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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My Brother Again


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So, we just got back from seeing the new Harry Potter movie. (It was so awesome! SQUEEEEEEE!) By the way, we means me, my brother and M (who else?)

There was just one problem, though. The theater was incredibly dusty, so my bro kept sneezing at least once every ten seconds throughout the entire movie, which was over two hours long. He stifled them (ironically, as M pointed out), so they sounded like "HEH-mph!" or "HEH-mph-chew!" when one escaped. People around us kept giving him dirty looks, so I shot them my trademark evil glare to shut them up. :winkkiss: It worked. By the end of the movie his nose was bright red and he so was so congested M and I couldn't understand a word he said.

I feel so bad for him!!! It seems like he's always sneezing lately.

By the way in case some of this doesn't make sense to you...my last obs about my bro and M

Merged posts ~ obsessed

Edited by obsessed
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Omg i fricken LOVE male stifle sneezes. They are so fricken hot holy crap *_* I hope my future boyfriend stifles his sneezes :blushing:

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... is he single? :blushing:

ahaha just messin'. Sounds like fun times!

Unfortunately, yes (I've been trying to get him to date seriously for years. Well, maybe not that long.)

Hey, I just realized I haven't described him for you guys yet! *smacks self on the forehead* He's 21, has dark brown hair (like me!) and chocolate brown eyes (also like me!). He's tan from being outside a lot (also like me), tall and athletic looking (also like me. Is anyone noticing a pattern, here? :D )

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... is he single? :D

ahaha just messin'. Sounds like fun times!

Unfortunately, yes (I've been trying to get him to date seriously for years. Well, maybe not that long.)

Hey, I just realized I haven't described him for you guys yet! *smacks self on the forehead* He's 21, has dark brown hair (like me!) and chocolate brown eyes (also like me!). He's tan from being outside a lot (also like me), tall and athletic looking (also like me. Is anyone noticing a pattern, here? :D )

Mm, set him up with me haha! I'm single! :D Oh, and you go, girl! Glare at all those dummies. :blushing:

Edited by Scion
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Awww poor guy! I wonder if you saw the movie in NYC because there was someone stifling every so often when I saw the movie on Sunday. I admit I was a titch annoyed but only because they kept sending fetish-y thoughts through my brain and I was trying to focus on the film. I certainly didn't glare though!

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