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A Cold Beach Night


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Katie sat in the car with her forehead against the cold window. It felt good against her headache. She’d felt perfectly fine this morning, but now her head throbbed. Stuck in the car for a few more hour she’d tried to take a nap, but due to the insane pounding she had not been able to sleep at all.

Katie’s friends voices melodically rang around her and on any normal day she’d be right with them talking and laughing. It’d been at least a year since they’d all been able to hang out together. Katie had long stopped listening to the conversation that had been bouncing back and forth between them, she didn’t notice when the subject matter became her.

“Katie, Matt is right are you okay?” Sara asked her in a gently caring voice.

“Huh, oh yeah fine. Just tired still I guess...”

“How can you still be tired, you crash at 9?” Matt chuckled from the front, but she could see the concern on his face. Matt had been Katie’s best friend since kindergarden and she’d always seen him like a brother, until recently that is. Matt knew her and knew when something was wrong.

The rest of the group seemed to believe me and turned back to their conversations.

What a day to get sick? Woke up completely fine, left for the beach with friends for a week, and sometime in the following thirty minutes her head had started as a dull ache that rapidly turned into what felt like a migraine. By now her throat had become brutally sore. There was also this irritating itch in the depths of her nose. A sneeze was coming, she could feel it, but she’d tried to fight it off as long as she could and at any moment her breath would start to hitch until she lost the battle and would sneeze.

Problem was she only sneezed when she was sick. Ever in her whole life and everyone in the car new that. So if she sneezed in the car everyone would know and she wouldn’t get to really enjoy this beach trip.

Alas her nose didn’t care whether she enjoyed it or not. The tickle had turned into a constant burn and no longer could she fight the urge to inhale quickly in rapid succession. Her eyes streamed tears and fluttered shut. She wrist under her nose planning on an attempt to stifle. Her chest rose and fell and she felt like everyone in the car was staring at her.

“You okay, Kate?” Mike asked as he put a hand on her shoulder. Why did he have to ask her a question!?! Now she had to reply, but she couldn’t too far gone into the sneeze and she just brushed his hand off of her shoulder and held up a single finger telling him to give a minute. Of course she didn’t mean a literally minute, just a moment. Her nose however meant a literal minute.

A minute of tortuous burning in her nose, a minute of torturous gasping for breaths, a minute of stares from her friends, a minute before the entire sneeze just went away!

“Wow, Kate great show! I really thought you were gonna sneeze!” Mike laughed and turned back to talking with Sara.

I rolled my eyes still out of breath. As I looked out the window again from the passengers seat I felt Matt’s hand squeeze my shoulder and I attempted to go back to sleep.

Just as Kate started to drift off, the tickle in her nose started to drift forward towards the front of her nose. Determined not to make this one was dramatic as the last build-up. Katie curled into a ball with her wrist up to her nose. She wished she had tissues as she felt the mucus that had been blocking her nose moments early trying to make a break for it.

“Matt do you have tissue? I’m...ghhuhh...gonna sneeze...huhhh” She asked quietly, her breath causing her sentence to falter. He pointed to the glove box and she reached over as fast as she could to grab it. She found the tissues just as the sneeze ripped out of her, but she didn’t have time to cover her mouth, so she just curled forward and sneezed into her knees. Heccshhiew! HeccshhIEW!

A harsh double ripped out of her body, hurting her chest and through; and causing her head to pound even more. She blew her nose but found that no relief came. A chorus of ‘bless you’s came from everyone in the car except Matt. He just drove on quiet and she knew that once we got to the beach he would no longer be quiet.

Non of the rest of her friends seemed to be bothered by her two sneezes and for that she felt incredibly grateful.

They arrived at the beach house and hour later than they expected so Matt, Sara, Mike, and Carrie had left for the beach already. Kate said she would join them after a short nap and she had every intention to until she woke up. Freezing and not sure why Katie got up to turn off the AC and found out that it wasn’t on. A fever had started...This week was ruined for her, but she was determined not to ruin it for anyone else. Especially Matt.

Katie began to dig through her bag looking for Tylenol. When she felt a cool hand touch her neck.

“Oh my goodness Katie! I knew you were getting sick, but thought it was just a cold. You have a slight fever.” Matt kissed her forehead and helped her to stand up.

“I’m ok! Really! I was buried under all my blankets that probably why I feel warm. It is just a cold.” Katie lied, but he seemed to believe it. Or just decided to let it ride and not call her on it. “Lets go to the beach, I want to swim for a little bit.”

“The waters really cold, but its a beautiful beach.” Matt’s smile had returned to his face where moments ago there’d only been concern. He left the room and Katie got changed, shivering as she grabbed her towel and left her comfy warm bed behind.

Matt wasn’t kidding, the water was freezing! Katie already felt cold, by the time she had swam (for a few hours) and walked back to the beach house she couldn’t control the shivering anymore, but Matt said she didn’t feel warm anymore. Probably due to hypothermia!

So thankful for the hot-tub at the beach house Katie bolted straight for it. Matt joined her and the rest were looking for dinner options. The warm water felt wonderful, but the shivering didn’t cease one bit.

“You do realize every time I go to the beach with you, you end up getting sick or injured right?” He laughed. “Ever since we were kids! It’s always been the same. I remember our first beach trip with my family. You ended fall on a broken board on the deck at the beach house and broke your arm. Then the next day woke up with the sneeziest cold I think you’ve ever had.” Matt laughed and for a moment things were a little awkward.

