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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneezing into something that makes you sneeze more?


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I have this thing where I LOVE to imagine (and see in real life occasionally) someone who is sneezing or has to sneeze, or has a cold or allergies, and they grab a tissue or a hankie to catch the sneeze, and it makes them sneeze more.

For instance, you know how you can buy those scented tissues? Or tissues with aloe vera to be extra gentle on a sore, red nose? I always hope to see someone using these such tissues and then the scent of them makes the person sneeze even more.

Or the hankie they sneeze into is old and dusty and so that makes them sneeze more.

Or they have a cold and have to blow their nose a lot, and I LOVE the idea of someone blowing their nose to try and stop their sneezes, but instead the act of blowing actually MAKES them sneeze.

This actually happened once to my partner, many years ago. She had a cold and had sneezed 3 times already, and was blowing her nose and usually this would cause her to stop sneezing, but instead it seemed to make her sneeze even more. Delicious. :drool:

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In the Sneezefic Archive is a whole series of stories about a guy who is allergic to tissues - and just about everything else in the world. So he sneezes all the time and sometimes he's forced to use tissues, which of course make him sneeze even more. You'll love those stories, I think. :cry: They are written by VATERgrrl and they're easy to find in the Archive.

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This happens to me if I use the menthol scented tissues. I was out one day and sneezy and someone offered me a tissue as i'd left mine at home and it wasn't until i sneezed into it and launched into a huge fit I realised what was going on!

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This is a scenario I love but rarely think of when I write/look for stories. I'll have to check out VATERgrrl's stories.

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Never actually thought about it when I've been writing, but I quite like the scenario...

a perfumed hankie...

...scented tissues...

...tissues that's been left outside and covered in pollen...


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Never actually thought about it when I've been writing, but I quite like the scenario...

a perfumed hankie...

...scented tissues...

...tissues that's been left outside and covered in pollen...


... if you say it like that... :P *will have to look for those stories/write some herself too now* :)

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This. This for ever.

Tarotgirl made a wav that concluded with this same thing, as I recall. Her stuff still exists on the internet right?

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YES! :cry:

I've heard this in a few wavs before, I haven't ever thought of it while writing/reading either though. Maybe now I will have to. :P

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In the Sneezefic Archive is a whole series of stories about a guy who is allergic to tissues - and just about everything else in the world. So he sneezes all the time and sometimes he's forced to use tissues, which of course make him sneeze even more. You'll love those stories, I think. :) They are written by VATERgrrl and they're easy to find in the Archive.

Oh, the ones about Cory and Lynn? They're amazing stories! :)

And this topic makes me want to go and write some more fiction now... :lol:

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I too find this a really lovely concept. I'm sure I can remember stories [probably children's stories; you know how sneezy they are] in which someone has put a sneezing agent like pepper or spice in a handkerchief as a joke or for some sneezy purpose. In fact I recall an absolute sneeze orgy in an old girl's school story where the naughty girls keep pouring washing powder into their own and everyone else's hankies...including the stern mistress who punishes anyone sneezing in lessons!

I do remember giving an early girlfriend a paper hankie which had been sitting in my top pocket accumulating dust for some time; I don't think it detracted from the hay fever fit she was having, shall we say.

Incidentally, for those who don't know, there are links on this forum to the Sneezefic Archive and to the Tarot of Sneezing. vatergrrl is a founder member here and still reasonably active in a semi-lurking way; she reported on the bloke who was allergic to kleenex, which presumably inspired her stories...

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In the Sneezefic Archive is a whole series of stories about a guy who is allergic to tissues - and just about everything else in the world. So he sneezes all the time and sometimes he's forced to use tissues, which of course make him sneeze even more. You'll love those stories, I think. :) They are written by VATERgrrl and they're easy to find in the Archive.

I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE that series... I :lol: Cory. Actually those stories inspired me to start writing orginals. I have much love for her as a person and a writer.

:) was distracted- now am going to re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-(etc) read the series :lol:

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I too find this a really lovely concept. I'm sure I can remember stories [probably children's stories; you know how sneezy they are] in which someone has put a sneezing agent like pepper or spice in a handkerchief as a joke or for some sneezy purpose. In fact I recall an absolute sneeze orgy in an old girl's school story where the naughty girls keep pouring washing powder into their own and everyone else's hankies...including the stern mistress who punishes anyone sneezing in lessons!

