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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I told my mom!!


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Wow! I've told several friends, but I could never tell my family. You're alot braver than I am, good for you! :)

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Thats great! I Don't even like to tell my family about normal every-day things I do, let alone what kinds of fetishes I have!

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I've thought about telling my mom, only because I feel she may have the fetish herself, but I don't know what would be more awkward... her not having it and being all "oh..." or her having it and being all "let's talk about it ^^" :blushing:

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Wow! Good job there! And yay for your mum and brother for not judging you. Good things ;):)

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Congrats. you indeed are far more braver than iam when it comes to that. iam indeed happy for you

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  • 1 month later...

Congratulations! You're much braver than I am. I havn't told anyone exept my cousin. I know my brother would judge me. :rolleyes:

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