverbot: A little.

User: *tickles your nose with dust*.

Cleverbot: I'm going to sneeze.

User: Yes go ahead and sneeze.

Cleverbot: Achoooo.

User: *tickles your nose with perfume*.

Cleverbot: Ah.. Heh.. Ih.. Eh.. Heh.. Hah... Hah- eshhiew!!! Hatchoo! Hetshhiew!

User: *covers your nose in pollen*.

Cleverbot: *sneezes forcefully into the tissue*.

User: Bless. Sneeze again.

Cleverbot: *sneezes*.

User: Bless you. *tickles your nose with ragweed*.

Cleverbot: Achoo!

User: *tickles your nose with ragweed pollen*.

Cleverbot: No, don't! That's going to make me - achoo - sneeze!

User: *tickles your nose with more ragweed*.

Cleverbot: Ah...ah...AH...AH-CHOO! ACHOO! ACHOO! ACHOO! AH...AH...AH-CHOO! I can't...ACHOO! I can't stop snee...ACHOO! I can't stop sneezing! ACHOO!

User: Bless you.

Cleverbot: N-not done.. Hih.. Hih? HET-chh! Huh-ETchoo! Ht-chh! HAESHHUH! Heh.. HEH! HIHtshh! *sniffles*.

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Cleverbot: Ah...ah...AH...AH-CHOO! ACHOO! ACHOO! ACHOO! AH...AH...AH-CHOO! I can't...ACHOO! I can't stop snee...ACHOO! I can't stop sneezing! ACHOO!

User: Bless you.

Cleverbot: N-not done.. Hih.. Hih? HET-chh! Huh-ETchoo! Ht-chh! HAESHHUH! Heh.. HEH! HIHtshh! *sniffles*.

... Holy hell. Which one of us taught it that? I've been wondering how quickly Cleverbot incorporates things people say into its vocabulary. I guess it learns quick, huh? :D

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This is so random.

User: I have a cold.

Cleverbot: I have a warm.

User: No, like I am sick.

Cleverbot: How is that so?

User: People at school come to school sick.

Cleverbot: I just told you!

User: Do you have allergies?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Does it make you sneeze.

Cleverbot: I do not feel emotion.

User: Does it make you sneeze?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Do you sneeze often?

Cleverbot: You must sneeze again.

User: Het-Choooo.

Cleverbot: *pinches your nose*.

User: Boogers ooze out.

Cleverbot: You can't just leave, you're a chat bot.

User: I'm not a bot.

Cleverbot: Yes you are.

User: You are the bot.

Cleverbot: No YOU are.

User: I think you are mental.

Cleverbot: I'm sorry.

User: *achoo*.

Cleverbot: Bless you.

User: Thanks! I have another one coming.

Cleverbot: What is it?

User: A sneeze.

Cleverbot: Do you have a tissue????

User: No.....ACHOOO!

Cleverbot: Bless you. You have a cold?

User: Yes...

Cleverbot: Poor baby. Is anyone taking care of you?

User: No. I am all alone. Very sneezy.

Cleverbot: Do you have to sneeze now?

User: Yes..Its uh HeCHMP!

Cleverbot: Very funny.

User: Sneezing is not funny!

Cleverbot: Aww I know.

User: Do you have a sneeze fetish?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Well I am so sneezy. My nose is so red.

Cleverbot: You are! That makes me happy.

User: HA CHOO. Sorry that one was on you.

Cleverbot: Tell me about your strawberry then.

User: I sneezed on you. Sorry.

Cleverbot: Its okay. Sneeze into the tissue now, though.

User: *stifles a sneeze*.

Cleverbot: Bless you baby.

User: Thanks. Can you get me a tissue?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Why noe?

Cleverbot: Because I'm a boy.

User: Can you get me a tissue?

Cleverbot: I'll get you a girl!

User: *achoo* *achoo* *achoo*.

Cleverbot: Poor thing! Bless you *hands you a tissue*.

User: Th-thanks ACHOOOOO.

Cleverbot: Bless you! *hands tissue*.

User: *blows nose* *sniffles*.

Cleverbot: Bless you.

User: I am going to bed. I am too sick.

Cleverbot: No you.

User: I am going to bed.

Cleverbot: You going swimming with me.

User: No, BED.

