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Sneeze Fetish Forum



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I think I caught my fictional character's bug. I've been trying to write a sneeze fic today- torturing a nice, innocent character with a nasty cold, and now I'm starting to feel pretty crappy. My head hurts and doesn't seem to be working right, my throat is tickly and sore when I swallow, my nose is getting stuffy and any time I move from under this duvet, I go from uncomfortably hot to cold and shivery. Friggin fictional germs. I should wear gloves when I type.

Edited by ScotGirl
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Thanks, I am feeling a bit better but some additional itchy spots have appeared. I thought they were midgey bites, but the latest ones aren't in a midgey-exposed area. I'm starting to think this is chickenpox, again.

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...so, it's not chickenpox. It's some random bug making me feel ill (I'm going back to the fictional one) and some slightly bigger bugs making me feel itchy- either fleas or ticks apparently. :hug:


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The gods are ironic, aren't they? I do hope you feel better, but it seems you might be able to write yourself a pretty interesting story.

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Don't you just HATE irony? Like today, I was writing about a character who had BPD and ADHD who was in a band. Well guess what? I'm in a band. I looked up the symptoms of ADHD and BPD and my now my mom wants to take me in for tests because I fit the criteria! ;( I don't want BPD OR ADHD!!!

Feel better!

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