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Pepper Sneezes


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Alright, so about a month ago, K decides he going to cook us some steaks. I’m in the other room when all of a sudden he runs in the living room and is coughing like a mad man.

“whats wrong with you? What happened?” I ask, a bit concerned.

He continues coughing and then sneezes. The buildup is silent; his face contorts, making a huge pre-sneeze expression before letting out a loud “WHAAA CHOOO! WHA CHOOO! Ugg…” He uses a tissue to blow his nose, and I can tell it’s very wet. “ok,” he continues “I put some hot sauce in the frying pan *cough* to cook the steaks in but it burned up…now the vapor is in the kitchen air.”

“Huh?” I ask and cautiously step into the kitchen…Oh my god the smell of pepper is so strong I can barely breathe. I begin to cough…trying to talk was impossible because I was coughing so much. It hurt really bad too, it was a burning sensation in the back of my throat. I open the window and rush outta there.

This is the good part! So back in the living room, we are both still coughing and then I feel a tickle the back of nose. I know I can’t stop this one from coming out so I wait expectantly. Quickly it grows stronger and stronger. I close my eyes tight and my head tilts back, mouth open. It was a silent buildup, but very intense. I haven’t felt a tickle like this before…honestly! After about 3 seconds I let out one crazy loud and very wet sneeze. “HaCHEW!” I’m sure there was a lot of spray and it caused me to whip my head to one side violently.

But there was more, I sneezed again after about 4 seconds. “HaCHEW! Oh maaaan!” I grabbed a tissue and blew into it. There was tons of snot (clear) and it was pretty gross. I sneezed all in all about 5 or 6 times...all coupled with that scratchy coughing inbetween sneezes.

That was one of the few times I’ve sneezed more than two times in a row, so this was defiantly a fit. Yeah after that I told him not to put hot sauce in the frying pan anymore, just put in ON the steaks afterward. Hehee. I couldn’t be too mad though because it gave me something to write about.

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So the moral is: When life hands you steak sauce, burn it and have a sneezing fit. :zippy: Well done.

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How wonderful to find a way of generating such a lovely fit. Of course you haven't secretly been burnimg the hard sauce to repeat the lovely experience, have you?

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Amazing how many different sorts of mishaps in the kitchen seems to result in sneezing! :laugh: I particularly liked how you described the build-up to your first sneeze. Bless you and thanks for sharing :)

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Bless you both! An excellent obs! I also find pepper sauce to be a potent sneeze inducer, even when you don't heat it. And I also have a special thing for sneezing fits in the presence of food. Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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Yeah after that I told him not to put hot sauce in the frying pan anymore, just put in ON the steaks afterward. Hehee. I couldn’t be too mad though because it gave me something to write about.

Of course you can't be mad at him :(:lol: Great obs, thanks for sharing, and bless you! :cry:

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