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Sneeze Fetish Forum

how do you like your sneezes?


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i personally like the way my girlfriend sneezes rather alot - cute rather loud and powerful feminine sneezes with a cute gaspy ' heh, heh' build up then break into the sneeze with a moderatly quiet HEH then a loud high pitched SHEWW! so Heh heh Heh-SHEWW! that can sometimes break into HAH-E-SHEW! if shes having a particuarly bad sneezing fit from allergies or something really tickles her nose. she normally sneezes in fits of 3-6 but can have the occasional single or double but the most ive ever seen her do in a row in front of me is 9 or 10 and that left me extremly flustered :rofl: but aparently the most shes ever done in a row is 25 when she was exposed to cut grass then dust when she was off her meds.

what about you guys ?, describe what you prefer in your perfect sneezer :winkkiss:

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I like violent, desperate-sounding sneezes that still have an element of hold-back. I want intensity without loudness; harsh, unspellable, consonant-heavy sounds and irritated multiples.

Hmm. The sound of a perfect sneeze would be the sound of someone Really needing to, but Really not wanting to.

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I like violent, desperate-sounding sneezes that still have an element of hold-back. I want intensity without loudness; harsh, unspellable, consonant-heavy sounds and irritated multiples.

Hmm. The sound of a perfect sneeze would be the sound of someone Really needing to, but Really not wanting to.

A perfect sneeze would have a long buildup, possibly desperate sounding. Like the girl is trying to prevent the sneeze at all costs. She would have maybe a short false start before she sneezes twice in a row, the second louder than the first.

I would like to see some hand waving too, and perhaps her finger under her nose trying to stop the sneeze but failing.

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No offence ment, but, there's one (maybe even more) topics with the same question... (man, I sound so mean :))

anyhow, haha I sure love long desperate buildups and a long aftersneeze (if you understand what I mean :)

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I like violent, desperate-sounding sneezes that still have an element of hold-back. I want intensity without loudness; harsh, unspellable, consonant-heavy sounds and irritated multiples.

Hmm. The sound of a perfect sneeze would be the sound of someone Really needing to, but Really not wanting to.

Thats exactly what i love! also, the wetter, the better! ;) and lots of good sniffles after of course! :)

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The perfect sneeze to me, would be three in a row, kind of loud, not restrained at all. And if they are dizzy, or wiped out after they sneeze, it's a huge bonus for me!

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Loud, multiple, hitching desperate build-ups - sneezes that almost seem to take control of the entire body of the sneezer. Sneezes that are more of a force of nature than a bodily function ^_^

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, they should start with a long, hitchy build-up, that's for sure. The sneezer should definitely give a warning of the 'oh, gonna sneeze!' kind. Also, there should be as many as possible, but not in rapid succession, more like time to build-up between each one.

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I like my sneezes sunny side-up :lol:

Ok, for reals, I like some build up, but not dramatic. I also like things that make it seem like a powerful sneeze like if it leaves them doubled over, like it took total control of them (yeah the vulnerability aspect of the fetish :) ). I like it if they sneeze into their fists or back of the wrist. I also like if they are sniffly, or twitching their nose, or sound a little congested before or after they sneeze.

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OMG I think I like your girlfriend's sneezes best. :laugh:

i personally like the way my girlfriend sneezes rather alot - cute rather loud and powerful feminine sneezes with a cute gaspy ' heh, heh' build up then break into the sneeze with a moderatly quiet HEH then a loud high pitched SHEWW! so Heh heh Heh-SHEWW! that can sometimes break into HAH-E-SHEW! if shes having a particuarly bad sneezing fit from allergies or something really tickles her nose. she normally sneezes in fits of 3-6 but can have the occasional single or double but the most ive ever seen her do in a row in front of me is 9 or 10 and that left me extremly flustered :lol: but aparently the most shes ever done in a row is 25 when she was exposed to cut grass then dust when she was off her meds.

what about you guys ?, describe what you prefer in your perfect sneezer :)

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