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Lost Fanfic


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so in season three, when claire gets sick, i tried a different take on her illness. instead of an activated implant...it's nothing more then a sneezy common cold!

i don't own or make money from lost. ^_^

Charlie walked into Claire’s tent, wondering why she hadn’t woken to Aaron crying. He scooped up the infant on his hip and sat down on the bed, tapping her knee. “Claire! Claire.” She stirred, and her sky blue eyes opened. . “Are you okay?” Charlie asked, bouncing Aaron. “Charlie? What’s going on?” she asked, sounding hoarse. “Didn’t you hear Aaron?” Charlie asked her. “Is he okay?” Claire bolted upright, and Charlie caught her elbow when she swayed. “Yeah, he’s fine. Are you all right?” Claire steadied herself on the tent pole and sniffled before answering. “Yeah I just… I feel a little off. I didn’t sleep well.” She punctuated her statement with a dry cough. “I can’t believe I didn’t hear him crying!” she reprimanded herself, reaching to stroke Aaron’s cheek. Charlie bit his lip, and then said, “Maybe you’re coming down with something. Why don’t you let me take Aaron, and you get some more rest?” he touched her face, which seemed a bit too warm. She sighed. “Yeah, do you mind?” “Absolutely. Hey,” he crooned as the baby wailed again. Claire rubbed her eyes and slid back down on the bed. “I won’t sleep long.” She told him with her eyes closed. He rolled his eyes and carried Aaron out of the tent. He was about five feet off when he heard a faint “heitchew!! Hitchew!!” from her tent. “Bless you!” he called.

Claire was stirred awake three hours later by a pounding headache. She groaned, and rolled over. If it were Sydney, she could just go grab a few aspirin…Sawyer. With all his secret stashes, he had to have at least one to spare. She knew she didn’t look the best, maybe that would help her case- her thought were interrupted by a persistent tickle In her nose, and she sneezed twice into her elbow, as no alternative was available. She sighed and sat up slowly as to not to send the world spinning too terribly fast. Then, when the trees were only swaying with the wind, she stood, grabbed a tent pole, and began the task of walking the fifteen feet to where Sawyer stood by the pot of oatmeal. “Hey. Does adybody dow where there’s ady aspirid?” ugh. She sounded sick. “Claire, you don’t look so good.” Desmond commented. “What are you doing up? You’re meant to be in bed.” Charlie looked worriedly at her. Claire sniffled. “Yeah, doe, I dow. It’s just…by head is pouding, I…heitchew!!” this day just go better and better. “I got you covered. Two aspirin, comin’ right up. Bless you.” Sawyer started for his tent. “Thag you.” Claire called weakly. Charlie pursed his lips.

Claire went back to her tent to lie down again, wondering what was taking sawyer so long. How far into the jungle did the man have to hide stuff? Then she saw sun running by, and was quick enough to call raspilly, “wads wrodg?” sun turned for a moment, “Jack, Kate and Sayid! They’re back!” then kept going. Claire coughed, deciding to just go back to sleep. She wasn’t going to get the aspirin anytime soon.

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