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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Picture a friend drew for me


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My friend Jacquelyne who lives quite near to me is also a sneeze fetishist, and we both have a thing for anime bishies sneezing :). And I recently won a raffle of hers, and I won a waist up pic of anyone I wanted, so I asked if she could draw Silas (Possibly my favorite OC of mine...) sneezing <333333 This is the result of it and I love her sooooooo much for it. Luffluffluffluff.

I dunno if she has a working account... :<

I have permission to post this though :D


Dat mess <3 How I love it so~

Edited by HoNk
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Oooh. :) I like this. That's super awesome that she has the fetish too, and nice of her to draw this and let you share it with us.

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