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A Wonderful Day for Sneezes!!


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Today was a particularly sneezy day for me! There are several obs in this post, so hopefully everyone will find something they like! Let me just was you though my day of obs:

OBS #1:

My friend needed to buy a gift for her sister's birthday today and asked if I wanted to go with her. I agreed. She called me on her way to pick me up and we were discussing where we were going to go and what we were going to do. I was, as usual, talking non stop when I was startled by a very loud, "Huh EHhooo!"

"Bless You," I said.

"I hate sneezing and driving. Wait ... heh EHshOOO! Fuck! It's so dangerous. Anyway ..." and she didn't even miss a beat and got right back into the conversation where we left off.

OBS #2:

My friend decided she wanted to go to Borders to get her sister a book. I was very excited because I LOVE buying books, but that is besides the point, ha ha.

Anyway, as soon as I walked into the store I had an immediate tickle, "Heh Ishoo! Heh Ishoo! *pause* Hih, Heh eshIeeww!" In between the second and third sneeze my mouth hung open with my eyes shut waiting. It was quite a quick reaction so I am unsure whether it was dust or a scent of some sort? I do not recall any smell filling the air, so I am at a loss as to the cause. I got a blessing from my friend and we went our seperate ways.

While I was shopping and looking at the books I managed 2 more doubles.

OBS #3:

After shopping my friend and I decided to grab some lunch at Panera and take it to a local park ... I'm sure you can see where this is going!

While we were eating and chatting my friend's face contorted into the most perfect pre-sneeze face. For what several seconds she sat there, eyes fluttering, lips quivering. I waited patiently. She then shook her head and said, "Nevermind." I was highly disappointed, but not for long. After continuing with our conversation for a minute or two my friend said, "It's back ..." She waited, lovely presneeze face for a few moments and then, "EH HESHiiOO! That felt good." I blessed her and we continued our lunch.

About halfway through lunch an adorable jogger was coming towards us. Before he got to us he turned his head to the side and sneezed a loud, masculine and increadibly sexy, "HURASHOO!" but continued jogging. A few moments later (and a little bit closer to us) he sneezed another lovely, "HURASHOOO!" And again a third time (he had just barely past us) a final, "HURASHOOO!" He jogged up to the water fountain a few yards away and grabbed a quick drink. Then, he did something that I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. Now, it was further away, so I can't be sure, but it seems he blew his nose in one of his hands and the flicked the mucus into the grass. I guess if he was an allergic mess and that was his only option ... even then ... I don't know. Kind of gross to me. But some of you may be into it.

As we were gathering our garbage after we had finished eating it was my nose's turn. I could feel the tickle through much of the lunch, it just hadn't developed into a sneeze yet. Finally, the tickle was so intense I had to let out a quick, "Heh HihISHoo, heh ehSHooo." It felt amazing. No blessing, sadly, because my friend has already started walking to the trash can to throw away her garbage.

OBS #4:

After shopping I decided to treat myself to a pedicure. (I know, I know, the perks of being a teacher and having summers off). On my way to the nail salon while driving I sneezed a rare, yet delightful, fit of four. "Heh ... heh eshhhoo! eshhooo! Hih Eshooo! *dramatic pause* Heh IshhIIEEWWWW!" Very satisfying!

It was a wonderfully sneezy day for me and those around me! Definitely difficult to get through the day with a hightened arousal level!

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Then, he did something that I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. Now, it was further away, so I can't be sure, but it seems he blew his nose in one of his hands and the flicked the mucus into the grass. I guess if he was an allergic mess and that was his only option ... even then ... I don't know. Kind of gross to me. But some of you may be into it.

Ha. Haha. I find that more amusing than anything. Ohh, the things men do! :lol:

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It sounds like a wonderful day indeed, and you've captured it beautifully with your writing :)

My personal favourites would be Obs 2 and 4, though I also have a soft for your friend saying 'It's back...' like that in Obs 3 :blushing:

Thank you for sharing it all with us :)

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Golly. yes...HoL is so right. That wonderful quadruple; which you enjoyed so much and spelt so beautifully...

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