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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Work Sneezes


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Today at work I sneezed twice, but they kinda took me by surprise. I was just standing there by he window when suddenly I felt a small tickle, more in the front of my nose really. It quickly grew very strong though and before I had time to reach back and grab my hanky I sneezed twice! I had to use my arm to catch them.

I don't have a real audible buildup, just a crazy pre sneeze face with my mouth hanging open in desperation...waiting. It sounds like a breathy "uuuhhh!" Then the sneeze, which sounded like "uhh chEEW! They were both pretty wet and my sleeve was all wet from spray; but I was proud of my messy sneezes today.

After the two sneezes, I used my hanky to wipe and blow my nose (not a lot of snot at all, it was pretty dry)...next time I hope to use my hanky for the entire episode! :bounce:

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They sound really enjoyable! And lots of messiness too? Yum... I hope you have lots more very soon...

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Bless you!

Where were you keeping your hanky?

Um somewhere not useful i guess! Well it was in a smaller pocket that was just above the back of my knee (for a cell phone); not in my TRUE back pocket (where it should have been)....

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Bless you!

Where were you keeping your hanky?

Um somewhere not useful i guess! Well it was in a smaller pocket that was just above the back of my knee (for a cell phone); not in my TRUE back pocket (where it should have been)....

I think you should try keeping it up your sleeve, then it will be easily accessible at all times


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