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Oh joy, I'm sick

murphy dee

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I thought I blew my throat out the other day while singing too loudly in the car because my throat's been scratchy and painful the last day and a half. Apparently that's not the case. Tonight, it's progressed.

My nose is completely blocked up, but I can't stop sniffling. When I blow, it just hurts. The tender spots under my jaw and ears are swollen and sore. And every time I cough, I feel like my sinuses are gonna explode. I'm a total mess! :heart: I've been sitting here on the couch in my boyfriend's robe, sucking on lozenges and drinking glass after glass of water.

I don't know who I could've gotten this cold from, either! My boyfriend hasn't been sick recently, and the only place we've really been lately is the movies on friday. I didn't notice anyone coughing or sneezing in the audience, so I'm kind of at a loss.

I'll probably take some Nyquil pretty soon so I can get some sleep. :winkkiss:

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It's the attack of the stealth virus. Imagine this scenario: a young woman is going for a night out to the movies. Her throat has been a bit scratchy all day, but since she feels fine otherwise, she thinks nothing of it. As she's approaching the cinema, she sniffles and wipes at her nose with her hand. Probably just the fresh air and spring pollen is making it a tad drippy, she thinks. However, it is really the very beginnings of a nasty cold, and the hand that wiped her nose has just picked up loads of cold viruses. She pushes open the door to the cinema and gets in the line to buy her ticket.

You are coming into the theater as well, and push open the door that the young woman went through. Invisible, undetectable, stealthy viruses are waiting on the door handle, and are now on your hand. Don't worry, though, you'll be fine -- unless you unconsciously rub at your eye or nose before you wash your hands.

The young woman has a good time at the movie and goes home after. The next morning, though, she realizes that the scratchy throat and drippy nose were the beginnings of what will turn out to be a nasty cold. Her throat is raw, her head is blocked up, she's got a cough and her glands are swollen and tender. And she was just sitting with her friends passing the popcorn back and forth -- she really hopes she didn't give any of her friends this cold. (She did!)

The viruses are delighted to be introduced to your warm and inviting mucus membranes. Your nose and throat are a welcoming and fertile environment where they can grow and flourish. Soon you will notice that your throat is feeling irritated, your nose starting to drip. It will be a few days before you develop a full-blown cold, but in the meanwhile, rest assured that those stealthy contagious viruses are scouting our opportunities to be introduced to a new host.

And the cycle continues.

You know, it's scenarios like this that get me so hot! I've gotten myself all hot and bothered now. Oh my stars and garters! I blush!

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Eeeek, you've creeped me out with your scary story, Sneezster. Colds are like Resident Evil films- yes, Milla Jovovich is super sexy, but there's ZOMBIES, man. Hope you get well soon Murphy D.

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Your nose and throat are a welcoming and fertile environment where they can grow and flourish.

Wish mine were damnit! :D

Poor Murphy D. I only wish it was me!

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Aww, thanks for the well-wishes and sympathy, guys. :D I wish I could say I feel better today, but I really don't. I've been coughing a lot harder and I think I'm even stuffier than yesterday. Uck uck uck... I need pinwheel cookies and orange juice, for sure.

And Sneezster, that is the exact reason why I could start carrying a bottle of Purell with me eveywhere I go. :drool: And y'know, I thought about before I went to sleep...and I'm pretty sure the girl next to me in the restroom stall was coughing. That'd be just my luck.

Oh well...I've ordered comfort food from a take-out place that should be here soon. "Comfort food" in this case meaning a big-ass bacon cheeseburger with blue cheese on it. Is it "feed a cold, starve a fever" or the other way around? Hahaha...

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Bacon cheeseburger? That's not right. You require chicken soup. If I were there, I'd make you some and serve you lots of it (and I might just steal some of your germs, too, so that I could have a cold of my own). Chicken soup is one of my favorite things about having a cold.

Ask the take out place what soups they have. Maybe you can get a pint of chicken noodle.

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Actually Sneezster, it's funny you say that - I'm just about to cook up some chicken noodle soup! Except it's sans chicken. :) I like all the noodles and broth best.

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Good girl! Take care of yourself, stay hydrated, and get plenty of rest.

And send your viruses to Sneezster!!!!!

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