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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Back Yard Birch (female)


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Played around, popped out a story. Well, more like a drabble that outgrew itself. Anyway. On with the show. heh.gif Enjoy!


"Baby, please, can't we just cut down the damn tree?"

That was the first words Amie uttered when I came home from a three-day-long business trip, and the tree in question was a huge silver birch in our backyard. A huge blooming silver birch in our backyard.

Amie was half-lying, half-sitting on the couch, still wearing her skirt suit from work, as if she had been too exhausted to change. Her nose was crimson red, and she was clutching a tissue in her left hand.

"Nice to see you too, how was your day dear?" I replied dryly and put down my suitcase.

"My day has been an itchy, sneezy, pollen-filled spring HELL!" she spat and rubbed her nose forcefully. I could hear the squishy sounds her swollen, irritated and runny nose made as she rubbed it. Yes, her day had probably been hellish.

"I suppose you didn't bother to take your meds today either?" I said patiently.

"They make me so sleepy, I can't get anything done" she muttered, as if I didn't know. She sneezed, a drawn-out, miserable fit of congested and itchy sneezes that didn't seem to give her any relief.

"So you get a lot more done if you keep sneezing your head off, then?"

"I… I… heh-ih-ESSHh! I feel like crap" she said, ignoring my comment.

"Yeah, you look quite awful".

She blew her nose softly and the used tissue added to the pile on the table. Seemed like she had been through at least one box of Kleenex before I got home. She rubbed her nose again and sniffed.


"So, what?"

"The damn tree. Can we please cut it down?"

"I hardly think that's going to improve your allergy symptoms. It's not the only birch tree in the area you know. And I'm absolutely positive we cannot cut down every birch tree in town".

"Doesn't matter. I just want to kill it".

She rolled over on her stomach and moaned.

"It feels as if I'm going to die".

"You're not going to die. You've got hayfever, not the bubonic plague".

"Easy for you to say. Your nose isn't completely stuffed up… itchy… running like a faucet…"

"True. Come on, you can't sit here and drip on the couch".




"…you. Again. I know another remedy for allergies… wanna try it?"

She glanced at me with watery, bloodshot eyes and smiled. She was still smiling when the next sneeze started to build, stretching the smile into a pained grimace, and then she sneezed violently into her hands, once, twice, three times. And then a fourth for good measure.

"Yeah? And what would that be?" she sniffled.


She gave a short laughter and reached for another tissue as she got up and followed me.

"Sure. You're the doctor".


Edited by Chanel_no5
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Lovely story! I really like Amie. :)

I really hope you'll write about her again in the future, if you feel properly inspired.

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Ahh, those birches, producing such lovely reactions in people... *purring laugh*

Sexy stuff. <3

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Ohhh my goodness I love this. I love when people don't take their allergy meds because it makes them tired, especially if it's because they're trying to get some work done.

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Blah: Hehe, wouldn't you know it, I kind of liked Amie as well. We'll see if she shows up again later on. ;)

VoOs: Mm, birches are by far the most generous tree I know... ;) Thanks.

AnonyMouse: Thank you. :) Yeah, I love that too, or if they don't take their medication for some other reason... especially when they really dislike the reaction they're going to get if they skip meds... :naughty:

sillystarsmoons: Thanks for reading. :D And for commenting. :)

Whysprr: Thanks a lot! :D

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Ooh, more powerful yet vulnerable women!

Funny really, when I was little I lived on the edge of a birchwood; of course I had no idea of its potential then....

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ilovesneezing: Oh, yes glorious it is. :lol:

Count: You know me, and my vulnerable but powerful women... I like to play with them. :lol: :lol: Preferably with their sensitive nose... :innocent:

sneezes Keep it coming? Amie or her sneezes? ;)

Pearlised Love to you too. ;) <3

NoV I guess that birch tree is there to stay. The SO, (the doctor), likes his birch tree. A sneezy wife, bah, much less important. ;)

I'll do my best to work on her from now on. ;)

Edited by Chanel_no5
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Awww. Too bad it's a one shot. Very nicely done, though maybe with some stuffy voice and nice sniffling in there would make it perfect.

I like how you portray them both. Good work. :P

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