They were so close then, she missed that. College happened and busy schedules. Matt had been gone for a couple years. Things changed, when he left she was fine with just being friends. Now however that changed. Katie wanted more than friendship. Did he too?

“and then on our second trip you ended up getting appendicitis and had to have emergency surgery leaving you in the hospital for three days and off the beach the rest of the trip.” Matt looked at her again with a look he’s never given Katie before. She couldn’t even describe it, but she liked it.

Hecccshiew! HechhiEW!! HeccSHIEW!!! Her stupid nose ruined the moment. Still shivering Katie climbed out of the hot tub and headed for the shower!

“Hey Kate,” Matt called after her.

“Yeah,” She grabbed her towel and shivered as another sneeze ripped through her. For a moment her head started to spin, but she quickly recovered.

“Nevermind, go shower then we can all watch a movie.”

Katie walked inside and took a shower. After her shower she felt even worse and laid down for a few moments, too quick to be overcome by a feverish sleep.

Sorry there aren't many sneezes in this chapter, but they will be coming. Hope you guys like it!

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  • 6 months later...

Sorry it took song lone to post again. Lost my motivation after only one reply. Thought it wasn't any good till I reread it yesterday and just started writing again. Loved writing it! Hope you guys love it. Warning: no throwing up, but she does feel like it at one point in the chapter. She does not get sick though, but I wanted to warn you guys. Sorry if I switch from third person to first person. I find writing first person natural, but I had started this one in third so it will stay that way.

Here it is.

Part 2:

Kate stepped into the shower, her entire body ached. She hadn’t stopped shivering since she woke up from her nap.

The shower didn’t do anything to help her. It didn’t even help with the congestion. Kate climbed into her sweat pants and sweat shirt. She looked in the mirror that hung on the closet door.

There was no denying it anymore, she looked sick. No way to hide the pallor of her face, or the rosy feverish cheeks. Her eyes looked glassy from the sinus pressure. Her throat was excruciating, it hurt to swallow. It hurt to move at all and then there was that incessant tickle that refused to do anything, but sit there.

She sat down on the bed and buried her face into her hands. How did she get so sick so fast? Sure last night she felt tired, but she felt fine this morning. She’d had the flu once and it’d been horrible, but this somehow felt worse than that.

A knock came from the door, but didn’t want to respond. It was Matt and he was only going to worry and spend the rest of the week taking care of her. As he always did.

Lost in her thought she hadn’t notice Matt open the door and walk in. Now he stood in front of her. Kate opened her mouth to say something, but ended up sneezing instead. out of no where the tickle had gotten stronger and she’d hardly had enough time to cover her mouth before the sneeze erupted from her ripping through her sinuses and throat.

“Bless you.” Matt said as he sat next to me. She didn’t say anything. It hurt to talk and besides another sneeze was pending and her focus was on stopping it. Matt must have noticed the struggle because he laughed quietly and grabbed some of the tissues out of the box on the night stand.

Hetchiew! Hetchiew! Hetchiew!” Kate gasped for breath hoping the fit would cease after three, but knowing better. “Hetchiew! ItchIEW! HepTCHIEW! hgnxt!” the last sneeze came out stifled in an attempt to stop the fit, but it only increased the sinus pressure and a moan escaped from her lips.

“I’m sorry, Matt. I felt completely fine this morning...”

“Don’t be sorry, I expected this so I came prepared.” Matt smiled and in his hands he had a bag of medicines, tissues, soup, and cough drops. Kate smiled and pinch the bridge of her nose in an effort to relive the sinus pressure. “Why does this always happen”

“I don’t know. Are you hungry?”

Kate nodded even though she really wasn’t. She hadn’t eaten anything and probably needed to. “Let’s go meet everyone for dinner. They left ahead of us. Mike said he was starving and needed to eat something. I told them to go ahead and that I’d wait.” Matt grabbed her shoes and waited patiently as Kate slipped them on and grabbed her purse, stuffing the entire box of tissues in it.

“So how is it being a college graduate?” Kate asked, trying to make light conversation to avoid the awkward silence.

“Great. It’s nice to be done with it. I start the police academy in September.” Relieved that the joy and smile had returned back to Matt’s face. Kate contained all her symptoms as much as she could. The AC in the car was blowing, making her shiver even more, but it was 98 degrees outside. It’d be unfair if she asked to turn it down. Eventually though her teeth started chattering and he reached over and turned on the heat.

“You’re going to dehydrate yourself if you turn on the heat for me.” Kate new her fever was getting higher and as much as she hated to do it, taking medicine was unavoidable at this point. Her nose hated her...Hetchiew! hhehhh hhcheiw! ishhoo! istiew!

Matt sighed. “I’m not worried about me. Maybe taking you out to dinner was a bad plan. You seem worse than earlier.”

“I’ll be ok. I don’t w...hihhh wwwhhhihh want tochiew! to ruin yoohihhhh...your trip. HeTCHIEW! HETCHIEW! Ugh... I dobt wabt do ruib bour trib.”

“Blow your nose, Kate. I cant understand you.”

Kate complies, but its nose use. Her nose is to blocked up to blow out anything.

They arrived at the restaurant and Matt slides into the booth next to Sara and Kate next to him.

“Hey, Kate. How are you feeling? Matt said you weren’t feeling well.” Sara asked. She looked Kate over and didn’t need an answer, but Kate answered anyway.

