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Avatar: The Last Airbender


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I've noticed that there are no stories about this show, so I was wondering, if I wrote a fic set after the Siege of the North (in which Zuko and Aang were out in the cold :wink1: ) would anyone read it?

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I would totally read it! haha when I watched Avatar the last airbender I totally loved Zuko! :wink1:

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I wrote a few almost a year ago! Just a ton of little drabbles of Zuko and Sokka.


But! Yes! That would be super awesome if you wrote something!

Yours and Hex's were so great that now I'm scared to write mine because they won't be as good!!! I've started something mostly starring Aang, but will probably include Zuko later.

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Yours and Hex's were so great that now I'm scared to write mine because they won't be as good!!! I've started something mostly starring Aang, but will probably include Zuko later.

no no no donĀ“t be shy, everybody loves to read stories and we all love to read them also from newcomers :rolleyes:

there is no need to be scared this community is made of so much love :laugh: and everyone is welcome here! :lol::laugh:

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Thanks so much, I'm just kind of new to the writing thing, so I have no idea if I'm any good at it.

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