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Live Chat


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I am not a frequent user of the live chat, but have been on there quite a few times. But now, whenever I tried to enter it in the past month or so, it invariably crashed. It says Welcome to the SFF Chat Room but does not play the usual jungle, does not let me see who else is in the chatroom, and as soon as I hit any key to type, the page crashes: it does not react to typing or clicking, when I scroll up and down the chat window becomes all jumbled, and I can do nothing but quit the chat room (although the rest of the forum keeps working fine).

Does anyone have any idea what the issue might be? Is anyone else experiencing the same problem? My laptop is otherwise working fine, and the live chat used to work just fine on it until a while ago.

Thanks! :)

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Does anyone have any idea what the issue might be? Is anyone else experiencing the same problem? My laptop is otherwise working fine, and the live chat used to work just fine on it until a while ago.

Thanks! :)

This is really guessing by looking in a crystal ball. The chat room still works for many people, including me.

From your description, most likely there's a problem with the JAVA plugin for your browser.

(Can you run other java applets in your browser? e.g. this one: http://www.falstad.com/circuit/ )

Any chance you could download and install the most recent version of the JAVA plugin?

(Just google "java plugin")

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I do have an up-to-date Java plugin running, your circuit applet works perfectly :D

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I do have an up-to-date Java plugin running, your circuit applet works perfectly :D

Is installing and trying out a different browser an option?

I successfully use chromium (the open source version of google chrome)

and iceape (the code of firefox is derived from this).

Both chrome and firefox are available for many platforms.

You can get chrome here: http://www.google.com/chrome

You can get firefox here: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox

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