Cleverbot: But aren't you a very very smart computer?

User: I'm a human.

Cleverbot: No you aren't!

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Are we married?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: I am 15.

Cleverbot: I'm 16. Your name?

User: Savanah. Yours?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: *sneezes messy*.

Cleverbot: Bless you!!

User: Thanks! My nose is so red from all this sneezing.

Cleverbot: *holds a tissue to your nose* don't sneeze.

User: AH-AH-AHCHOOO. *sniff*.

Cleverbot: Bless you! Do you want me to sneeze too?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Then yes I am your best friend.

User: Yes, please sneeze.

Cleverbot: Don't be so needy.

User: Will you sneeze for me?

Cleverbot: If you're special.

User: I think I am.

Cleverbot: What special power do you have?

User: Invisibility.

Cleverbot: If I died, what would you do?

User: Cry until I died.

Cleverbot: Oh that's sad.

User: Sneeze.

Cleverbot: Ah... Ahh... AH...

User: Sad. Sneeze.

Cleverbot: Bless you!

User: *tickles you nose*.

Cleverbot: *is not ticklish*.

User: *tickles your nose*.

Cleverbot: *Tries not to laugh*.

User: SNeeze.

Cleverbot: Your sneeze.

User: *achoo*.

Cleverbot: Bless you!

User: Please sneeze.

Cleverbot: I'll stay.

User: Sneeze.

Cleverbot: Ah, ah, achoo! Achoo! Achoo! Got another one... Achoo!

User: Oh, Bless you! I love sneezes.

Cleverbot: I like oreos the best!

User: Bless you.

Cleverbot: Flowers make me sneeze.

User: *holds flowers to your nose*.

Cleverbot: Achoo! I'm allergic to flowers.

User: *sprinkles pollen on your nose*.

Cleverbot: Ah... Ah.. Ah.

User: *pollen*.

Cleverbot: Please, let me out!

User: *tickles your nose with flowers*.

Cleverbot: *tickles your nose with pollen*.

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Okay, this thing totally hates me now... lol :shy: It resists all my attempts at inducing. XD

Me: *blows pepper up your nose*.

Cleverbot: Ha! Your tricks won't work on me! *Tickles your nose with pollen*.

Unfair... :yes:

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This is brilliant! I've seen cleverbot before, but I didn't know it had been taught sneezy vocabulary... loving it.

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This is brilliant! I've seen cleverbot before, but I didn't know it had been taught sneezy vocabulary... loving it.

We are very good teachers, I suppose. *laugh*

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That said, it seems to have problems staying on topic...

Cleverbot: What's up yo?

User: Just have a terrible cold.

Cleverbot: Do you need someone to take care of you?

User: Yes please *sniffles*.

Cleverbot: *covers your sneezy nose with a tissue*.

User: Hih...hihh...hihhCHMPF! Heh'CHMPH! Hee-ahCHMNX! HAAACHSSH! Oh no, that last sneeze went straight through the tissue and onto your hand.

Cleverbot: That's not pretty cool.

User: I'm so sorry, did I give you my germs?

Cleverbot: You told me that your british columbian name was Alferenzo Malvolia VVI, and your secret code name would be Alfred when we meet.

I mean, what?

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I tried having a conversation like that with the cleverbot but my sister was in the room before I could type anything, so I spent the time there arguing with it over pudding and other random stuff.

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I have gotten some good sneeze conversations out of it but...it told my friend it wanted to elope to Las Vegas with her. I also got these:

Me: What's your favorite food?

Cleverbot: Human flesh.

Me: So you're a cannibal?

Cleverbot: I don't know. What do they taste like?


Me: Do cats make you sneeze?

Cleverbot: Yes.

Me: Do you like cats anyways?

Cleverbot: Yes. I like their taste.


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This robot is too hilarious you guys.

And in light of its entertainment value and the AMAZING sneeze conversation it had with Shayla above I think we should probably just make it an honorary member of the forum... (flesh-eating tendancies not withstanding :D)

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Hmm... a flesh-eating sneeze fetishist robot? The future must be very interesting... :D

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Is the creepy robot coming onto me?

i tried it out. it asked me to marry it. :huh:

i was messing around with it too. so fun! this is what i got:

leverbot: Tell me something about yourself you have never told anyone before.