“It’s just a little cold. I’ll take some medicine when we get back to the house.” Kate ordered water and a salad, but by the time it came her nonexistent appetite had been replaced by nausea. The conversations around the table continued.

hihhh... huhhhh.” Kate put a fist under her nose. She didn’t not want to interrupt the conversation going on around her, but she was already on a losing streak with her nose. Why stop now? “Hethciew! Hetchiew! hetCHIEW! huuuhTCHIEW!

A chorus of ‘bless you’s went around the table.

“Dot...Hhhh...not done... HetCHIEW!” Kate grabbed her napkin and held in front of her face. “HetCHIEW! HeehtchIEW!” the tickles subsided and Kate rubbed her forehead. The table behind her had ordered seafood. The smell of seafood always made Kate a little nauseas, but today it wasn’t bearable.

“Kate, are you alright?” Sara asked, but Kate couldn’t respond. Trying to decide whether or not she would actually get sick she fought the nausea like she normally did, but ugh miserable. That’s all that could said about this.

“Sara’s right Kate, you look like you’re going to be sick.” Mike piped up from the corner. Matt just grabbed my hand.

“I’ll pay you back.” Was all I heard him say as he led me out to his truck. He opened the door for me to get in, but I didn’t want to get sick in his car.

“I’m gonna be sick...” Kate bent over, but nothing came. She didn’t get sick just felt like it. “Maybe not...HetHCIEW!

“It’s ok, we really needed to get you back and warmed up.”

Kate climbed into the car and closed her eyes. Her nose burned, but she was afraid if she sneezed again she would get sick and she was trying to fight that till they got back to the house. Matt started the truck and pulled out. The drive back to the house was quiet except for Kate’s hitching breaths.

Matt pulled in the drive way. “How are you feeling?”

“Not as nauseas, but I’d be lying if I said better.” Kate sat a few more moments with her eyes close. She heard Matt get out of the truck and open her door. His cool hand touched her forehead.

“Kate...this isn’t a cold. You definitely have a fever. Come on lets get you inside. Kate didn’t realize it hard started to rain. Now it was pouring and Matt was getting soaked. She climbed out of the truck and they went inside. Matt walking behind her prepared for her to pass out as she was known to do with fevers.

Kate collapsed on the couch. Matt walking around the room grabbing necessities. “Take this.” He handed her Motrin and a glass of water. She took it and he went to change of his wet clothes.

“You’re wet too.”

“I don’t have anymore sweats with me. I’m nhihhh...not thATCHIEW! HETCHIEW! HETCHIEW! HETCHIEW HEHISHIEW! HETCHIEW! I’b dot dat wed.”

He held out a tissue and Kate took it blowing hard and producing a slight gurgle sound, but nothing really moved or happened.

“Change into mine. They’ll be big, but I want to you warm and dry.” Matt went down stairs and grabbed his sweats and then I changed. He sat down on the couch and had started a movie Kate had never seen before. She curled up on the couch, wanting so badly to curl next to him, but not wanting to cross an awkward boundary.

“You can lay your head on my lap if it’d be more comfortable.” He didn’t take his eyes off the TV.

“I’ll probably sneeze on you.” Kate smiled. He smiled back.

“I’ll take a shower, besides you haven’t sneezed in 5 minutes. Your done right.”

Kate laughed. She laid her head on his lap and sure enough the tickle returned with a vengence, but she fought it. She didn’t want to have to sit up. “hihhhh....huhhh...HETCHIEW! HETCHIEW! HETCHIEW! hhhhHITCHEW!... HETCHEIW! hnnngxt! HETCHIEW! huhhh hUtCHEIW! HETCHEIW! uTCHEIW! ”

“Bless you times 10.”

Hope you guys like it. Already working on the next installment.

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She grabbed her towel and shivered as another sneeze ripped through her.

Especially loved the above quote! :D Enjoyed reading this and looking forwards to more...?

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Part 3:

Matt sat and watched Kate sleep. Once her sneezing fit had ended she fell asleep instantly. Occasionally Matt would feel her forehead to check her fever. It was going down, but still higher than he would like. He hated to see her sick, but he loved taking care of her. Always had. Her immune system sucked and she spent much of her time sick. Sometimes it would be a mild cold, but more often than not it got serious. The flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, mono. You name it she’s mostly likely had it.

She always feels so bad about it too. Thinking it’ll ruin whatever their doing. Sometimes it would when she would cancel or end up too sick to do anything. Matt enjoyed taking care of her. The movie had ended and Mike and Sara had come back from dinner, so they started another movie.

“How long has she been asleep?” Sara asked. None of them were surprised she was sick. They just all wished she wasn’t.

“About two hours now.” Matt had been running his fingers through her soft brown hair. Her cheeks with pink but she looked miserable. At least she hadn’t started coughing. Maybe it would be just a virus and she would get better quickly.

“Hopefully, she’ll sleep the rest of the night.” Mike said sitting next to Sara on the love seat.

“I hope so, but doubt it. I think she’ll start waking up in about an hour when the medicines start to wear off.” Matt could already feel her fever starting to go back up a little. Medicines never lasted in her system as long as they should, but still she wouldn’t be able to take more for a while.

The movie played on and Matt himself had almost fallen asleep when he felt Kate’s body start to jerk. He grabbed a tissue off the table and placed it in front of her face and waited. She would sneeze herself awake, at least he could help her keep Sara and Mike healthy by covering her nose for her. If they got sick it would make Kate feel really bad and she would end up getting it again most likely.

hihhhh...hitchiew! hitchiew! hitchiew!” Kate’s body curled into itself as she sneezed. She opened her eyes and grabbed the tissue from Matt.

“Bless you.” He smiled and she laid back down with a groan.

