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trying something new


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So I went shopping a while back, and I picked up three new handkerchiefs. After being a member of this board, I realized that you crazy people are scattered randomly throughout the universe and one never knows if someone is, erm...watching you! *giggle* So when I saw the bin of scarves and various things I dove in :drool: After all, in the summer my nose runs and I end up needing to blow my nose a lot; so why not pickup a few cool looking hankies to replace all those annoying tissues? I hope I can make a habit of using them!

So here is where I describe the three that I bought, hope you enjoy! :)

One is a very light blue with a hefty, dark navy blue border (about 1 1/2 inches thick). Inside the border are 20 circles arranged perfectly within the inner square. The circles are concentric with varying blues tones and odd shades of white.

The second handkerchief is a somewhat muted fuchsia colour with two borders; a thin dark mulberry line for the outer and a thin bright light blue for the inner. The inside design is that of tropical flowers...just silhouettes really, minimal detail. They are mostly white with blue or fuchsia linework, also scattered throughout are blue flowers and some swirly bits.

Lastly, I have a camo print one. I'm not a big fan of camo print, but I got it because I didn't like anything else in the bin, but needed three :drool:

Oh yeah...they're all cotton.

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Your hankies sound very nice, looking forward to reading obs of you using them.

Congratulations on becoming another hankie user.

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Hah! i knew it...people watching everywhere >.>

Camo is just a green and brown classic army camouflage print.

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Welcome to the world of hankie users. It sounds like you really hit the jackpot: I especially liked the first two you described (I'm not a fan of camo prints either). I know you'll enjoy using them; once you've used a hankie, you'll never want to go back to tissues!

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Well I have to say I'm thankful for the feed back. I'm excited as well. Now personally, I don't have the hanky fetish, but I'm MORE that happy to do what I can. My nose tuns like crazy anyways...I might as well tell you about it!

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Well I have to say I'm thankful for the feed back. I'm excited as well. Now personally, I don't have the hanky fetish, but I'm MORE that happy to do what I can. My nose tuns like crazy anyways...I might as well tell you about it!

Ok Miss Goldfish, stop teasing us and show us a photo of the little beauties you just purchased....please? :winkkiss:

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Heres a pic of my new handkerchiefs...enjoy!


OMG..... :) what great taste you have, i'll take the middle handkerchief pls I'm sure you'll have plenty lol.

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Really nice hankies ^_^ not too keen on the camo one, but the others :drool:

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Yup, very nice indeed, you can definitely join the handkerchef appreciation and users society (female branch) .. when we form one :bounce:


Edited by hankman
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That pink one is lovely!

yes, thats the one im using now...its my fave! It's so sound though, im sure everyone sees it when i take it out >.>!

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That pink one is lovely!

yes, thats the one im using now...its my fave! It's so sound though, im sure everyone sees it when i take it out >.>!

Would love to see you using that :P

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Don't you iron your hankies ?


Uuummm no? I figure they will be crushed in pocket/sleeve anyways when I use them. Should I?

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