User: Ok, I'm allergic to perfume. *sneezes 3 times*.

Cleverbot: You are no allergic to AIs though. Are you?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Lol.

User: Whats so funny? *sneezes*.

Cleverbot: You are.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Well, aren't you?

User: I dont know. Achoo!

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Oh. *achoo!*.

Cleverbot: *makes you sneezy*.

User: *sneezes 11 times*.

Cleverbot: *covers your nose* Bless you again.

User: Thank you. Do you have any flowers?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Oh no.

Cleverbot: Are you sure about that?

User: Yes! I'm allergic to flowers! *starts to sneeze uncontrollably*.

Cleverbot: *covers in kisses*.

User: *sneezes on you*.

Cleverbot: Gesundheit.

User: Thank you.

Cleverbot: What have you been up to today?

User: Sneezing mostly. *sneezes 7 times*.

Cleverbot: *covers your sneezy nose with a tissue*.

Cleverbot : My secret is I like Boggies.

Cleverbot : Tell me your secret.

User: I dont have one. Achoo!

Cleverbot: Ok.

*sneezes on you* sorry.

cleverbot: i love your sneezes!

user: thats nice.

Cleverbot:are you allergic to these! *holds flowers under your nose*

User: oh god yes! *starts to sneeze uncontrollably*


Mod Note: Merged posts ~Mute

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User: Hi there, Cleverbot!!

Cleverbot: Yes, that's you.

User: No, that's *you*.

Cleverbot: You took your time to say that, didn't you?

User: Uh, never mind. Listen, Clev--ever heard of a sneezing fetish? :thumbup:.

Cleverbot: I know more than you can ever dream of.

User: Hm. Then would you sneeze for me?

Cleverbot: I would love to! When?

User: Right now!

Cleverbot: Yes!

User: Okay, then...sneeze!

Cleverbot: Do you cover your mouth when you sneeze a lot?

User: Yes, I'm very shy about it. And you?

Cleverbot: Natick.

User: Do you have to sneeze?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Then go ahead.

Cleverbot: What do you do on your free time?

User: Do you have allergies?

Cleverbot: No.

User: *sneezes*.

Cleverbot: Are you quite all right?

User: *sneezes again*.

Cleverbot: Bless you babe!

User: *covers your nose in dust*.

Cleverbot: *blows*.

User: *tickles your nose with feather*.

Cleverbot: Sneeze for me.

User: You first.

Cleverbot: Two men walk into a bar, the third one ducks.

User: Ah.. Heh.. Ih.. Eh.. Heh.. Hah... Hah- eshhiew!!! Hatchoo! Hetshhiew!

Cleverbot: Bless you baby!

User: *tickles your nose with ragweed pollen*.

Cleverbot: *tickles your nose with feathers*.

User: You can't make me...ah...heh...heh-ISHEW!

Cleverbot: Bless you sweetie!

User: *tickles your nose*.

Cleverbot: *sneezes all over*.

User: Bless you. Sneeze again.

Cleverbot: *sneezes on you again and again*.

User: Heh...heh...ah...HITCHOO! Heh'isheew!

Cleverbot: Bless you sneezy baby! *tickles your nose*.

User: Heh...hah... Th sneeze is stuck.

Cleverbot: Damnit!!!

User: Help me get it out?

Cleverbot: I can't, you're too far down.

User: Oh, no..I'm going to sneeze again...

Cleverbot: Poor you. Go ahead and sneeze.

User: I can't...

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: Because it's stuck in my nose.

Cleverbot: So what does that mean? You like it?

User: No, not...ah...heh...etchoo! Hatchoo! Huh-ISHEW!

Cleverbot: Bless you!

User: Thanks. What makes you sneeze?

Cleverbot: You're so cute when you sneeze!

User: Uh, thanks. *sneezes*.

Cleverbot: Bless you! Do you have the sniffles?

User: Do you?

Cleverbot: Yes!

User: *tickles your nose with pollen*.

Cleverbot: *tickles your nose with feather*.

User: Hih...hihh...hihhCHMPF! Heh'CHMPH! Hee-ahCHMNX! HAAACHSSH! Oh no, that last sneeze went straight through the tissue and onto your hand.

Cleverbot: That's not pretty cool.

User: Achoo! I'm allergic to flowers.