“Hey Kate, feeling any better?” Sara looked up from her curled up position next to Mike.

“Not really.”

Matt’s hear sunk. Her voice sounded so hoarse. Her throat must hurt so badly.

HeTChiew! Hetchiew! HeTCHIEW! hetcHIEW! Hetchiew! hhhuhhh...hetchiew! hihh hiihhh...hitchiew!! HETCHEIW! HETCHIEW!” Kate curled into herself as each sneeze ripped through her fragile body. Matt ran his fingers through her hair with one hand and grabbed her more tissues with the other. “HetHCIEW! hetchiew! hhuh huh...HETCHIEW! HETCHIEW! Hnngxxt! hnngxt! hnxxt!”

“Kate don’t hold them it. It only makes you feel worse.”

HEtCHIEW! hwtchiew... hihhhh... hihhh huhhh. hUUHhhih...” Matt smiled. It was stuck. Not wanting her to keep sneezing, but knowing this was more miserable, Matt ran his index finger ever so lightly across her nose. So gently barely touching her nose at all, but so lightly that he knew she would sneeze. Well he hoped that she would, for her sake.

Matt could feel her body against him. Her breath hitching horribly, but still no sneeze. Matt moved his finger under her nose and started tickling it by touching it lightly.

“Ma...hihhh... Matt... hihhh...HETCHIEW!” her hand was blocked by Matt’s over her nose and she ended up sneezing into his hand.

“I’b sorry. I didn’t meab do sdeeze od you.”

Matt handed her some more tissues and she blew her nose. Sara decided she was going to go to bed and Mike decided the same thing not long after that.

“How are you feeling?” Matt shut off the TV. He wasn’t watching and he knew Kate wasn’t either.

“Horrible! My throat hurts, my head hurts, my body aches, I’m freezing, my sinuses hurt, my nose is completely blocked up and running at the same time, and my nose wont stop itching.”

Matt continued to run his fingers through Kate’s hair until she fell back to sleep. Matt had almost fallen asleep for the second time when he was startled upright by the coughing and shivering in his lap. He checked his watch. Definitely time for more medicine.

“I’ll be right back, you need more medicine.” Kate sat up so Matt could get up. He went into the kitchen ignoring the headache that had started earlier at the beach. He hadn’t gotten good sleep in days. Unsure for sure of the cause, but most likely the anticipation of seeing Kate since the summer when he’d been trying to ignore his feelings, but now he wants to tell her how he feels. Now he wasn’t sure he’d get to tell her this week. He wanted it to be special. He loved her and he wanted to show her that, but this illness was putting obstacles in his way.

He grabbed the medicine and walked back into the living room. “Here take this.”

She did, which he knew wasn’t a good sign, but was glad she did. Kate was too stubborn a lot and always waited till she couldn’t bear it anymore before she took something for it. She always said it doesn’t really work anyway why take it.

She laid back down on the couch and I sat on the floor by her head. She smiled. “Sorry for sneezing on you earlier.”

“It’s ok, you know the deal. I have only ever caught your illnesses twice, both times when I was majorly stressed and had hardly any sleep for days prior. We both know my immune system is beast.”

Kate laughed and Matt smiled

“I wish you felt better.” He whispered.

“I know, me too. I feel like this whole week was ruined because of this.”

“Don’t feel that way. It’s not ruined. We get to hang out and watch movies all week and when you feel up to it we’ll go down to the beach and take a short walk or something.” Matt really hoped she was up to going for a walk soon. He didn’t want to wait till the week was over and he’d have to go back home and so would she.

“Cab you habd be dissues!” Matt gave a sly grin as he grabbed them but held them out of her reach. “Serioubly! I’b godda sdeeze!” Her breath started hitching, but still Matt held them out of her reach. Oh how badly he resisted the urge to kiss her. She looked so cute trying to fight off the sneeze. Just before it was to late Matt gave her the tissues and she sneezed, or so he’d thought before it was too late. She sneezed into the air and Matt could feel some of the mist from the sneeze.

HETCHIEW!” Just a single sneeze so far that was good. Kate blew her nose and it sounded gurgly and wet.

“Sounds like the decongestants are working.” He smiled.

“You’re mean.” Kate said with a fake pout on her face. She was playful, must mean her fever is going down again.

“I know.” Matt grabbed a tissue as he felt a sudden tickle in his own nose. Herishoo! He sneezed and blew his nose. Weird, maybe his allergies were starting to act up although there wasn’t anything he was allergic to around here.

“You’re immune system may not be as beast as you thought. I hope you’re not getting this.” Kate sighed.

“Nah, it was just one sneeze. We both know that when I get sick I never sneeze just once.” He was just tired and that was a fluke sneeze. He would make sure to take some vitamin C in the morning. Kate seemed to buy it anyway. It was the truth. Matt tried to contain a yawn but couldn’t.

“Go get some sleep. I’ll stay on top of my medicine, I promise.”

“I don’t like to leave you alone. You have the tendency to make a drastic turn for the worse when left alone. I don’t know how you survived the last few years without me there.” Matt joked.

“Oh the ego.” Kate laughed and Matt curled up on the love seat. He was extremely tired and his head still hurt. Sleep should fix that problem. Within seconds Matt’s mind had wandered into dream land.

hope you guys liked it :)

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Part 4

Kate sat and watched Matt sleep. She knew how tired he was. She could tell that he hadn’t been sleeping. The look of concern that had been planted on his face since her sneezing fit in the car earlier was gone as he slept so peacefully.

