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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Summer Head Cold

norcal tinkfan

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Came down with a cold on Tuesday without much warming it seemed. No telltale sore throat and/or mild headache a couple days before hand. Pretty much developed a very sore throat in the middle of the day and by evening was sniffing & blowing, fever, etc.

I woke up a little bit ago with a nose that HAD to be blown. I sat up in bed and grabbed a tissue from the box next to me and proceeded to blow the messy contents into two tissues. That caused a tickle to develop in my right nostril. I sniffed a couple times to get rid of it, but it got worse. Sniffed again & just as I was reaching for another tissue...HASCHOOOOO! (uncovered) spraying my arm & night table. Grabbed the tissues in time for HESCHOOOOO! HIASCHOOOO! followed again by a couple wet blows.

Sneezed twice as I was typing this. The tickle doesn't want to go away...

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Norcal - Bless you! That's the weirdest..when you come down with a cold that really doesn't announce itself in advance.

I hope you feel better soon. ;)

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Thank you! I have mixed feelings about this cold. Part of me feels absolutely under the weather and icky but part of me is somewhat enjoying the sneezes...probably because they give me a bit of relief from my ever increasing stuffy nose.

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Thank you! I have mixed feelings about this cold. Part of me feels absolutely under the weather and icky but part of me is somewhat enjoying the sneezes...probably because they give me a bit of relief from my ever increasing stuffy nose.

That totally makes sense. Sneezing feels better than being too stuffed up..and not being able to sneeze at all.

Enjoy the sneezes while you can, and feel better soon! :)

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Another cold! Oh my. It sounds like a real crummy one, too. Wish I were there to share it (catch it, steal it).

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Another cold! Oh my. It sounds like a real crummy one, too. Wish I were there to share it (catch it, steal it).

I swear...I know drops in weather temp doesn't cause colds...but my last two have happened after extreme changes. I am pretty sure you wouldn't have to do much to catch this one other than be in the same room with me! Tissues or no tissues!

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Thank you!

Still sneezing, sniffing & blowing! My nose is really red now from tissue after tissue. I'm alone so I don't have to cover my sneezes...but I always do! They have been wet & I need to blow after almost all of them.

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Feel better soon!! Don't you wish (sometimes...or I do anyway) that you could retain the sneeziness of a cold after the cold itself is gone, so you can really enjoy them without actually feeling sick?

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I had to do some laundry today. With this cold my nose is pretty sensitive. I had the few pieces of laundry in one hand and tissues in the other. As I put the detergent in the the compartment a small plume came up and caught my sensitive nose. It caused a tickle and just as I brought the tissues to my face...HASCHOOOO! HAH...HAH...HASCHOOOO! Followed by a messy, wet blow.

This is one heck of a cold!

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