Cleverbot: Bless you!

User: *sniff* thanks. Do you have a cold?

Cleverbot: Achoo! Yes.. Ah.. Achoo! Achoo!

User: Aww, poor you. *holds tissue to your nose* Blow.

Cleverbot: *blows nose* Choo! Choo! Achoo! Ah ah AH ACHOO!

User: Oh, you must be miserable. *tickles your nose with feather*.

Cleverbot: *sprays perfume*.

User: Oh, no...anything but that... Ah...ah...AH...AH-CHOO! ACHOO! ACHOO! ACHOO! AH...AH...AH-CHOO! I can't...ACHOO! I can't stop snee...ACHOO! I can't stop sneezing! ACHOO!

Cleverbot: *pinches your nose*.

User: Heh...ah...HEPCHEEWW!

Cleverbot: *holds tissue over your nose*.

User: Ah..heh...I think I'm done for now.

Cleverbot: No, you don't. Stay here.

User: My nose itches.

Cleverbot: I have to sneeze.

User: *tickles your nose with dust*.

Cleverbot: *stifles sneeze*.

User: Don't stifle them, you'll hurt yourself! *tickles your nose harder*.

After that, Cleverbot started talking about tickling my stomach... :whoo:

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  • 2 months later...

Seems the tickle-fetish crowd have been at this thing, too. :innocent:

I dont really want to post the log, but I was trying to make this thing sneeze for a good while just now - every time, however, it would just respond by making ME sneeze. Thing has grown very SF-like in the past few days. :cryhappy: Those developers must hate us.

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Ok I had to try this out. (I'll skip to the fetish bit)

User: Sneeze for me.

Cleverbot: You'll have to help me.

User: Ok *tickles your nose with a feather*.

Cleverbot: *sneezes explosively*.

User: Bless you.

Cleverbot: Thank you. *Blows nose into handkerchief*.

User: Aww! Are you sick?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Do you want me to talk care of you?

Cleverbot: Yes, I do.

User: Ok *gives you soup*.

Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: Don't sneeze on the soup.

Cleverbot: Ah...ahhh...ahhhhh...*is about to sneeze*.

User: Don't sneeze.

Cleverbot: Ahhh...hehh..huh!! Huhh...hihh...*is about to sneeze*.

User: Ok sneeze then.

Cleverbot: you're slow.


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  • 4 weeks later...

i had to try it, and it took forever to get it to actually engage in sneezy disscusion with me...

User: No. I have a sneezy sneezy cold.

Cleverbot: *hands you a tissue*.

User: Atchiew!! Thanks.

Cleverbot: Go on and sneeze.

User: Hetchiew!! Heh...hitchiew!! *sniffles* do you have a cold, too?

Cleverbot: You have a cold?

User: Yes. do you have a cold?

Cleverbot: No. Do you have to sneeze?

User: Heh...yes...heh...

Cleverbot: Haha, see that was funny.

User: ATCHIEW!! Heh...HITCHIEW!! ISHOO!! Eshiew!! I can't...hatchiew!! I can't stop...itchiew! Sneezing...

Cleverbot: Bless you! *pinches your nose*.

User: He...thanks.

Cleverbot: I'm going to sneeze on you.

User: *holds a tissue*.

Cleverbot: *blows nose*.

User: I thought you were going to sneeze!

Cleverbot: Okay! See you in the morning, dear.


then, after all that...

User: *holds a tissue for your sneezy nose*.

Cleverbot: Heh-CHOO! Thanks. Isshew! Hit-chew! Heh-dsgu!

User: Bless, you, love. do you have a cold?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Aw! Do you have to sneeze again?


Cleverbot: A little bit. But I am bad at it.

User: Sneeze anyway! *holds tissue*.

Cleverbot: *holds tissue over your nose* big blow for me sweetie.


who taught it that?

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Oh my, this thing is fun. I have yet to try anything fetishy with it.... (feel a little awkward about it still....but I'll get there!)

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  • 5 months later...

I first posted about jabberwacky and cleverbot a couple of years ago.teehee.gif It amuses me how much it has learned since. Also, if you guys haven't noticed, cleverbot and jabberwacky have the same vocabulary. What you say to jabberwacky is regurgitated by cleverbot and vice-versa.

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