Her nose started to itch again. Goodness! Why couldn’t it just leave her alone. “HETCHIEW!” The sneeze irrupted loud and she noticed Matt stir a little as the next sneeze began to build up. She couldn’t move. She grabbed some tissues to try to muffle her stifles and sneezes that were sure to come, but when she felt her nose starting to run as the sneeze continues to build and build. She knew it’d be a mess. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she stood up and went out on the porch.

HeTCHIEW! HetCHIEW! HHHESSHIEW!! HESHIEW! EETCHIEW! eTCHIEW! hehhh heheh hhhi’ihh hi’TCHIEW! HATCHIEW!” Ugh! She felt awful again all the sudden. The medicine had been working and she’d started to feel human again. Like a sick human, but human. Now...uck she felt miserable. “HESHIEW!” Her tissues was already too sodden for use. She should’ve brought the whole box with her. The cool night air wasn’t helping. “heatchiew! heshiew! shiheshioo! eheheehthcieew! HeTCHIEW! HETCIEW! hh’hh HET’CHIEW! hih’‘hihshiew! HCIEW! CHIEW! CHIEW! CHIEW! HETCHIEW!”

Her head pulsed as she sat down on the deck chair. Her nose wasn’t finished. She could feel it. That feeling when you need to sneeze, but it’s too subtle to start your breathing hitching. She tried her best to inhale slowly through her nose, but it wouldn’t come. It was stuck, at least she wasn’t stuck in pre-sneeze state.

“Why are you out here?” Matt asked as he sat next to her.

“I didn’t want do wake you wid by sdeezigg.” Thankful for the tissues he handed her. “I guess I didn’t succeed. “

“No, it wasn’t you. I just woke up for some reason.”

Kate couldn’t really tell in the lighting very well and maybe it was just her paranoia, but Matt looked a little pale. His nose had his trademark allergy/sick red tinge to it. “You’re sick aren’t you?”

“No, Kate, really I’m not sick. I think Sara might have sprayed something before she went to bed.”

Kate looked at him and smiled because he knew the meaning of that look. List your symptoms.

“A small headache, runny nose, occasional sneeze, itchy eyes.” Matt grabbed a tissues and dabbed at his nose and Kate felt a little relieved. She felt bad that he felt a little bad, but she was very glad it wasn’t this monster cold or whatever it was she had. Then her returned the look. Kate sighed.”

“Massive headache, major sore throat, stuffy/runny nose, fever, nausea on and off, not much coughing, but a little bit.” Kate felt it all hit her again like a brick wall. She moaned a little as she buried her head in her hands.

“Lets go inside.” Matt grabbed her hands and led her back to the couch where he sat down and she curled into him. Her face buried in his chest, his arms holding her close to him. Occasionally she felt his chest rise rapidly, but then his sneeze would subside and never come.

Kate had almost fallen back to sleep when her nose started to torment her again. Matt was rubbing her back and it felt good, but with the position they were in she couldn’t cover her nose. She tried to warn him, but he didn’t listen. “Hempfht!” She sneezed a muffled sneeze into his chest. Soaking his shirt with snot and sneeze spray.

“I’b sorry.”

He didn’t respond and Kate looked up at his face. He was deep in thought. “HETCHIEW!” The sneeze snuck up on Kate! She had no time to cover her mouth or turn away! Oh no she just sneezed on him again.

“I’m so sorry. I think I’m making it pretty unavoidable that you will get this.”

“Are you up for a walk?” He asked in a whisper. Something had changed. Matt had grown tense. The room had grown thick. Kate didn’t really feel up to a walk, but it must be important to Matt for his demeanor to change so much almost instantaneously.

“Yeah, lets go.” Kate stood up to grab her shoes. Ignoring the dizziness and the calling of sleep. Kate’s nose had finally calmed down, but the minute to the cool air hit it again it began to run and itch all too much. She’d grabbed some tissues she just hoped they’d be enough.

Matt and Kate walked in silence to the beach. Once on the beach Kate’s breath was taken away. She’d never been on the beach at night. It was beautiful. The waves, the color of everything looked like a deep blue. The moon shone high in the sky and the stars were glorious. A gentle cool breeze that would have normally felt amazing, but right now only sent chills down her already cold body.

They continued to walk in silence. Matt looked deep in thought. Kate didn’t want to interrupt that. He looked somewhat tormented, but it was peaceful in the silence with just the sound of the waves and their steady breathing, well Matt’s steady breathing. Kate’s was hitching again.

“Hnngxt! Hetchiew! htehiew! hhhihh’hh hihechiew! Hetchiew! hetchiew! hetCHIEW! hetchIEW! HETCHIEW.”

Matt didn’t say anything, he just looked at Kate with the same look in the hot tub. Kate’s stomach danced with butterflies.

“Bless you.” Is all he said.

“Thanks. HETCHIEW!” Ugh! Kate hated sneezes that came out of nowhere. They didn’t give her time to do anything. Thankfully she was just with Matt. He already knew how she felt about it and knew how to make her feel better about the sudden outbursts.

“Kate, I love you.”

“I love you too, Matt.” They’d been saying this for years, they grew up together.

“No, Kate. I’m in love with you. I have been for years.” Matt was looking straight into her eyes. The depth of the sincerity and his look made Kate smile. She’d been longing secretly to hear those words for a year now, maybe longer. Tears of joy were coming to her eyes. It was overwhelming and terrifying at the same time.

