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Avatar help?


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I try to upload my own avatar from the internet, going to an image and copying th image URL. But it says that it's not a valid link when I try to use it... Anyone help me? o 3 o`;

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Have you tried uploading an avatar from your computer instead? I do that, and it has always worked fine for me. :>

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On a side note, you're validating at the moment, so until you're validated, you won't be able to view/edit your own profile (including avatar). :P

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On a side note, you're validating at the moment, so until you're validated, you won't be able to view/edit your own profile (including avatar). :lol:

Oh.... T-that's probably why then... ^^`;

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We also don't allow hotlinking of images. You have to either link from a photo sharing site, or upload the image directly. You're not allowed to link to someone else's website.

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