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Who here likes cartoon sneezes?


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I'm inclined to say I like them even better than rel life. the exaggerated expressions and build... just so good.

anyone agree?

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I'm inclined to say I like them even better than rel life. the exaggerated expressions and build... just so good.

anyone agree?

Better than real life no. It's pretty safe to say that all cartoon sneezes are manufactured. But I like female cartoon characters sneezing because they still sound real, and can be quite hot at times.

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Before I go on, I really just want to say this: Cartoon sneezes are a gateway drug.

Anyway. I definitely like them. I'm not sure that I'd rank them better than real sneezes, but in some cases, they can be just as good in my opinion. It really depends. Then again, I'm one of those people who actually likes really dramatic sneezes in real life, and cartoon ones usually go that way. Even if they're not "hot," they can still be a lot of fun. I feel a little sad that I haven't found many sneezes in newer cartoons. I can't say for sure, but I feel like they're a dying breed. Hopefully we'll get some more in the future though.

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I enjoyed them a lot as a kid and didn't even care of the cartoon was human or not. Though I've pretty much completely grown out of that over the years.

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They can be very enjoyable for me, it just depends on a number of factors. Mostly anime sneezes are what I like, particularly from males. Like Shayla, I don't enjoy them near as much as I used to.

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I don't like them that much. They can be amusing or cute, but real sneezes are much better to me. I usually like longer fits and I don't think I have ever seen cartoon sneezes be more than 1 or 2 at a time. I also don't like when the sneeze itself sounds fake or when they go totally overboard with the sneeze.

I could imagine a cartoon sneezing situation that I would enjoy, but I have never seen it. i think a fellow sneeze-fetishist would have to be making the cartoon for it to happen, lol.

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I only really enjoy cartoon sneezes if the voice-actor makes it sound like a real sneeze. I hate that fake "Ah-Choo" stuff.

But mostly- yeah I do enjoy animated sneezes :drool:

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I'm not sure how I feel about Cartoon Sneezes. They were the beggining of my Fetish & I suppose that's special, but my Sister is an aspiring Voice-Actress. So, she insists that I watch Cartoons with her because I have more knowledge of Melodic Patterns, Accents, Ect. It's a good thing that I'm living in a Theatre now, insted of at home! Now that I've actually Seen these Voice-Actors...the sneezes don't make me feel the same way...


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For me, it depends on the character. Sometimes, they can be just as awesome as real life. But generally speaking, real life is much, much better for me.

Now that I've actually Seen these Voice-Actors...the sneezes don't make me feel the same way...

I think the main thing for me is I always visualise the voice-actors practicing sneezes, or fake-sneezing into a microphone, and it makes me cringe like no tomorrow. :D

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For me, it depends on the character. Sometimes, they can be just as awesome as real life. But generally speaking, real life is much, much better for me.
Now that I've actually Seen these Voice-Actors...the sneezes don't make me feel the same way...

I think the main thing for me is I always visualise the voice-actors practicing sneezes, or fake-sneezing into a microphone, and it makes me cringe like no tomorrow. :blushing:

For me it's the complete opposite. :D I absolutely love the thought of voice-actors practicing fake-sneezing and doing stuffy voices and whatnot in the recording studio. IF the result is convincing, or you can tell that they actually made an effort to make it sound realistic.

As for cartoon sneezes, I loved them as kid, and I still enjoy many of them as long as the character is human and the voice-actor puts some sort of effort into the sound. Sneezing in anime never fails to brighten my day.

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Yes, I definitely do. Probably because in a cartoon there's usually a reason for them or something? They seem to stand out more because of it. And then you know, certain characters and things, stuff like that. xD;

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I just LOVE cartoon sneezes!!! Love the characters expressions and buildups!! :) :)

:D I agree, the exaggeration gets me!

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I kinda like them, but they make me feel guilty (yes, I am indeed quite wierd xD)

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  • 1 month later...

Eh? Not a huge fan of cartoon sneezes. I liked them when I was a kid, but I think it's only because they were so accessable.

These days I don't care for them that much. Cartoon sneezes are generally over dramatic and very fake sounding. Fake sneezes do nothing for me. Generally when I hear a fake, over done cartoon sneeze I actually get really mad about it. They ONLY way I would enjoya cartoon sneeze is if it sounded real and if the cartoon was drawn in a life like mannor (like Disney Princes and not like a creepy animal).

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Eh? Not a huge fan of cartoon sneezes. I liked them when I was a kid, but I think it's only because they were so accessable.

These days I don't care for them that much. Cartoon sneezes are generally over dramatic and very fake sounding. Fake sneezes do nothing for me. Generally when I hear a fake, over done cartoon sneeze I actually get really mad about it. They ONLY way I would enjoy a cartoon sneeze is if it sounded real and if the cartoon was drawn in a life like mannor (like Disney Princes and not like a creepy animal).

Completely agreed. Excepting that I don't get mad I get "squicked". That's probably also why I don't like "over-the-top"ness or Comic sneezes on TV or in stories. Takes out the attraction Entirely for me.

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I only really enjoy cartoon sneezes if the voice-actor makes it sound like a real sneeze. I hate that fake "Ah-Choo" stuff.

But mostly- yeah I do enjoy animated sneezes :mellow:

I actually do dislike when it's really fake sounding too. Unless the sound is really well done I'll typicAlly turn off the volume. Like I said it's the exaggerated expressions and whatnot I like

also. When I say cartoon I actually mean animated -or- just drawn in general. (especially spoider :'D )

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Hmm it depends... :mellow:

I don't like anime and usually don't like anime style, so no to anime sneezes. As for other cartoons, sometimes it's just so exaggerated that I don't like it because it's like a joke or something. So, I suppose you could say I like them when they sound realistic and aren't over-the-top slapstick (bonus for a good build up)!

There was a reason Alice in Wonderland was one of my favorite animated movies as a child... :lol:

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Hmm it depends... :(

I don't like anime and usually don't like anime style, so no to anime sneezes. As for other cartoons, sometimes it's just so exaggerated that I don't like it because it's like a joke or something. So, I suppose you could say I like them when they sound realistic and aren't over-the-top slapstick (bonus for a good build up)!

That. Definitely. :blink:

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