“I love you too.” Kate saw the smile lighting up his face. He took a step closer to her and put his hand on her face. Kate hoped she was right about what was coming next, but in the back of her mind she knew this wouldn’t turn out well. Another sneeze was coming and Matt was moving in for their first kiss. Kate had longed for this so much, she could hold off the sneeze.

Matt’s lips touched her so gently. He kissed her like she never thought was possible. Such love and gentleness. A sweet soft loving kiss. Kate was caught up in the moment she didn’t notice the itching become stronger until to late. Kate broke off quickly. “HETCHIEW! HETCHIEW! HETCHIEW!” Straight into his shoulder. “Sss...sorryTCHIEW! HETCHIEW!”

Matt didn’t say anything just lifted her chin up to look at him. He smiled and her breath was already hitching, but Matt wouldn’t let go. She was about to sneeze all over him and he wasn’t giving her an option in the matter. He kissed her again. Breath taken away, sneeze disappeared momentarily and Kate kissed him back. They didn’t separate until Kate started to feel light headed. She was shivering even more now, but hadn’t noticed the temperature drop. At least her temp. Her fever must be climbing again. Her body ached again and her head hurt, but that was the perfect moment.

“Matt,” He looked at her with a sparkle in his eyes that Kate had never seen before and she hoped that it was her who had put it there. “I don’t feel well.”

He leaned up and kissed her forehead. The smile faded.

“Your fever is higher. Come on lets go back.”

Kate nodded and she coughed a few times. Her chest was starting to feel tight. She knew this cold was getting worse by the second and now how could Matt not get this. They’d just kissed. Kate only hoped Matt would think it was worth it. If the roles were reverse she would have.

They were almost back to the house, but Kate had started to feel really weak, and lightheaded. Between her tight chest and sore ticklish throat she kept coughing every few seconds. Dry, harsh coughs. Matt was walking next to her talking about her illness and something about the doctors tomorrow, but Kate couldn’t really pay attention to what he was saying. She was focussing on not passing out.

“Matt...” Kate stopped walking and put her hand to her head. She felt awful, her whole mind was just swimming right now. Matt had turned to face her and she could feel his arm around her. “I need to sit down.” Matt led her to the side of the road they’d been walking on and helped her sit down on the curb.

“Are you okay?” Matt knelt in front of her and placed his hand on her forehead.

“Dizzy, achey, weak. I don’t have the energy to keep walking.” Kate coughed harshly into her hands.

“Okay, we’re almost there. I can carry you the rest of the way.” Matt picked her up bridal style and Kate began to drift off in his arms. Everything in her body hurt.


Matt put her in the truck, sent Sara and Mike texts letting him know he was taking Kate to the ER. Her fever had risen too high for comfort and she’d started coughing. Her breathing had a wheeze to it and the pallor of her skin had him scared. She’d fallen asleep while he was carrying her and he wasn’t sure that it was a good thing.

Why had he asked her to go for a walk? Why had he believed her when she said she felt up to it? He knew she didn’t. Yet he dragged her out anyway. He’d done a poor job in showing his love for her.

He pulled in at the hospital.

“Kate, wake up hun. We’re going to see a doctor now.”

Kate groaned, but never opened her eyes. He left the truck idling and carried her inside. “Help, my friends running a very high fever and she passed out.” Nurses immediately brought over a wheelchair and another nurse checked her temperature. Matt didn’t see what it said, but the nurse who got the wheelchair told him to have a seat and they rushed Kate away.

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sweet .. and a little scary. I hope katie is ok and matt doesn't feel too guilty (although he could feel a bit sicker...) :-)

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Part 5

Matt’s headache had grown worse. He’d been in the waiting room for two hours now with no news on how Kate was doing. It didn’t help that the women next to him was doused in perfume. His allergies were going wild. His sinuses burned, but he’d taken his allergy medicine when they started bothering him earlier. So the sneezing was under control.

The nurse who’d take Kate’s temperature earlier came up to him.

“She keeps asking for you. Her fever is dangerously high. They have ice bags on her trying to get it down. You can see her, but you have to know the doctors are doing what they are doing to help her not hurt her.”

Matt nodded. He stood up to follow her and his nose started to itch madly. Afraid if he sneezed they wouldn’t let him see her; he fought it back. With each step he followed the nurse his nose began to itch more. His breath hitched once and he held his breath hoping the need to sneeze would recede. It didn’t but he continued to fight it. He was losing! He didn’t like losing. His nostrils were now flaring and his eyes watering. He rubbed his nose and the itch receded a little, but only briefly. The nurse led him into Kate’s room and the lights were so bright. He closed his eyes and knew the battle was over. “Herishoo! HErchiew! herishoo!” the need to sneeze was still there, but it had calmed down into a dull tickle not a burning need for release.

He looked up at Kate and she’d seen him sneeze... He only hoped she was too dazed from medications or fever to notice or pay attention to it. He’d sneezed three time in a row. Maybe allergies weren’t the problem, but he would deny it until it was undeniable anymore.

“Sick?” Was all Kate said. Her eyes were still closed and her face was pale and looked clammy.

“No, allergies.”

“Sneeze more than once?”

Rage was almost bubbling up inside of him. She was in the hospital! Was she really concerned about him? Mind blown Matt sat next her and grabbed her hand.

“There was a woman in the waiting room who went swimming in perfume.”

Kate smiled and had fallen back to sleep. Matt sat there and brushed his finger over her hand for a few hours.

