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Tom Riddle?


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Hey all, so I know I make a lot of topics in this section and should probably write those stories/continue some of my others, but this is a plot bunny idea I've had for some time and I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in reading it.

I thought it might be kind of interesting to write a sfic about Tom Riddle, when he was at Hogwarts. He hadn't lost his nose yet, of course, so that wouldn't be an issue :innocent:, and I mean... he was supposed to be a pretty attractive guy. So, would anyone else find that cool? I don't know, I mean, on the one hand, it's a little odd to think of writing a Voldemort sick!fic (I mean... what?) but on the other, the idea of someone who ends up so massively evil being sick at one point (which he probably was, because, you know, there was a time when he was human and stuff) is kind of fun for me.

So what do people think? I kind of need something to ward of the Post Potter Depression (which I even have the t-shirt for :)), and thought this might be fun. Yes, I am aware that I made This Thread after Part I of DH came out (I really am predictable, aren't I?), and never wrote any of them :), and I'm sorry for that, but I'm thinking about starting a massive short story thread for those requests as well.

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I would definitely read Tom Riddle fic. :) I agree with you that massive evil is sexy when it's vulnerable!

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Ya'know, I think about a year ago this idea may have been lost on me. However, the "bad guy gets sick" thing has been growing on me. Also, the idea of Voldemort before he was... well, Voldemort, is very intriguing. I really think I would enjoy a fic along the lines of what you're suggesting, even more so because I know you'll do a great job with it.

So I say go for it! :)

Edited by everest
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I totally second that =P

I have to admit that I secretly wished to read something about sick!Tom in the books (not Voldemort, yikes.) :heart:

Evil is sexy. So uhm...it's worth a shot, huh? Go for it, I'm excited :)

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Hmmm... certainly do like the idea. :) Go for it I'd say. :) Looks like you'll have more than enough readers eagerly awaiting the story. :heart:

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Oh, whoa! I totally didn't know there was one. YAY! Thank you for the link :bounce:. I don't know if I'll write it though, just because I feel kind of badly about writing something that's been done. But who knows, maybe I'll still give it a go if the idea won't leave me alone :D. I'm glad you guys are interested.

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You should still write yours. Besides, it was on a different website, so I don't think many people on the forum have read it. So write yours. Pleeeeeeaase?

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I'm with EliGirl! Please write yours anyway! The more the merrier, and just because a character has been written about before doesn't mean we don't want to see it again! :P

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