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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Couple HiNaBN pics


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Okay, I just want to preface this with saying I'm nervous as hell about posting these, so please be gentle! :inlove: I've been drawing a lot of self-indulgent sneeze-related stuff lately, and I whipped up a couple of fan arts for the webcomic 'Hanna is Not a Boy's Name'... There's more of these, but I'll just post these two because they turned out the best, I think. :yes:

First: Have Doc Worth sneezing all over Conrad (much to Conrad's dismay :unsure:). There's a tiny bit of blood in this one - hope it doesn't bother anybody, I just thought it was appropriate since Conrad is a vampire (and Worth is so obviously a junkie, harhar).

Second: No actual sneezing in this one, but have Doc Worth looking really sick and strung out and needing badly to blow his nose. As you can see I really like messy sneezes. :o

I might post more if there's any interest - otherwise feel free to ignore me as I slither back into my closet, haha. :wub:

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I don't really find these sexy per se - but definitely interesting. I have a thing for junkies and drug addicts... not sure why. I just love angst and suffering and I've been even more interested ever since I found out that sneezing is one of the possible symptoms of heroin withdrawal. You have an interesting drawing style. I'm definitely going to check out this comic now!

Don't be afraid to post more! I like them!

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I've been even more interested ever since I found out that sneezing is one of the possible symptoms of heroin withdrawal

GAH, I didn't know that! Def. making it more interesting for me, too, now. :yes:

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Hahaha yeah! :unsure: I was surprised when I first read it. It seems like such a random symptom. But it makes sense when you look at the side effects of heroin. It dries your body up, makes you constipated and all that, but once you get off of it you start sweating, shitting your brains out... so it makes sense that your nose would get really runny too and probably lead to a lot of sneezing. I googled around and there are some message boards for heroin addicts/people going through withdrawal and a lot of them confirm that they do sneeze a lot.

ETA: Yawning was another random symptom of withdrawal... still pretty cute. :yes:

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