Kate’s fever broke the next night after the doctor had started pumping antibiotics in her. She’d been diagnosed with, bronchitis, strep throat, a sinus infection, and a double ear infection. Poor girl was so sick. The next morning the released Kate. They went back to the beach house where she was on bed rest for the next week. Matt decided to extend the trip, and Mike and Sara loved the idea. So they had another week together and she would be better soon. Kate was feeling so much better now and was starting to enjoy the trip. Turned out Matt was only having an allergies the other day; however, today he’d woken up with a sore throat. He climbed into the shower to try to clear his sinuses, but they didn’t want to clear.

Herishchiew! Herichiew! Hershiew!” Her bent forward sneezing at the floor as he grabbed his towel and dried off. He didn’t mind colds. Sometimes he even enjoyed them, but today he just wanted to climb back into bed. They had plans today. In about three hours everyone else would be waking up and getting ready to go to breakfast then the aquarium. “Herishiew! HerishEW! HerISHIEW!” He needed to get his sneezing under control before they went. He didn’t want anyone to know he was feeling sick. Kate would feel horrible, but Matt didn’t regret the kiss or taking care of her even if he was sick.

Matt got dressed and went upstairs to the kitchen. Kate was on the porch reading a book. He didn’t realize she was awake yet. It was 5 am. He needed to blow his nose, but if he grabbed tissues she would know. He could play it off on allergies, but only for so long. Kate knew the difference between his allergies and when he was sick. Sometimes before he even did.

“Couldn’t sleep?” Matt said and inwardly noted the slight congested tone to his voice. Grateful that it wasn’t noticeable to anyone else yet, but if it had already started it would only get worse from here.

“Yeah, I was thinking about last week.” Kate’s smile lit up her face. The sparkle had come back to her eyes once the fever broke. Matt thought back over the last week. It had been great outside of Kate’s illness. Even then it wasn’t so bad until the fever wouldn’t break. Matt had enjoyed taking care of her. He hated that he couldn’t fix it and make her feel better right away, but he wanted to take care of her. For the rest of his life he wanted to care for her.

Her hair was pulled back in a braid and she wore her jean shorts and a sweatshirt curled up in the chair. She’d put the book down in her lap. Her beauty had always blown him away. Inner and outer. She’d been his best friend for years. She’d been there for him through his parents divorce and his father’s suicide. She’d let him hide under her bed when they were kids and his mom was drunk again. Her parents had taken care of him. It was his family. He’d vowed never to go down the path that his parents walked and he’d made a commitment to himself and God to be a better man and husband.

“Are you okay?” Kate interrupted his thoughts. She touched his arm and he hadn’t notice her get up and walk up next to him.

“Thank you...” Matt voice came out cracked. He sighed. “Thank you for loving me through it all.” Hoping maybe she might think the crack in his voice came from emotions and not illness. He let the moment grow somber as they both remembered the joys and pain in their childhood. Kate’s parents had been such a great model in how a marriage should be. They loved each other so much and Kate loved them and her siblings as well. When Kate’s mom got sick with cancer Matt had been there. He’d called her everyday while away at college to check in. When her mom made a turn for the worse Matt dropped the classes he could and failed the one’s he couldn’t, to come home and be with them. His family. It took two weeks of sitting on the edge waiting for death to come, when Kate’s mom started to get better.

“I don’t know what to say.” Kate whispered as she wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his back. They stood in silence for a long while. Matt’s body has started to ache and he wanted to sit down, but the comfort and warmth of Kate’s arms around him were too enticing to resist. He didn’t move. This moment would never end.

His throat had become so sore. He knew a cough would be starting by this evening. He tried to clear his throat a little. It didn’t work and didn’t go unnoticed either. Just as Kate asked him if he was okay again. His nose had started to run. The itch that had been sitting in the depths of his sinuses now rapidly burned through his entire nose. He gasped for breath, his chest rising and falling rapidly. His nostrils had started flaring and his eyes fluttered shut. He could feel the sneeze desperately starting to rip through him.

huhhh... Herishiew! Herishiew! Hershiew! Heri’shEIW!” He bent forward with each sneeze that tore through his body. Kate hadn’t let go and he turned to face her.

“Bless you.” It was all she said. Matt wanted to desperately to sit down, but knew if he did Kate would know he was sick. He was quickly running out of energy to hide it.

HerSHIEW! HETCHEIW! hehh hhe’shiEW!” His head hurt, he needed to sit down now.

“I’m sorry.” Kate sat next to him, but was looking at the ground. Matt lifted her chin to face him.

“It was worth it.”

The End

Hope you guys liked it. I didn't want the story to feel like it was dragging on.

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Part 5

Matt’s headache had grown worse. He’d been in the waiting room for two hours now with no news on how Kate was doing. It didn’t help that the women next to him was doused in perfume. His allergies were going wild. His sinuses burned, but he’d taken his allergy medicine when they started bothering him earlier. So the sneezing was under control.

The nurse who’d take Kate’s temperature earlier came up to him.

“She keeps asking for you. Her fever is dangerously high. They have ice bags on her trying to get it down. You can see her, but you have to know the doctors are doing what they are doing to help her not hurt her.”

Matt nodded. He stood up to follow her and his nose started to itch madly. Afraid if he sneezed they wouldn’t let him see her; he fought it back. With each step he followed the nurse his nose began to itch more. His breath hitched once and he held his breath hoping the need to sneeze would recede. It didn’t but he continued to fight it. He was losing! He didn’t like losing. His nostrils were now flaring and his eyes watering. He rubbed his nose and the itch receded a little, but only briefly. The nurse led him into Kate’s room and the lights were so bright. He closed his eyes and knew the battle was over. “Herishoo! HErchiew! herishoo!” the need to sneeze was still there, but it had calmed down into a dull tickle not a burning need for release.