I do remember giving an early girlfriend a paper hankie which had been sitting in my top pocket accumulating dust for some time; I don't think it detracted from the hay fever fit she was having, shall we say.

Incidentally, for those who don't know, there are links on this forum to the Sneezefic Archive and to the Tarot of Sneezing. vatergrrl is a founder member here and still reasonably active in a semi-lurking way; she reported on the bloke who was allergic to kleenex, which presumably inspired her stories...

I remember a story in the girls' comic "Tracey" (anyone else remember that one?) about two warring twin sisters where in one episode one twin had a sneezing fit into her hankie, making her mother think she had hay fever - for reasons essential to the plot - and the other twin only realised later that it had in fact been pepper in the hankie when she picked it up and sneezed herself...

And, count...doing that with a paper hankie is inspired evil! :)

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Love the idea of this - may even consider writing a fic that focuses on this very issue - especially if the sneezer does not realise what is making them sneeze :)

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Oooh.. Cory and Lynn! I remember those stories. And yes.. if anyone wants to write more fiction in relation to this topic.. I'm ready to read it. :)

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wow! someone being allergic to the tissues they use...what a great story idea! Too bad I am not interested in male sneezes or I would be reading those stories.

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Oh yeah I really love this scenario so much! I've seen a few stories that have this and it's just so amazing. There's one on Serotica called Stargazer Lilies, and in part 4 this woman is sneezing a lot from her allergies and she borrows her fiance's handkerchief, but the smell of the washing detergent is so strong that it made her already severe allergy attack so much worse. There was one on the Tarot of Sneezing that was called either Love or Luck, can't remember which, but it had a guy that was allergic to tissues in that and had a spectacular fit when his girlfriend handed him some not knowing he was allergic. Oh and krazykat on this forum wrote an X-files story which is just titled X Files drabble(though it actually has 9 parts) and in one part Mulder is trapped in an elevator with a women who's perfume is making him sneeze like crazy, he runs out of tissues, so she offers him her neck scarf to blow his nose in, except that has the perfume smell on it as well.

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Wow, I think I remember Cory & Lynn too!! I used to read some fic stuff while at work at one of my old jobs...before offices started monitoring your activities while you're online of course!

I used to write my own fics...put them on that site, Serotica before it disappeared. I think I wrote about 3 or 4...

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Actually i was watching a video (more like listening lol) on youtube of a girl having an allergy attack because of a friends new puppy...and she was sneezing into the puppy's blanket that she snached from her friends house so that was making her sneeze more lol

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My hubby has this problem. He is allergic to pretty much everything --- dust, mold, pollen, leaves, cats, perfume, cologne, febreeze, anything with a strong scent --- you get the idea. Being that he is allergic to scented things, we never thought about tissues. An incident occurred years ago that brought us to the conclusion he is allergic to scented tissues.

We were at his sister's house which is very dusty. Also, she has 3 cats. These two things alone made him sneeze his poor head off. After a few hours of sneezing, he's run out of hanky space and tissues. He pulls a tissue from the box in her house and immediately begins sneezing harsher sneezes. Again, we thought nothing of it due to the environment we were in.

We left and as I drove home (bc he was just too sneezy) he asks me if I have any tissues. I hand him my travel pack. As he raises it to his nose to blow, I hear him say, "Oh no...not again..." and his voice trailed off and he began to sneeze heavy, harsh and big sneezes one right after the other. After ten or so of these monsters, he blew his nose and again says, "Oh my God..." and launches into another huge fit of desperate and harsh sneezes. This happens all the way home. He must've sneezed over a hundred sneezes in the half hour ride.

When we got home, he ran inside to wash his face and blow his streaming, red nose. When he blew this time, nothing happened. A few minutes later, he used one of my tissues to wipe his drippy little beak and BAM! Instant harsh sneezing fit. We deduced that scented tissues make him sneeze too...

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It can happen to me, like Sneezles, when I use tissues with Vicks on them. Not all the time...but if my nose is pretty sensitive from my cold it can trigger sneezes.

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