He looked up at Kate and she’d seen him sneeze... He only hoped she was too dazed from medications or fever to notice or pay attention to it. He’d sneezed three time in a row. Maybe allergies weren’t the problem, but he would deny it until it was undeniable anymore.

“Sick?” Was all Kate said. Her eyes were still closed and her face was pale and looked clammy.

“No, allergies.”

“Sneeze more than once?”

Rage was almost bubbling up inside of him. She was in the hospital! Was she really concerned about him? Mind blown Matt sat next her and grabbed her hand.

“There was a woman in the waiting room who went swimming in perfume.”

Kate smiled and had fallen back to sleep. Matt sat there and brushed his finger over her hand for a few hours.

Kate’s fever broke the next night after the doctor had started pumping antibiotics in her. She’d been diagnosed with, bronchitis, strep throat, a sinus infection, and a double ear infection. Poor girl was so sick. The next morning the released Kate. They went back to the beach house where she was on bed rest for the next week. Matt decided to extend the trip, and Mike and Sara loved the idea. So they had another week together and she would be better soon. Kate was feeling so much better now and was starting to enjoy the trip. Turned out Matt was only having an allergies the other day; however, today he’d woken up with a sore throat. He climbed into the shower to try to clear his sinuses, but they didn’t want to clear.

Herishchiew! Herichiew! Hershiew!” Her bent forward sneezing at the floor as he grabbed his towel and dried off. He didn’t mind colds. Sometimes he even enjoyed them, but today he just wanted to climb back into bed. They had plans today. In about three hours everyone else would be waking up and getting ready to go to breakfast then the aquarium. “Herishiew! HerishEW! HerISHIEW!” He needed to get his sneezing under control before they went. He didn’t want anyone to know he was feeling sick. Kate would feel horrible, but Matt didn’t regret the kiss or taking care of her even if he was sick.

Matt got dressed and went upstairs to the kitchen. Kate was on the porch reading a book. He didn’t realize she was awake yet. It was 5 am. He needed to blow his nose, but if he grabbed tissues she would know. He could play it off on allergies, but only for so long. Kate knew the difference between his allergies and when he was sick. Sometimes before he even did.

“Couldn’t sleep?” Matt said and inwardly noted the slight congested tone to his voice. Grateful that it wasn’t noticeable to anyone else yet, but if it had already started it would only get worse from here.

“Yeah, I was thinking about last week.” Kate’s smile lit up her face. The sparkle had come back to her eyes once the fever broke. Matt thought back over the last week. It had been great outside of Kate’s illness. Even then it wasn’t so bad until the fever wouldn’t break. Matt had enjoyed taking care of her. He hated that he couldn’t fix it and make her feel better right away, but he wanted to take care of her. For the rest of his life he wanted to care for her.

Her hair was pulled back in a braid and she wore her jean shorts and a sweatshirt curled up in the chair. She’d put the book down in her lap. Her beauty had always blown him away. Inner and outer. She’d been his best friend for years. She’d been there for him through his parents divorce and his father’s suicide. She’d let him hide under her bed when they were kids and his mom was drunk again. Her parents had taken care of him. It was his family. He’d vowed never to go down the path that his parents walked and he’d made a commitment to himself and God to be a better man and husband.

“Are you okay?” Kate interrupted his thoughts. She touched his arm and he hadn’t notice her get up and walk up next to him.

“Thank you...” Matt voice came out cracked. He sighed. “Thank you for loving me through it all.” Hoping maybe she might think the crack in his voice came from emotions and not illness. He let the moment grow somber as they both remembered the joys and pain in their childhood. Kate’s parents had been such a great model in how a marriage should be. They loved each other so much and Kate loved them and her siblings as well. When Kate’s mom got sick with cancer Matt had been there. He’d called her everyday while away at college to check in. When her mom made a turn for the worse Matt dropped the classes he could and failed the one’s he couldn’t, to come home and be with them. His family. It took two weeks of sitting on the edge waiting for death to come, when Kate’s mom started to get better.

“I don’t know what to say.” Kate whispered as she wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his back. They stood in silence for a long while. Matt’s body has started to ache and he wanted to sit down, but the comfort and warmth of Kate’s arms around him were too enticing to resist. He didn’t move. This moment would never end.

His throat had become so sore. He knew a cough would be starting by this evening. He tried to clear his throat a little. It didn’t work and didn’t go unnoticed either. Just as Kate asked him if he was okay again. His nose had started to run. The itch that had been sitting in the depths of his sinuses now rapidly burned through his entire nose. He gasped for breath, his chest rising and falling rapidly. His nostrils had started flaring and his eyes fluttered shut. He could feel the sneeze desperately starting to rip through him.

huhhh... Herishiew! Herishiew! Hershiew! Heri’shEIW!” He bent forward with each sneeze that tore through his body. Kate hadn’t let go and he turned to face her.

“Bless you.” It was all she said. Matt wanted to desperately to sit down, but knew if he did Kate would know he was sick. He was quickly running out of energy to hide it.

HerSHIEW! HETCHEIW! hehh hhe’shiEW!” His head hurt, he needed to sit down now.

“I’m sorry.” Kate sat next to him, but was looking at the ground. Matt lifted her chin to face him.

“It was worth it.”

The End

Hope you guys liked it. I didn't want the story to feel like it was dragging on.

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  • 4 weeks later...

not dragging on at all... a second week at the beach, eh? I think turnabout is fair play for matt...

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